There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 228: Intrigues among Women

Su Jingyi looked at the beautiful woman from the Western Region in front of her, her brows full of surprise and surprise. She really didn't expect that this woman who suddenly came to visit was actually Angaro, the leader of the Demon Cult in the Western Region. She also She is also one of the few friends she has. Of course, she is also the most important link between him and the Fairy Girl.

"How did you come?"

Su Jingyi hurriedly sat up, walked towards her with bare feet, gently took the arm of the beautiful woman from the Western Region, and said softly: "Think about it carefully. We haven't seen each other for almost two years. I didn't expect you to be caught off guard." I was not mentally prepared for the visit.”

"I miss our fairy a little, so I came here from the Western Region. Didn't it disturb your Qingxiu?" Wei Xue looked at her with a smile, looking at the mature woman who could be compared to a wonderful witch, and said leisurely: "I thought If you come here so late, you may have already fallen asleep. I didn’t expect you to be awake. Did you just take a bath?”

"I've been very worried lately. I can't sleep."

Su Jingyi took Wei Xue's arm and came to her couch. Two mature women with different styles sat next to each other. Then Fairy Su carefully looked at the leader of the Demon Cult next to her and said softly: "I I noticed that you haven’t changed much over the years.”

"of course."

"If something changes in me, that's a problem." Wei Xue smiled, looked at Fairy Su blankly, and said softly: "Fairy Jingyi, are you still the same person every day? How can you be so handsome and strong? A man comes to accompany you?"

Su Jingyi replied without blushing or heartbeat: "Of course I'm alone. I've always hated men in this world. It's not like you don't know, so why bother asking me such a question."

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Look at that tough mouth. If Miao Yaonv hadn't told me, I would have almost believed your lies. Wei Xue pursed her lips and pretended to say casually: "But why do I feel that you have nothing to do with the past?" Compared to, uh, it’s a little bit different, it exudes a scent of love.”

Su Jingyi was stunned for a moment, couldn't help but frown, and said lightly: "You must be mistaken. Or maybe it's hearsay, I've never had a man."

"No no no!"

"My feeling has always been very accurate. In the past, your temperament was slightly cold, the kind of indifference that would repel people thousands of miles away. But now, although there is no change, I can detect a trace of tenderness. This tenderness can only Only when it is nourished by love will it sprout slowly.”

Speaking of which,

He couldn't help but pause, and then continued: "I guess you must have fallen in love with a man, uh. It's definitely not an old man, nor a middle-aged man. If nothing else, I think he is a young man, right? A handsome and unrestrained man." A handsome and talented little man.”

for a time,

Su Jingyi is going crazy. What is going on? She seems to know everything.


Su Jingyi turned her face away slightly, biting her lips. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks on both sides, and there was a hint of shame between her eyebrows. She whispered: "How could I have fallen to this point? Go find a little man to comfort my body and mind.”

Wei Xue almost didn't laugh out loud. Although she had known Fairy Su for a long time, this was the first time she had seen her in such embarrassment, especially her arrogant look. Not to mention how funny it was, but it happened to fulfill Miao Yaonv's opinion. Jingyi was really She fell in love with the little man Xuanyin and Miao Fengxian shared.

Hiss. What does he look like? He actually made both the Miao Yaonv and Su Xianzi, the only two people in the world, fall for him.


"Is there something wrong with my feelings?" Wei Xue did not expose her on the spot, but accompanied her to play out the scene. After all, it was too early to expose her and could not penetrate her inner defense. It would be more interesting to let her be so tough for a while that it becomes indestructible, and then directly tear her lies apart.

"if not?"

Su Jingyi adjusted her breathing and mood, glanced at her secretly from the corner of her eye, and said angrily: "You came from the Western Region. Are you here to talk to me about this?"

"How can it be!"

"I have a lot to tell you." The mature woman from the Western Region pressed against her and smiled softly.

After hearing these words, Su Jingyi felt a little better and asked leisurely: "Did the Miao Yao Nu find you?"


"I haven't seen her for a long time, and I don't know how she is doing now," Wei Xue said.

How about it?

She snuggles in the arms of my little lover every day, living happily every day and every night. Thinking about it makes her a little angry. Su Jingyi curled her lips and said calmly: "I met her a while ago, and I noticed it from her eyebrows. Something was a little strange, and after I kept asking, I found out that she had secretly found a man, a little man to be precise. "

Wei Xue raised her eyebrows slightly, pretending to be surprised and asked: "What! She...she actually has a man?"


