There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 86: Say Lin Nan, Lin Nan will be there!

   There are many records about the old witch **** in Southeast Asia, but they are all ambiguous, and no one has actually seen this person!

   It is rumored that the old witch **** has practiced the Tao for five hundred years, and his strength has reached the sky and the earth!

   Someone said that he participated in World War I and World War II, practicing a bloodthirsty art on the battlefield, and because he absorbed a large number of undead, his strength soared unprecedentedly!

   Thinking of the number of people who died in World War I and World War II, Lin Canghai shuddered!

   How can people who have lived for centuries be ordinary people? Although it is almost impossible for ordinary humans to live for five hundred years, it is not a problem for an average master-level martial artist to live to be a hundred years old!

   "That's what you want to say?" Lin Nan looked at Lin Canghai.

   Lin Canghai nodded.

   Lin Nan waved his hand and said, "When you have the exact information, let's report it again!"

   A few ordinary people, he still doesn't care about it. What Lin Nan thinks now is, what should I give Liu Ruqing to eat at noon?


   At the same time, Liu Ruqing and Wang Yuxuan are in the school's Taekwondo club, preparing for elective courses!

   University courses are divided into compulsory and elective courses. Liu Ruqing chose it as early as half a year in college.

   just didn't expect that a summer vacation would completely change her life!

   Liu Ruqing was pregnant with Lin Nan's child!

  Pregnant women can’t do fierce movements, they only need to keep proper exercise, but the elective courses cannot be changed!

   If I knew all this, Liu Ruqing would not apply for this elective course!

   But fortunately, the teachers of the Taekwondo Club are good. Every time you go to class, you can avoid training by saying that you are not feeling well!

   "Ruqing, thank you!"

   Wang Yuxuan and Liu Ruqing sat side by side on the edge of the training ground.

   "Thank me for what?" Liu Ruqing asked.

Wang Yuxuan looked at Liu Ruqing and said seriously: “If it weren’t for your suggestion, how could I become a charity ambassador! And just last night, two big directors signed a contract with me. During the winter vacation, I’m going to make a TV series. !"

   Wang Yuxuan said, her tone still a bit excited.

   The kung fu of the two talking. There was a sensation in the training ground of the Taekwondo Club. The two women looked curiously and saw a group of short and medium-sized boys, led by a middle-aged man, walking in one after another!

   "Everyone, stop training!" said the teacher of the Taekwondo Club.

   "What's the matter, teacher?"

   "Who are these people?"

   The students asked curiously. Although they were asking, they all gathered.

   "We are from Kyoto University in Japan! My name is Ichiro Yanagi!" The middle-aged man who came in introduced himself, with a hint of pride on his face.


   The expressions of the students have changed a little. Although it is a peaceful age, most Chinese people still have no good impressions of Japanese people!

   "Ms. Yanagyu came here this time to let everyone learn from each other!" The teacher of the Taekwondo Club introduced with a smile.

   The group of Japanese students behind Yanagi Ichiro talked a lot, and everyone couldn't understand it.

   "We know, let's start now!" Yanagi Ichiro grinned.

   A boy from the Taekwondo Club stood up, and a boy from Kyoto University!

   The two saluted each other, and then they started to compete. It was obvious that the guy from the Taekwondo Club was inferior in skill. After a few rounds, he fell behind and was about to lose!

   The boy from Kyoto University, his mouth was full of jokes. At the last moment, he suddenly exerted his force and hit the boy's chest with a blow!

   just heard a click!


   The boy from the Taekwondo Club spouted blood, his chest sank, and his ribs broke several times!


   Everyone in the Taekwondo Club was all dumbfounded. Didn’t they say that it’s just a discussion? How hurt!

  Taekwondo teacher angrily said: "Mr. Yanagyu, what is going on?"

   Yanagi Ichiro smiled slightly, and said, "Borrow an old saying from your Huaguo! You have no eyes, just learn from each other, you will inevitably get hurt!"


   Everyone in the Taekwondo Club was furious, but they were helpless, and you could not prove that the student from Kyoto University did it deliberately!

   "Classmates, there are two more games. Which one of you will play?" Ichiro Yanagi smiled slightly and glanced at everyone present.

   Everyone's complexion changed, everyone came to take elective courses, at most they learned some taekwondo furs!

   The senior whose rib was broken just now is already an old man from the Taekwondo Club. He is very good at strength, but his rib was also broken!

  If other students go up, I’m afraid they will get hurt too!

   Thinking of this, everyone feels retreat!

   "What? No one dares to play?"

   "Tsk tsk! Decades have passed, I thought the mental outlook of the Chinese people was a whole new one, but now it seems that they are just a group of sick men from East Asia!" said Ichiro Yanagi, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

   The group of Kyoto University students behind him shouted in unintelligible Japanese!

   There are only a few students who understand Japanese, and his face is so ugly that he bit his lip and said nothing!

   "It would be great if Lin Nan was here!" Liu Ruqing sighed.

   "I heard you are looking for me?"

   As soon as Liu Ruqing's voice fell, Lin Nan's voice sounded beside Liu Ruqing.

   She looked back and found that Lin Nan was standing not far behind her, looking at herself with a smile on her face!

   "Ah... Lin Nan!"

   Liu Ruqing was pleasantly surprised, this also appeared too timely!

   She just thought of Lin Nan, Lin Nan appeared!

  With Lin Nan's strength, on the entire earth, wherever he is going, it is a matter of thought!

   "Lin Nan, these people..." Liu Ruqing just wanted to explain.

   Lin Nan smiled slightly, nodded and said: "I know all about it, watch me interrupt their hands and feet!"

   After speaking, Lin Nan walked to the central area and stood there.

   The teacher of the Taekwondo Club was taken aback and said angrily: "Classmates, come down, stop making trouble!"

Although Lin Nan wore casual clothes and did not wear Taekwon Club clothes, the teachers of the Taekwondo Club thought that Lin Nan was also a student of Tianhai University. of!

   Those few students from Kyoto University were obviously specially trained!

   The senior whose rib was broken just now is not an opponent. If Lin Nan plays, I am afraid he will also be injured!


  Yagi Ichiro gave Lin Nan a light glance.

   "Everyone who asks you to come up, my wife is rushing back for lunch!" Lin Nan waved his hand impatiently.

   Yanagi Ichiro's face sank slightly, and when he raised his hand, a strong boy rushed towards Lin Nan and launched a fierce offensive against Lin Nan, with a strong posture!


   Lin Nan didn't have any extra movements at all, raised his hand and slapped it over!

   The boy flew out directly, the bones of his cheeks suddenly cracked, spit out a few **** teeth, and screamed violently!

"it is good!"

  Taekwondo club students, upon seeing this scene, they applauded and applauded, and a sigh of anger came out of their hearts!

   Lin Nan didn't feel any pleasure in his heart. If it weren't for Liu Ruqing, he wouldn't be too lazy to deal with such ordinary mortals, and he would have dirty his hands!

(End of this chapter)

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