There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 786: Go out and kneel, don't disturb my master eating!

"Something happened to my son? What's the matter?"

Huangfu Canglan suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the entrance of the hall. After the reporter entered the hall, he immediately fell to his knees!

"Yes, the city lord, the third son is in the restaurant in the city. Because a young man spilled the drink on him, the third son punished the young man! But halfway through, he killed a man who was doing nosy, not only wounded the third son , And also let San Gongzi kneel outside the gate of the restaurant, attracting tens of thousands of onlookers!"

Said the informant.

What's going to happen, I said it all!

"What? Make my son kneel?"

When Huangfu Canglan heard this, he was furious!

"Let's go! I want to see who the **** is, dare to attack my son in this Huangfeng City!"

Huangfu Canglan was angry and violent, a terrifying aura exploded all over him!


The entire City Lord's Mansion trembled slightly!

The next moment, Huangfu Canglan turned into a wave of air, and flew out of the city lord’s mansion like a rainbow. Behind him, with 10,000 soldiers and dozens of semi-saints, he headed towards the restaurant where Huangfu Shujian knelt down. Go!

"What's going on?"

In Huangfeng City, countless monks all raised their heads in astonishment and looked towards the sky!

"Don't you know, Huangfeng City is forbidden? Who is so brave to fly in the city?" Many cultivators were surprised!

"It's the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, it seems to be Lord City Lord!"

"My Lord City Lord? Hiss! With such a big movement, something must happen! Go, follow up and see!"

As a result, a large number of monks appeared from the inn and the deep house compound in the city, walked onto the street, followed Huangfu Canglan, and headed for the restaurant where the Lin Nan family ate!

But these monks did not dare to fly from the air and could only follow them on foot!

The speed of these monks was very fast. Almost when Huangfu Canglan arrived outside the restaurant, these casual cultivators also arrived here, standing in place one by one, looking at the entrance of the restaurant, all stunned!

I saw Huangfu Shujian kneeling there, besides him, there were three semi-sages, all kneeling there!

The moment I saw Huangfu Canglan, Huangfu Shujian was overjoyed!

"Father, save me!"

When Huangfu Canglan saw his son, he knelt there in public, his face instantly turned pale, and he shouted, "Who did it?"

"Father, that person is still eating in the restaurant!" Huangfu Shujian said coldly.

"My son, get up!"

Huangfu Canglan spoke, with an emperor's posture, gently raised his hand, a majestic force dragged on Huangfu Shujian's knee!

Huangfu Canglan thought that as long as he did it himself, his son would be able to stand up!


An unexpected scene appeared. After he raised his hand, Huangfu Shujian’s knees seemed to grow on the floor, unable to move a single cent!


Huangfu Canglan's face sank!

"Get me up!"

He increased his strength and prepared to lift the Huangfu Shujian directly, but the Huangfu Shujian still knelt there, unable to move a bit!

"City Lord, this matter is not easy! Young Master probably really offended some important person, otherwise..."

A semi-holy consecrated person approached and whispered.

Huangfu Canglan is not stupid, otherwise, it would be impossible to become the lord of Huangfeng City based on strength alone. He glanced at Huangfu Shujian and whispered: "My son, don't panic, wait for my father to go in and see!"

After saying this, Huangfu Canglan strode forward and walked towards the restaurant!

Because of what happened just now, on the first floor of the restaurant, except for Lin Nan's family, the other guests stopped eating!

If you want to go, you can’t. After all, Huangfu Shujian and others are kneeling at the gate, so they can only stand elsewhere on the first floor, begging the Lin Nan family to finish the meal quickly, and then leave the restaurant!

After Huangfu Canglan walked into the restaurant, he saw Lin Nan's family at a glance!

after all.

Everyone was standing, trembling, there was only one table of people sitting there to eat, the appearance of no one else was too noticeable!

"You made me kneel outside?"

Huangfu Canglan squinted his eyes, and a powerful momentum rolled towards Lin Nan's direction!

If it were ordinary people, they would have been frightened by this coercion, but the Lin Nan family were indifferent, as if they were not affected at all!

Lin Nan even ignored Huangfu Canglan's words, and removed the bones from a piece of sturgeon for Liu Ruqing, and just caught it in Liu Ruqing's bowl, and was snatched by Lin Momo!

"Huh! Baba is eccentric!" Lin Momo said milkily.

"Okay, Baba, one more piece for you!"

Lin Nan shrugged helplessly and continued to deal with the food in the bowl!

As for the Huangfu Canglan on the side, he was simply ignored!

It seems that no one noticed when he entered the restaurant!

"Too arrogant! Even if you are the son of Tai Xuanzong's sect master, you can't ignore the master of my city like this!"

Huangfu Canglan was furious.

He did it directly, and when he reached the realm of the **** of war, he could use the power between heaven and earth when he raised his hands!

The entire restaurant trembled violently, and the surrounding air was distorted, boiling like flames!

A group of monks who were relatively close to Huangfu Canglan knelt on the ground with a thud, terrified!


In the palm of Huangfu Canglan, a blue light condensed, Yaoyao blasted out with a punch, ready to attack Lin Nan's heart!

"Mr. Lin, be careful, this is the city lord of Huangfeng City! The strength of this person is rumored to have reached the realm of Martial God!"

St. Paul was always on the scene. After seeing Huangfu Canglan appear, he was shocked and quickly reminded Lin Nan!


Lin Nan snorted coldly, then glanced back, his eyes flashing like lightning!

When Huangfu Canglan saw the look in Lin Nan’s eyes, his whole body trembled, as if a mouse saw the king of beasts, his body trembled violently, a tremor from the depths of his soul, from his heart Gush!

Lin Nan's eyes were indifferent, cold, merciless, lonely, disdainful, and arrogant, reaching the depths of Huangfu Canglan's heart, making his soul seem to be frozen at this moment!

As a result, Huangfu Canglan had just taken a shot, and the whole hand was still floating in the air, he didn't dare to shoot that palm!

Huangfu Canglan had an illusion that if he slapped it out, there would be absolutely no place to be buried!


Seeing Huangfu Canglan stopped to shoot, St. Paul was in a daze!

‘My God, shouldn’t Mr. Lin even suppress Huangfu Canglan? ’

St. Paul thought with horror!


"Go out and kneel, don't disturb my master eating!"

Lin Cang took a step forward on the sea and swept Huangfu Canglan indifferently!

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