There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 187 Sugar on the Fairy's Lips

Su Jingyi snuggled into Lu Xun's arms absentmindedly. Her eyes were blurred and full of affection. She looked like a woman who had just found love, and she was also a mature woman who had been lonely for a long time. She smelled the manly breath on him and felt that A hot breath, and gradually thoughts began to overflow.

As a result, suddenly, my whole body became stiff, goosebumps appeared, and the indescribable shame surged from my heart, directly to my brain, and almost broke through the Tianling Cap. Then my breathing almost stopped, my heartbeat accelerated sharply, and my consciousness went blank. .Why am I in his arms in a daze? What happened?

Push him away. Must push him away!

The consciousness in her brain kept warning Su Jingyi that she could not continue like this, but her body no longer obeyed her orders, and she could not even exert her strength at all. Of course, there was also a trace of infatuation mixed in. No wonder the enchantress liked to get into his arms so much. It turns out that brat’s mind is so broad and full of security. This is so comfortable.

I, I will lie down for a while, just for a short while, and then I will push him away immediately, and push the brat away ruthlessly and decisively. I will not hit him this time, and of course I will not hit him again in the future. , after all, he is my brat.

The immortal Su Jingyi regained consciousness. She kept hypnotizing herself in her mind, trying to make everything reasonable now. But thinking about it carefully, it seemed that she didn’t need a reasonable excuse. Lang Qingconcubine seemed to be enough to explain everything. Problem.


Lang. Lang Qing concubine, I actually used this word to describe me and this brat.

Su Xianzi's heart, which had been lonely for more than forty years, was slowly melting. The layers of shackles had already been opened by Lu Xun. The loneliness and isolation in the box in her heart kept overflowing, filling her up instantly. Her whole body was filled with impulse, desire, shyness, and a little bit of excitement, almost occupying her thoughts.

The fairy's spring heart was surging, and the spirit of spring was full. She kept sniffing the masculine scent, and kept feeling the strength and strength. She couldn't help but stretched out her arms and carefully hugged his waist, but only for a short time. The two jade arms She shrank back again, not because Fairy Su didn't want to hold him, but because the arrogance in her heart was at work, and she didn't want Lu Xun to see her weak side.

I really want to freeze time forever at this moment so that I can always have the brat. Unfortunately, this is impossible to achieve. He will still return to Miao Yaonv, climb into Miao Yaonv's bed, get into Miao Yaonv's bed, and hug her. The body of the wonderful enchantress, sucking the lips of the wonderful enchantress

Oops, it really pissed me off!

Su Jingyi bit her lips tightly, her brows filled with jealousy, envy and hatred. It didn't matter if she shared a man with Miao Yaonv. The key was that the time she had with him was so small that most of it was taken away by her. Obviously, she She was not inferior to her, no matter in terms of cultivation and realm, as well as appearance and figure, she was no less than him, but in the end, she suffered such a big loss when it came to possessing men.

Su Xianzi is aggrieved, but she has no choice but to suffer some losses at this stage, but the future may not be certain. It’s not like she can’t beat her, so why can she occupy most of her time, while she has to compromise. I, Su Jingyi, am very Not convinced!

But having said that, Miaofengxian, Miaofengxian, your vows are in vain in the end. I really want you to see me at this moment, how I am nestled in his arms, hum. You still make me unable to love you, okay? Okay. I will definitely let you fall in love and then lose.

at the same time,

Lu Xun hugged his Fairy Su, not to mention how proud he was. The only two powerful people in the Seventh Realm in the world were both mature and plump women, but they were manipulated by themselves. What else should I practice in the future? The wonderful witch on the left, Fairy Su on the right, kill people when people stand in their way, and kill Buddha when they stand in the way of Buddha!

Uh. It won't work if I don't practice. Now I can't even handle the little demon girl. How can I manage my own fish pond in the future? Moreover, the current situation is very difficult and embarrassing. The three demon girls belong to a small group, but Fairy Su She is fighting alone. She is really at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. If possible, find two sisters for her to balance the number between them.

Then find a neutral person to act as their referee. Calculating the number, there are exactly seven. It may be tiring on the waist and kidneys, but considering that Xiao Guizi has seven wives, he can handle it. Why not?

Thinking of this,

Lu Xun licked his lower lips and secretly glanced at Fairy Su in his arms. He could only see a blurry face through the veil, but she was still so beautiful. For a while, he began to think wildly. For the mature and beautiful Aunt Su. Finding two sisters is no less difficult than getting Miao Yaonv to reconcile with her. First of all, due to her arrogant and indifferent character, and secondly, it seems impossible to be able to reach her level in terms of appearance and figure.

Forget it, dreams are out of reach and hard to touch, just hold on to the happiness you have now, and let’s talk about the future later. Let’s not talk about the size of our own fish pond. Just the two big sharks in it are fighting among themselves. It's enough to give me a huge headache and just want to put fry into the fish pond, which is a bit ignorant.

