There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 784: Get out and kneel!

"You interrupted my wife and kids eating!"

Lin Nan spoke coldly, without even turning his head back!

"Get out and kneel!"


Deathly silence!

Everyone present thought that they had misheard, one by one, as if they were petrified, froze in place, staring at Lin Nan's back!

Because Lin Nan didn't even turn his head back!

He said these words with his back facing the semi-holy!

"what did you say?"

The semi-sacred sword stopped and looked back at Lin Nan in surprise!

"It's interesting. You are the first person who dared to talk to me like this. Are you from a different place? It is inevitable that you don't know the rules of Huangfeng City. If so, you guys should teach him the rules!" Huangfu Shujian laughed Tao.

"Yes! Master!"

The semi-sage who was called out by Lin Nan, his face was extremely gloomy!

As a semi-saint, for some large families, it is also an enshrined existence. In front of ordinary people, the status and status can be comparable to the emperor of the world!


The person in front of him actually told him to get out?

"Didn't you hear? The master told you to get out and kneel—!"

Lin Canghai stepped out and shouted sharply.

On the first floor of the entire restaurant, everyone raised their heads in horror, looked at Lin Canghai, they were all shocked!

No one thought that facing a semi-sage, the other party could still have this attitude?

"court death!"

The half-holy who was being scolded, his old face alternated with blue and red, and his shame was extremely shameful. In his capacity, even the city lord of Huangfeng City, he was a little polite to do things!

The person in front of him scolded him like this? And in front of so many people!

When the voice fell, an invisible wave of air surged towards Lin Canghai!

"Holy majesty, it turned out to be holy majesty!"

Many people were pale and took dozens of steps back in a row. They barely stood firm until their backs leaned against the wall. Sweat had poured out all over, and their bodies were trembling slightly. At the same time, they lowered their heads in fear, not daring to look straight ahead!




Everyone just felt that there was a ringing in their ears, and they couldn't help sighing in their hearts!

‘Half-Holy takes action, these people have no chance to survive! ’

‘Isn’t this trying to kill myself by saying such big words in front of the Son of the City Lord? ’

'Ugh! ’

Many people in the restaurant thought secretly.

Everyone thought that Lin Nan and the others were dead, but it was a pity that the little girl who looked exactly the same as she was carved and carved!

Some people even felt it, someone flew out from the ear, carrying the wind...

A wind...

Two winds...

Three winds...

Four winds...

Five Winds...

Lin Nan's family of four, plus Lin Canghai, makes exactly five people!

Six winds...

Seven winds...

Eight winds...

"Huh? No, they only have five people in total, why..."

Everyone felt very strange in their hearts. Many people raised their heads, but saw an unforgettable scene in this lifetime!

I see.

Lin Nan and others were still sitting there. Instead, they were on the side of Huangfu Shujian, including the three and a half saints, as well as more than a dozen followers of Huangfu Shujian, all flew out from the door of the restaurant and landed heavily. On the street outside the restaurant!





There was a burst of sound of landing, and every time a person lands, everyone's hearts tremble gently with the sound of landing!

Everyone was shocked and turned their heads in horror, looking in the direction of the restaurant's entrance!

But, the next second!


Everyone said in unison, took a breath, and was dumbfounded!

I saw Huangfu Shujian and others, including the three semi-sages, all kneeling at the entrance of the restaurant, their faces pale!

The three semi-sages were even more shocked and sweating!


The semi-sage who clamored the most serious just now swallowed a mouthful of foam, his eyes were protruding, and he trembled:

"Guru! He... how did he do it?"

With his cultivation base, he hadn't even seen clearly how Lin Nan made his move, and he had already flown out and knelt outside the restaurant's door!

The first floor of the entire restaurant fell into a dead silence again!

This time!

It was a real dead silence, everyone's heart and breathing had to stop, only Lin Nan and his family were still eating there calmly!

Lin Canghai respectfully waited on the sidelines, as if all of this was taken for granted!

Saint Paul was lying on the side, witnessing the whole process, his eyes widened!

It's been nearly a month since I came to Gaowu Realm, and Saint Paul clearly knows what it means to be a half saint!

Even if there are a hundred celestial beings here, they are not an opponent of a half-sage, but Lin Nan is alone, directly suppressing three half-sages?

No longer think about it.

"Mr. Lin!"

St. Paul was trembling with excitement, and rushed over quickly. When he was ten meters away from Lin Nan, he knelt to the ground with a thud, tears of excitement!

If it weren't for Lin Nan's move, I am afraid that he has been cut off by someone now, really like a dog, crawling out of this restaurant!

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for saving my horrible life for not considering the predecessors!"

"You don't need to thank me. If you want to, thank my wife. She said that she is all from the earth and will not be bullied by aliens, so I will take action!

Lin Nan said lightly, her expression calm!

"Thank you Ms. Liu!"

Saint Paul once again made a serious gift to Liu Ruqing!

"Okay, you are so old, and you are from the same place. The grievances and grievances have passed. Seeing you being bullied, I can't see it!" Liu Ruqing smiled lightly and shook her head!

"Ms. Liu's great favor is like remaking!"

St. Paul said solemnly, facing Liu Ruqing once again, giving nine European noble gifts in a row, very solemnly!


"Mr. Lin, you should go! This is not the earth. You don't know how terrifying the owner of this city is. I once saw with my own eyes a dragon passing by here and was killed by the owner of this city on the spot! "

Although he saw it with his own eyes, Lin Nan directly suppressed the three and a half saints and made them kneel outside the restaurant!

However, compared with the entire Huangfeng City, the three semi-sages are nothing at all. In the city lord mansion of Huangfeng City, there are a hundred semi-sages, and the strength of the city lord is unfathomable!

Saint Paul does not think Lin Nan will be the opponent of the lord of Huangfeng City!

Facing Saint Paul’s words, Lin Nan just waved his hand slightly:

"No problem! Eat!"

After speaking, he ignored St. Paul again, with a bright smile on his face, and said: "Mo'er taste this, Ling'er, you have one too!"

Seeing this scene, everyone on the first floor of the restaurant was dumbfounded, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly!

At this time, Lin Nan is still in the eat?

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