There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 213 The pretty widow is almost craving for it

Mu Qingshuang had imagined countless times that a young and handsome guy would fall from the sky. Of course, this was an unrealistic idea in her mind, and she knew it was impossible. However, this thing that only existed in her imagination actually happened right in front of her eyes.

The key is that this handsome young man in front of her seems to fit all her fantasies about men. He is handsome and elegant, strong and well-proportioned. In particular, he exudes an irresistible evil charm. He looks like a good person, but he feels like a bad person.

"Who are you?"

Mu Qingshuang came back to her senses from her reverie, and gently covered her clothes with one hand to prevent him from seeing her open-minded heart. She then leaned sideways and asked with a face full of shame and anger: "Do you know where this place is? How dare you enter without permission? Aren't you afraid of being beheaded?"

Lu Xun, standing in the courtyard, looked at the beautiful mature woman in the pavilion. She was lying on a recliner, her black hair hanging down like a waterfall, and a plain and loose nightgown outlined her full and round buttocks as she lay lazily.

Hiss. If I guessed correctly, she must be the legendary Lady Crescent Moon, right? Mu Qingshuang, who is praised by the world as one of the two beauties in the world, is indeed so stunning and charming. Under this nightgown, there must be a plump and delicate body comparable to Miao Yaonu and Su Xianzi.

"You are Madam Yueya, right?" Lu Xun only flashed a trace of surprise, without showing too much eagerness. After all, the woman next to him was not much worse than her. He said leisurely: "I am here to find Xuan Shi. She asked me to come here and said that this is the most luxurious mansion."

Come to find the little fox?

Mu Qingshuang was stunned for a moment, staring at the young man in front of her. An unacceptable idea burst out of her mind. Could he be the husband of the little fox? This. This. Can't be so unlucky? I. I finally had a heart tremble, but the other party turned out to be the husband of the little fox.

"Could it be that you are... yes." Mu Qingshuang bit her lips tightly and asked with a complicated expression: "The little fox said she has a husband, are you her husband?"

Faced with the words of the pretty widow, Lu Xun did not refuse. He nodded silently and said with a smile: "Almost. Is she sleeping in bed now and hasn't gotten up yet? This girl usually sleeps until the morning."

He. He is really the little fox's husband. A hint of loss flashed in Mu Qingshuang's eyes, and she murmured: "You... wait here for a while, I'll go back to the room."

As soon as the voice fell,

Mu Qingshuang hurriedly got up, covered her nightgown, and walked quickly towards her room, leaving Lu Xun alone there.

Looking at the back of the mature and beautiful pretty widow leaving, the heaviness under the quick steps, which made people unable to move their eyes away, especially with the light steps, the round buttocks kept twisting. Almost even the soul was hooked away.

Unlike the charming and charming Miao Yaonv, Fairy Su is reserved, elegant and extraordinary. The mature and beautiful widow who just left has a sense of being well-educated and considerate, and looks like an intellectual and gentle aunt.

"Mature, beautiful, plump, and quite gentle. The key is that this identity of a virgin widow really makes her a Cao thief." Lu Xun curled his lips, took back his flying sword, walked slowly to the pavilion, and sat there quietly meditating.

At the same time,

Mu Qingshuang, who returned to her boudoir, hurriedly took off the nightgown on her body, opened the wardrobe and selected the dress inside. After trying it on, she finally chose a simpler dress, but at the same time she did not lose her nobility. After putting on the dress, she sat in front of a bronze mirror and dressed herself up carefully, drawing eyebrows, rouge, and lipstick. Nothing was left out.


"He is the husband of the little fox, but why do I take him so seriously?" After Mu Qingshuang finished her makeup, she looked at herself in the bronze mirror. She was mature and charming, but there was a hint of confusion and melancholy under her stunning face.

Maybe I haven't been in contact with men for too long. When I met a handsome young man by chance, I was inevitably a little flustered, but I didn't want to lose face in front of him. Yes, yes, yes. It must be the arrogant arrogance that was causing trouble.

Mu Qingshuang slowly got up, walked to the door and opened it gently, then called her personal maid and said earnestly: "Go tell them that no one is allowed to go to the backyard."

"Yes, Madam."

The maid responded respectfully, and just turned around to tell her, but Mu Qingshuang behind her said something again.


Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips and murmured, "You and Mei'er stay here, and everyone else leaves the mansion temporarily and comes back in a few days. By the way, go to the account office to get some silver and give them five taels each. Then tell Mei'er that if you see a man in the mansion, don't say anything to me, just pretend you didn't see anything, and you too."

"Yes, madam."

