There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 236 I want to be your woman now

Lying in the quilt, Lu Xun stared at the beautiful widow beside the bed, watching her pull off the green ribbon around her waist. The tightly wrapped dress suddenly lost its restraint, and the two sides of the lapels suddenly opened, and the elegant bellyband was propped up high, not to mention how playful it was.

Ah, is this the beautiful widow I know? Is she the mature woman who is both gentle and considerate and elegant? How come she suddenly becomes so wanton? Oh my. I can't stand it!

At the same time,

Mu Qingshuang's face was already red, and her heart was beating violently. She was also pierced by a strong sense of shame. However, there was no turning back. It had come to this point, so there was no way to pick up the belt. She could only. She could only completely take down the little lover in front of her, and she really couldn't wait any longer. Who knows if there will be such an opportunity next time.

The dress slid down her shoulders slowly, and in an instant, a plump and convex body was revealed. Facing this scene, Lu Xun's eyes almost fell out.

Compared with Miao Yaonu and Su Xianzi, Qiao Guafu was in between them, a kind of proportion close to perfection. In terms of chest, it was slightly larger than Miao Yaonu, but smaller than Su Xianzi, and in terms of hips, it was slightly more upturned than Su Xianzi, and at the same time a little more deflated than Miao Yaonu.

The mature and beautiful Qiao Guafu gently lifted the quilt and got into the bed gracefully. A small embroidered bed was squeezed with two people, a man and a woman, and the atmosphere of silence filled them, so quiet that they could even hear each other's breathing.

Mu Qingshuang, who had been lonely for more than 40 years, was almost excited at this moment, but she was also accompanied by a panic. She didn't know if this was right, but they had already slept in the same bed, and it was useless to regret it.

She pursed her lips and slowly stretched out her jade hand. The smooth back of her hand gently rubbed his hand. As she rubbed, she suddenly mustered up the courage and tightly grasped her lover's big hand.

Oh my.

This is more seductive than Miao Yaonu and Su Xianzi!

Lu Xun couldn't help muttering in his heart. Facing the unscrupulous seduction of the pretty widow, it was a bit difficult to resist for a while, but he didn't want to embrace the mature and beautiful pretty widow so quickly. He wanted to wait and see how seductive the pretty widow could be.

Time passed slowly.

Mu Qingshuang's emotions changed from excitement at the beginning to doubt and urgency now. She quietly turned her face and glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. Seeing that he was not asleep, she became even more impatient. I am already like this, why doesn't he take the initiative? Could it be that he wants me to throw myself into his arms again? In fact, it is not impossible.

Simple thinking, calm analysis.

Mu Qingshuang raised one of her legs and placed it directly on his calf, then used the same trick to rub him. It seemed clever but actually a little clumsy. Unfortunately, Lu Xun, who was teasing her, did not move at all. He was calm and did not intend to touch her.

Just like that.

The two of them were deadlocked for half an incense stick of time. Mu Qingshuang was almost on the verge of collapse. She was so angry that she finally couldn't help it. She opened her mouth slightly and asked angrily: "Lu Lang, you, what do you want? I'm already like this, can't you take the initiative?"

Lu Xun smiled innocently, grabbed her arm unexpectedly, and pulled her into his arms with force. Mu Qingshuang, who had been waiting for a long time, plunged into it, and at the same time raised one of her legs and placed it on his hips, and her arms hugged him tightly.

"Bad Lu Lang"

"You must wait for me to speak before you take the initiative." Mu Qingshuang said angrily, "I'm so angry."

Lu Xun looked at the mature and beautiful widow curled up in his arms, and his heart was surging. He couldn't help but whisper in her ear and said gently, "I was just teasing you just now to see what you would do. I didn't expect that my Shuang'er was so impatient."

"Hateful. Who is impatient?"

Mu Qingshuang bit her lips lightly. She didn't dare to look up with a blushing face. She could only bury herself deeply in his arms and squeaked, "Don't slander me. I didn't."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Lu Xun nodded, then grabbed a handful of her hair, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, and asked softly, "Shuang'er, you can easily take out 100,000 taels, then, how much silver do you have?"


Mu Qingshuang twisted in his arms, adjusted to the most comfortable position, and said softly: "Of course, these are not earned by me, but belonged to others, and then I inherited them. At first, the other party's family came to quarrel with me, wanting to divide most of the family property, including this mansion, but they failed."