Su Jingyi bit her lip and said softly: "A little man who is a bit handsome, charming, and has some ink in his belly. Now Miao Fengxian is nestled in that man's arms all day long, from morning to night. Ye Kuai lived, causing her strength to decline sharply."

As soon as the words fell,

Su Jingyi lightly kicked Wei Xue with her jade feet and whispered in a low voice: "If you have a good relationship with her, go and persuade her. Stop being happy with that man all day long. Get rid of that man as soon as possible. I don't want to lose her." opponent."

She threw that little man away, and you picked it up and used it for yourself, right? What a good guy. He actually started fighting for a man. Wei Xue was a little shocked, but she kept her surprise buried deep in her heart and said calmly: "I can't talk to her. That witch is very stubborn, just like you." "Stubbornness."


"The wonderful demon girl has been lonely for thousands of years, and now she has finally found love. If I forcefully break up with her, she will hate me forever." Wei Xuequing said quietly: "Don't you have a saying in the Central Plains? What is it called. Ning to break up? Ten temples will never ruin a marriage.”

If you don’t dismantle it, what will I do? She has been lonely for thousands of years, haven't I also been lonely for more than forty years?

Su Jingyi flattened her mouth, feeling a little aggrieved, but unable to express her inner dissatisfaction. She said softly: "Men will affect the speed of her drawing the sword."

"Why don't you say it yourself?" Wei Xue asked.


"I'm too lazy to say it." Su Jingyi said coldly: "I don't want to pay attention to her."

Do you want to ignore her? Are you sorry?

Wei Xue looked straight at her, at the tough-tongued mature woman next to her, and murmured: "Jingyi, even Miao Fengxian has found a little man, so you, shouldn't you also find one? You two don't often fight to the point of death over various trivial matters. Now you are a little behind her in terms of men. You must be very unconvinced, right?"

"If it were other things, I would definitely compete, but in this regard" Su Jingyi bit her lip and said lightly: "It doesn't matter."

"It really doesn't matter?"

Wei Xue asked meaningfully: "Are you sure?"


"You seem to be digging a hole for me." Su Jingyi frowned, looked at her warily, and said softly: "You have been guiding me in a certain direction. Is it about the question of whether I have a man? Why? ? "I've talked to you so much, why don't you give up?"

Wei Xue smiled and said angrily: "You are always so cautious, which is in line with your character, but this time, you are a little bit like a villain, and you are trying to judge a gentleman."

As soon as the words fell,

After a short pause, he asked curiously: "Have you seen Miao Fengxian's little man? What do you think of that little man?"

"Didn't I say that?"

"A bit handsome, dashing and suave, and there's still some ink in his belly." Su Jingyi replied casually.

The beautiful woman from the Western Region rolled her eyes and said seriously: "Come on, I want to hear your true evaluation of him."

Real review?

Naturally, he won't marry her. Su Jingyi hesitated for a moment, and said lightly: "He is a man worthy of being entrusted to him for life, but her little man has a pure Yang body. This pure Yang body is naturally restrained by women. Any woman who meets her will not marry her." He will infinitely increase his affection for him, so he must be a passionate and bad person, and he will definitely cause a lot of trouble if he is not strictly monitored. "


"I didn't expect him to have a body of pure Yang." Wei Xue pursed her lips and asked in a playful voice, "Has he affected you?"

"Affects me?"

Su Jingyi said calmly: "What can a pure Yang body do to me?"

Wei Xue, a mature woman from the Western Regions, smiled brightly, with unfathomable evil intentions in her eyes, and said with an angry smile: "I think you are being tough, but in fact, you have already fallen in love with him at first sight, right? You can't wait to get him out of Miao Fengxian's hands." He snatches it from you, and then occupies it day and night to soothe the loneliness and isolation deep in your heart.”


"Why are you so vulgar?" Su Jingyi glared at her and said angrily: "You are also the leader of the Demon Cult after all. Can you correct your identity?"

The mature woman from the Western Region rolled her eyes at her, slowly let go of her arm, stared at her meaningfully, and said softly: "Jingyi. Do you know the characteristics of hard-tongued people?"

"I don't say anything. How would I know?" Su Jingyi said stubbornly, betting that she didn't know anything.

"Actually, it's just like drinking. Drunk people say they are not drunk, and people who are tough-talking say they are not tough-tongued." Wei Xue explained with a smile.

Su Jingyi didn't say anything, she already felt something bad in her heart. The other party really came with bad intentions! Does she already know everything?

At this time,

Wei Xue slowly leaned toward her ear and asked meaningfully: "Jingyi, does that little man named Lu Xun make you a little horny?"

PS: Send first and change later

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