There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 233 I can’t bear to take him down!

Chapter 233 I can’t stand it. Take him down!

This feeling of being held tightly in his arms made the mature and beautiful widow feel ashamed and addicted, especially when she could hear his even breathing and the layers of hot breath blowing out from the tip of his nose. , all of this is so attractive that I can't help myself.

"It doesn't need to be too complicated, just use the same pattern and keep copying it, so that it can have a certain visual impact." Lu Xun stuck behind her, resting his head on her shoulder, while sticking He whispered into her ear while grabbing her jade hand and drawing simple patterns on the paper.

at the same time,

An elegant fragrance comes to your nose, blending with her gentleness, thoughtfulness, maturity and luxury as delicate as silk, making you intoxicated and unable to extricate yourself.

Lu Xun slowly let go of her jade hand, and the strong and strong chest left her back. In an instant, the mature and beautiful widow who was intoxicated seemed to have lost the most important thing in her life. The hysterical desire almost occupied her. all her thoughts

She quietly looked at him from the corner of her eyes, at the little man sitting next to her. At this moment, Mu Qingshuang wanted to plunge into his arms, hug his waist with both arms, and then use her own Her red lips bit his mouth fiercely, sucking and sucking in Jingyi's way.

"Did you listen to what I just said?" Lu Xun asked softly.

Mu Qingshuang nodded and shook her head, then turned her face away slightly, and replied in a low voice: "I kind of understand it, but not very much, but I will do it according to your ideas. Besides, you just... Why are you sticking so close to me?"

As soon as the words fell,

She turned her head sideways and looked at him confusedly, with a trace of hope in her eyes.


"I was a little impatient just now. I'll pay attention next time." Lu Xun said awkwardly.

Hearing Lu Xun's words, Mu Qingshuang was a little disappointed. She couldn't hear the long-awaited answer from his mouth. She couldn't help biting her lips gently, secretly cursing in her heart: "I Chao Si" Why is the little man in Wuxian so shy? If you are so shy, it will be very difficult for me. Do you really want me to pounce on you?

"about there."

Lu Xun stood up and said to Mu Qingshuang, "It's time for me to go back."

"Are you going back now?" Mu Qingshuang came back to her senses, her brows full of reluctance, and said softly: "You're already here. Let's go back after lunch."

As soon as the words fell,

Regardless of whether he agreed or not, Mu Qingshuang hurriedly walked outside, saying as she walked: "You wait here for a while, I will go to the kitchen to give instructions."

Just as she reached the entrance of the courtyard, Mu Qingshuang suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Lu Xun in the pavilion, and said seriously: "Don't leave secretly. If you sneak away, don't come back again." I don't want to see you."

After saying that,

He left him alone and headed to the kitchen.

"Someone! Someone!"

Mu Qingshuang shouted hurriedly, and a few maids came in a short while, and said seriously: "Go and talk to the cook, prepare a table of meals, and then deliver the meals to my room. In addition, No one is allowed to step into the main courtyard, living courtyard, and backyard, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude.”

Several maids responded one after another, and then left in a hurry. After Mu Qingshuang gave the instructions, she did not rush back to the back garden, but turned around and walked into her room, briefly touched up her makeup, and felt perfect again. After leaving the residence, he walked slowly towards the backyard.

Seeing that he was still sitting in the pavilion, Mu Qingshuang finally let go of her hanging heart. She came to Lu Xun's side gracefully and said softly: "I have already ordered them to prepare delicious meals and deliver them to Lu Xun." In my room."


"Your room? Can I go in?" Lu Xun said helplessly, "Isn't it suitable?"

You did that to me, why do you care?

Mu Qingshuang rolled her eyes at him charmingly and murmured: "Don't you like to challenge old ideas, don't you want to be bound by the shackles of the world, let alone be imprisoned in your thoughts? Why are you so timid now? Shrunk?"

"That's true."

Lu Xun smiled naively and replied with a smile: "My question."

"It was your problem in the first place."

Mu Qingshuang gave her a sweet smile, then put away the three pieces of paper with graffiti and carefully put them aside. Then she picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for her lover, and thoughtfully gave him a few pieces. Osmanthus cake.

"You eat something first."

"The food will probably take a while." Mu Qingshuang said softly.

Gentle, considerate, careful, and caring. Isn't this the woman of my dreams?

Lu Xun reached out and picked up a piece of pastry, and then slowly put it into his mouth. His mind became more active with each chew, but as he thought about it, he felt chills on his back, and felt that the situation was getting more and more complicated. , it seems that there is an inextricable relationship between them.