The maid dared not speak, let alone show any expression, and left silently.

Mu Qingshuang didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the maid left her sight and walked towards the backyard. When she came to the backyard, she saw the young man from a distance, sitting quietly in the pavilion, as if he was concentrating with his eyes closed.

Should I go over? Will it disturb him?

Mu Qingshuang stood there hesitating, but at this moment, Lu Xun suddenly opened his eyes and saw that the mature and beautiful widow had returned, and she had also changed into a dress. Compared with the elegance of her nightgown, , this dress highlights her mature and intellectual temperament, and also outlines her graceful figure.

"Are you back?" Lu Xun said calmly.


Mu Qingshuang moved lightly on her lotus steps, came to the pavilion, and asked quietly: "Will it disturb your practice?"

"I was just condensing my breath just now." Lu Xun replied.

In the small pavilion, there was silence between each other. Compared to Lu Xun, who was as calm as water, the pretty widow who had been lonely for more than forty years would secretly glance at him from the corner of her eyes from time to time, peeking at his handsome face, and then looking at him. Looking at his strong and well-proportioned body.

He is a young man in his twenties, handsome, charming, and strong. There is nothing wrong with these, but I don't know how he is humorous and has extraordinary literary talent.

"Are you and the little fox really a couple?" Mu Qingshuang asked softly.

Lu Xun hesitated for a while, but finally chose to admit it. He didn't want to make the little fox sad, so he murmured: "Is there any problem with the closeness?"

"It's nothing. I'm just curious. She is a fox demon, and you are a mortal. This demon-human love is a treasonous thing and is despised by the world." Mu Qingshuang said softly: "Although the little fox has more than two hundred He is 6 years old, but his mind is relatively simple and ignorant, and he does not understand the power of demon love, but you should know it very well, right? "

Lu Xun glanced at the pretty widow not far away, and asked calmly: "If you are destined to have no results with the other person, and you love the other person very much, do you want a beautiful process, or do you want a different result? Or should we just choose to turn around and leave?”



Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips slightly, her brows full of tangles.

"There are few true meanings in the world. Since ancient times, there have been many passions and infatuations in the world." Lu Xun replied leisurely: "When you risk your life for someone, and the other party happens to respond enthusiastically, even if there is a thousand miles of distance between the two parties, I think We cannot stop our determination to love each other.”

"Sometimes sticking to the rules will only make you a complete failure." Lu Xun flattened his mouth and continued: "Rules are meant to be broken. The braver you are, the more you can get what you want."

Lu Xun's words shocked Mu Qingshuang's rigid heart, and her rigid thoughts were shocked. Especially the sentence "There is so little truth in the world, and there has been so much love and infatuation in the world since ancient times." It couldn't help but make a trace of emotion deep in her heart. The touch of silk.

"There are few true meanings in the world. Since ancient times, the world has been full of love and infatuation." Mu Qingshuang muttered in a low voice. The deep affection contained in the words made her a little unable to extricate herself.

Are there really so many people in this world who are crazy about feelings? Maybe this is the little man in front of me. He clearly knows that falling in love with the little fox will be scorned by the world, but he still falls in love with her without hesitation. She is so handsome, strong, literary, and infatuated!


He belongs to the little fox.

Mu Qingshuang sighed in her heart. She originally thought that a handsome young man fell from the sky. This was God's gift to her, but she didn't expect that he belonged to that naughty little fox.


Something is wrong. I just met him for the first time. Why do I have such inexplicable thoughts?

Could it be that I have been lonely for too long, and when I saw a man I liked slightly, I fell in love with him? No, no, no, although I, Mu Qingshuang, am lonely and unbearable, it's not like this. Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night, and then I got a little cranky.


Mu Qingshuang had already thought about the situation of 'love at first sight', but due to her own face and self-esteem, she refused to admit that this situation would happen to her.

at this time,

The little fox wore a small nightgown and yawned as she came to the courtyard behind. Suddenly she saw Lu Xun in the pavilion, and an excitement of surprise swept through her body. In an instant, she was no longer sleepy, and she walked with light steps. Quickly ran to the pavilion and pounced on him


"You finally came to me, do you know how much I miss you?" The little fox lay whole body in Lu Xun's arms, with two jade arms tightly hugging his neck, and his salivating little mouth kept embellishment. on his cheek.

The three furry tails on the back of the butt are swaying all the time, indicating that the little fox is very excited and happy at this moment.

At the same time, Mu Qingshuang, who was sitting not far away, had jealousy, envy and hatred on her face.

This pretty widow who has been lonely for more than forty years is almost hungry.

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