In the spacious painted boat, they hugged each other and were silent to each other. The breath of silence filled the two people. Although neither of them said a word, the silence at this moment was worth a thousand words. Their hearts were filled with emotion. Gradually, they resonated, and at the same time, Lu Xun, who was slightly drunk, had an idea to work hard.

Next, should I lift her veil, gently lift her chin, suck her mouth hard, then explore her buttocks, and then take advantage of the opportunity to take Su Xianzi to the inn? No, no, no. I'm afraid it wasn't me who took her to the inn, but she took me to report to the underworld.

Just as Lu Xun was hesitating and hesitating, Su Xianzi in his arms suddenly struggled, and then pushed him away. She turned away and looked at the shore. The handsome and pretty woman under the veil revealed coldness and ruthlessness, but the blush on her cheeks But it betrayed her mood at the moment.

"Aunt Su."

"Your body is so soft." Lu Xun leaned forward again and tried to grab her jade hand, but she dodged them one by one and gave up helplessly. He said softly: "Hold in my arms and it feels like a hug. A ball of cotton almost makes me feel comfortable."

Su Jingyi did not speak, she remained silent while facing him, while a jade hand tightly grasped a handful of the hem of her skirt, revealing that she was not so calm and calm in her heart.

Facing the indifferent Fairy Su, Lu Xun suddenly felt like his first love, helpless, confused, uneasy, and a little excited. He couldn't help but take a deep breath and whispered: "Aunt Su, I'll go there later. where?"

Aunt Su, Aunt Su, do you like to call me Aunt Su that much?

Su Jingyi felt a little unhappy. Compared to the title of Aunt Su, she preferred Fairy Su or Sister Fairy, especially Sister Fairy. She seemed closer to her, and this Aunt Su always felt like she was eating young grass from an old cow, although even though It is true that old cows eat young grass.

"I'm going back."

"You can go shopping alone." Su Jingyi replied indifferently, returning to her previous identity as a human being.


Lu Xun didn't give her this chance. Regardless of Su Jingyi's resistance, he firmly pulled one of her jade hands into his palm. At the same time, he did not forget to gently tease her in her palm. Layers of itchy feelings surged into Su Jingyi's body and mind.


Unable to help but feel a sweet voice floating in her heart, Su Xianzi resisted the strange feeling and said in a slightly hasty tone: "Let go!"

"Not loose!"

"Aunt Su will never let you escape from my hands in this life. I will hold you tightly like this forever." Lu Xun said stubbornly: "It doesn't matter whether you beat me or scold me. Anyway, I just won't let go."

Although these sudden and frank words were not as pleasant as the previous ones, they expressed her incomparable affection for her every word, which made Su Jingyi feel touched, helpless and annoyed. The resisting jade hand gradually lost its strength and allowed him to hold her like this. .

"Smelly boy"

Su Jingyi left behind her arrogance as a human being, assumed the majesty and momentum of 'Aunt Su', and said angrily: "Nothing big, nothing small."

Lu Xun smiled naively, couldn't help but move closer to her, and tried to get close to her. At first, Fairy Su resisted a little, but with Lu Xun's shamelessness and perseverance, she finally gave up her reserve and stood shoulder to shoulder with him. Side by side, close together.

In the noisy street, merchants on both sides shouted vigorously.

Lu Xun walked along this busy street next to Su Jingyi. He originally wanted to hold her hand, but considering some reasons, he finally gave up. The two of them rarely spoke during the period, just aimlessly. walking

As a result, Su Jingyi suddenly stopped while walking, glanced at the shop selling crispy candy nearby, and followed after a moment of hesitation without saying a word.

"Want to eat halva?"

"I'll buy you some." Lu Xun said nothing and walked towards the shop silently.

Su Jingyi was stunned for a moment, feeling an inexplicable touch in her heart. She stood quietly and looked at him who was buying candy.

Lu Xun came back soon, carrying a handful of crispy candies wrapped in oil paper, returned to Su Jingyi, and asked softly: "Aunt Su, do you want to eat it now?"

Fairy Su hesitated for a moment and responded calmly: "There are many people here. Go to a place with fewer people."

The two came to the entrance of an alley. Lu Xun opened the oil paper and took out a piece of halva. He did not hand it to her hand, but gently lifted her veil and took the moderately sized piece of halva. It was brought to Su Xianzi's lips.

"I have my own hands"

Su Jingyi turned her face slightly and said softly.

"I want to feed you."

Lu Xun's answer was also very simple. He said gently: "Aunt Su, please open your mouth quickly."

Brat, you're the only one with a lot of trouble!

Su Jingyi couldn't resist him, so she opened her mouth silently, and slowly put the piece of candy into her mouth.

Chewing this piece of halva with your mouth closed is very sweet and crispy, but it is more than just sweet and crispy.

at this time,

Lu Xun suddenly reached out his hand, swiped his index finger on her lips, wiped away the crumbs of sugar left on it, then brought it to his mouth and took a sip gently.

"Yeah it's really sweet!"

Currently, I still owe 13 chapters (6 for the first order, 2 for the leader, and 5 for the monthly pass), and after the Dragon Boat Festival, I will start to pay every day.

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