"Lu Xun."

"What do you usually do?" Mu Qingshuang rested her elbow on the table, held up her chin with one hand, looked at him sideways, and asked softly.


"Stay at home and practice." Lu Xun replied.

"Alone?" Mu Qingshuang asked.

Lu Xun hesitated for a moment and nodded silently.

Then you can live with me. Mu Qingshuang bit her lips and asked leisurely: "What if you are boring?"

"People who practice cultivation need to be able to endure loneliness and not feel bored under normal circumstances." Lu Xun said lightly.


Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips, turned her head and looked at the rockery in the garden not far away, and said with emotion: "Then I feel very bored every day."

"I know."

Lu Xun picked up the teacup and said softly: "Last time you said you were lonely."


Mu Qingshuang was slightly stunned, looked at him with surprise, and asked in a squeak: "When did I say such a thing?"

"When you were drunk." Lu Xun replied.

For a moment,

Mu Qingshuang blushed and was so embarrassed that she couldn't raise her head. If there was a crack in the ground, she would want to get into it directly.

Oh my God! Oh my God!

I. I actually said such a thing, will he think I am a slut?

"Lu Xun."

"That was just my drunken nonsense, don't listen to it." Mu Qingshuang bit her lips hard and said hesitantly: "The loneliness I'm talking about is not the loneliness you imagine. I'm not that kind of slut."

Lu Xun smiled and said softly: "I know, don't worry."

Mu Qingshuang hesitated and said shyly: "Actually, actually a little bit."


"What did you say?" Lu Xun asked curiously.

"Nothing, nothing." Mu Qingshuang shook her head repeatedly, blushing and said: "I said you know best."

In the following time,

the two chatted for a while, basically some trivial things around them. As the topic opened up, the distance between them became closer and closer, just a little bit short of being close together.

Mu Qingshuang kept her chin on one hand, leaning sideways and looking straight at him, looking at the handsome face of her lover, slowly indulging in it, while listening to him telling about the strange things around him, her thoughts were no longer in her mind

Should I rush over now? I can't wait for the next meeting. Just like Jingyi said, I have come to this point, it doesn't matter if I take the initiative, but what if I scare him?

My lover who I think about day and night is so shy, if he is scared by my urgent desire, what should I do? But I don't want to continue like this. Although falling in love with each other over time is indeed in line with my heart, I am already over 40 and don't want a long-term relationship. I just want to get him at lightning speed.


Never mind! Never mind!

Let's get him first, of course, before that, ask him what he thinks of me.

Mu Qingshuang bit her lips and asked softly, "Lu Xun, let me ask you a question. Do you dislike my identity as a widow?"


"The key is that I know your situation." Lu Xun smiled and said softly, "Don't think too much, Shuang'er."

A simple Shuang'er made Mu Qingshuang's emotions flood. She stared at him intently and asked softly, "Is it true?"

"Can it be false?"

Lu Xun smiled unhappily, "There will always be someone in this world who doesn't care about so many right and wrongs, and then cares about you more than anyone else, because this person knows that you have suffered a lot in the past."

Faced with these straightforward words, Mu Qingshuang's lonely widow heart for more than 40 years has become hot. She now wants to know an answer, an answer that is crucial to her.

"Who could this person be?" Mu Qingshuang took the initiative and asked with a hint of eagerness.

Lu Xun did not answer her immediately. He silently picked up the teacup, took a sip of the tea in the cup, then looked at the cup in his hand and said softly: "The silk stockings are floating on the water, how can I visit my loved ones?"

Mu Qingshuang, who was well-educated since childhood, instantly understood the meaning of the poem and was surprised and surprised.

"Why not get drunk with a thousand cups of green wine? A face of red makeup is annoying and killing people."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Lu Xun put down the teacup in his hand and whispered softly: "Who do you think he will be?"

Mu Qingshuang did not speak, but her blurred eyes had betrayed her mood at the moment, and the answer was exactly the answer in her heart.

At this moment,

Mu Qingshuang suddenly plucked up the courage. Since it has come to this point, there is no need to continue to be reserved. If she continues to be reserved like this, she will only be hurt in the end.


This bad man, I can't stand it anymore!

Finally, she followed her inner thoughts and stopped resisting.

The mature and beautiful widow pounced on him unexpectedly, and in an instant they both fell to the ground.

PS: Posted first and revised later

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