There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 12 Sliding to kill the tiger

Lu Xun bought himself new clothes, and at the same time he went to the blacksmith shop to pick out a handy weapon, a large sword made of fine steel. This could be regarded as a shotgun replacing a cannon. At this time, he jumped out of a carriage and gave it to the driver. After collecting some broken silver, I picked up the package and prepared to follow the mountain road and enter the deep mountains and old forests.


"It's going to be night soon. If we go into the mountain now, maybe... maybe." The coachman was a simple and honest old man. Seeing that Lu Xun was about to go into the mountain, he hurriedly advised: "There are many beasts in this mountain. It is rumored that there is a ferocious tiger. Many people in Quanzhou City fell into its trap, and the government also sent many experienced hunters to hunt it down, but in the end, they all left without returning. "

A ferocious tiger?

No matter how ferocious the tiger is, can it be as ferocious as my wife?

"not afraid."

"Have you seen my big sword?" Lu Xun flashed the sharp sword in his hand and said confidently: "The evil tiger will never come back!"


As soon as the words fell,

Turned around and walked into the deep mountains and old forests.

The coachman looked at Lu Xun's leaving figure and sighed helplessly. His eyes were full of sorrow and bitterness, and shouted: "Master, that evil tiger is all white. It is rumored to be a psychic white tiger. It"

Before the coachman could finish his words, Lu Xun had already disappeared into the mountain road.

Lu Xun was walking on the mountain trail, carrying his package in one hand and holding a torch in the other, slowly walking towards his destination. The wind that came in front of him was so cold that it hissed, and from time to time he could hear the wind blowing the leaves in his ears. There was rustling, everything was so quiet and eerie.

However, Lu Xun has gotten used to it. In the past two and a half years of slaying demons, he has experienced a lot of things, big and small, and his courage has long been different from what it used to be. Even small scenes like this are not a problem for him, unless At this time, a ferocious-looking female ghost appeared, eager for his body.

"This money is really not enough to spend. I haven't bought anything, but I have used it for seventy-seven or eighty-eight years." Lu Xun touched the few silver coins left in his arms that were originally bulging. , my heart feels so cold.

This woman's money is so good that she actually used half of my silver to earn two boxes of rouge.

Lu Xun pursed his lips, and a rather bold idea spewed out of his mind. I have a handsome appearance and a strong body. How about I? No, no, the witches will beat me up.


"The ambition of life is so difficult!" Lu Xun sighed with emotion.

As soon as the words fell,

Suddenly, an ethereal and gloomy voice echoed in my ears.


This sudden hollow sound frightened Lu Xun so much that he turned pale. He quickly calmed down and looked around. As a result, except for thick trees and weeds, there was nothing else around him, not even a bird shadow. arrive.

Me. Am I hallucinating?

No no no!

It was definitely not an auditory hallucination just now, but something was nearby, speaking into his ear.

When Lu Xun knew that he had encountered a monster in the forest, his face suddenly hardened. He shouldered his package and at the same time drew out a brand new sword behind him. He closed his eyes silently and recited the Taoist incantation taught to him by the dead Taoist. .

"The golden light appears quickly, protects my true body, cultivates for hundreds of millions of kalpas, and proves my magical power."


As Lu Xun opened his eyes, his eyes emitted a faint golden light, and he instantly saw a group of black fog not far away. He sneered: "I don't know how high the sky is, but you are still here, and you don't even take me seriously!"

After saying that,

The big stainless steel sword was shot instantly, and a silver sword energy with surging murderous intent rushed towards the black mist. With a loud bang, the black mist exploded within a few feet of it. This sword looked like It seems ordinary, but it is terrifying.


A tiger roar pierced the silence in the mountain forest.

Where the explosion had just occurred, an evil tiger with a pure white body suddenly sprang out. It was as big as seven or eight Lu Xun.

Damn it!

Is it this big?

Lu Xun saw such a huge tiger for the first time, and it was also a white tiger.

At this time,

The huge ferocious white tiger lunged at Lu Xun ferociously, with thunderous momentum. Fortunately, Lu Xun reacted quickly and dodged the tiger's fatal blow. The tiger pounced again, Lu Xun dodged again, and the tiger continued to pounce. , Lu Xun continued to hide, and after several rounds, neither side took advantage.


This tiger is not an ordinary ferocious beast. It looks like a spiritual beast that has become a spirit, but it is still a little far away from a demon.

Lu Xun pursed his lips. He didn't know what to do for a moment. After several battles, he found that he couldn't do anything against the tiger, but the tiger seemed to have nothing to do against him. He thought for a while and decided to fight it. When the lady comes to find him, as long as the lady takes action, she will definitely be able to kill this monster.

Thinking of this,

Lu Xun felt relieved.

At the same time, an astonishing and bold idea suddenly popped into my mind - killing the tiger with a sliding shovel.

——"I slid the shovel underneath it and cut open its belly with a knife, and its internal organs instantly fell to the floor."

I forget where I saw it, but it seems pretty reliable.


The evil tiger pounced towards Lu Xun again, and upon seeing this, Lu Xun came up with a sliding shovel.

Soon enough, the head was sent directly into the evil tiger's mouth.

Lu Xun was confused, and so was Tiger.

Before Lu Xun could recover, the evil tiger took a fierce bite.


The tooth was shattered.

The evil tiger howled in pain.


"Oh my God!"

"It's absolutely disgusting." Lu Xun's whole head was wet, covered with saliva from the evil tiger's mouth. He hurriedly grabbed the soil on the ground and rubbed his face.

Little did they know that at this time,

A silver stream of light appeared on the horizon, flying towards Lu Xun's direction.


The silver light fell to the ground and exploded into a cloud of dust.


It’s my lady who’s come looking for me!

Lu Xun looked at the figure in the dust excitedly. Not to mention how moved he was, he wished he could dedicate his strong body to her. Of course, if Miao Fengxian didn't mind, he could also dedicate it to her.

after all,

Don’t forget the well digger when drinking water. If it weren’t for Miao Fengxian, Xuanyin would not be what it is today. These fine traditions still exist!


"I heard the roar of a spiritual tiger just now. You must not have encountered it, right?"

When the smoke and dust dispersed, Xuanyin held the flying sword and looked coldly at the disgraced Lu Xun in front of her. The embarrassed look made her feel a little funny.

Lu Xun stared at her blankly, at the heroic and cold witch. He hadn't seen it very clearly just now. Now that he saw it clearly, he was a little caught off guard. He couldn't help but open his mouth. The words lingered on his lips for a long time before he swallowed them. Went back.

He quickly raised his hand and pointed at her feet.

Xuanyin lowered his head and realized that there was a tiger corpse at his feet.

He has been trampled to pieces by himself.

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