Lu Xun asked curiously: "Why didn't they quarrel?"

"Although the other party came with great momentum, I am not a vegetarian." Mu Qingshuang said with a little arrogance: "I have a good friend who is unrivaled in the court. She helped me to clear everything, including the fact that I have been able to spend more than 20 years in peace, all thanks to my good friend. Of course, Lu Lang, don't be jealous, because my good friend is a woman."

"So that's it."

Lu Xun didn't ask more questions. At this time, the hand that was touching her hair had slowly reached down.

"That good friend. I can't do it now..."

Mu Qingshuang, who was talking, suddenly stopped abruptly, and her whole body trembled involuntarily. A breath that could touch the soul floated out from her red lips and white teeth.

Mu Qingshuang's brain short-circuited at this moment, and everything went blank. Her cheeks were hot, her mind was in a trance, and her heart was beating violently. Her thoughts had long been pulled out of her body, and the only control she had over her body was the simplest breathing, and even that was a little difficult.

Why is my lover suddenly so bold? Is this still my shy little lover? But I really like his naughty look.

Mu Qingshuang snorted softly, crawled into her arms again, and asked in embarrassment: "Lu Lang, you... why are you so anxious all of a sudden?"

"Like it?"

Lu Xun asked mischievously.


"How do you want me to answer this?" Mu Qingshuang said coquettishly: "I said you don't like it. Will you stop?"

"Of course, I will definitely take your feelings into consideration." Lu Xun replied seriously: "Okay. I already know, let go now."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Mu Qingshuang said urgently: "Don't!"

"I. I am." Mu Qingshuang bit her lips tightly and said hesitantly: "I kind of like it."

While talking,

She quietly raised her head and saw the evil smile on his face. She immediately knew that she had been teased, and for a moment she was extremely ashamed and angry, followed by panic.

"you you!"

Mu Qingshuang clenched her fists with both hands and beat his chest with a blushing face, and said angrily: "You bully me!"

The pretty widow who had never practiced martial arts faced the strong and strong Lu Xun. Her counterattack was like tickling her, which could even be regarded as a kind of coquettishness. Suddenly, Lu Xun reached out to her chin and gently raised her head. , in bed. The two of them looked at each other and the people in front of them.

The ambiguous atmosphere slowly fermented, and Mu Qingshuang's eyes gradually blurred. She couldn't help but close her eyes, and at the same time she hugged his neck. In an instant, her moist and delicate lips were gently covered by it.

Compared to the first time, Mu Qingshuang was a little better at this moment, but she still felt a little powerless. She was at a disadvantage after just a moment.

"Lu Lang."

Mu Qingshuang moved her mouth away, pressed her arms into his arms, and said shyly: "I really like you, do you like me?"


Although he didn't know why she suddenly acted like this, he still answered honestly. Lu Xun hugged the plump body tightly and said softly: "You are so beautiful, of course I like it."

"Aside from good looks? What else do you like?" Mu Qingshuang asked softly.


This question seems very simple, just describe her advantages, but in fact this question is difficult. Often those answers that seem to be answers will actually make the other party very dissatisfied and feel very perfunctory.

"Why do I like you? In fact, I have asked myself this question many, many times." Lu Xun hugged her and whispered to himself softly: "I still haven't figured out the answer to the question, but...but I only know that when I After seeing you, I seem to be able to forget a lot of unhappy things.”

This answer had no answer, but it made Mu Qingshuang tremble all over. This answer without an answer contained deep affection for her, and at the same time it was so implicit. At this moment, Mu Qingshuang was about to die. Deep in her heart, The possessive desire is beginning to stir.


The final fatal blow was just a short step away from the final loss of control.

Mu Qingshuang, who was nestled in his arms, said nothing, feeling an experience she had never had before. This feeling was so obsessed and shy, and she was waiting for his next move. Although she didn't know that she was waiting. What are you wearing?

If an ordinary person came here, it would be over, but Lu Xun would never disappoint the woman he likes. Looking at the mature and beautiful widow who was silent and blushing, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and said softly: "Shuang. Son. It may be a bit abrupt to say it now, but things are often that simple. Once you meet some people, you will feel like you forever. "

The words fell,

Slowly he came close to her ear and whispered hoarsely: "Shuang'er. I love you."

correct answer!

What I want is his will!

Mu Qingshuang raised her head and looked at him with blurred eyes, her brows full of emotional excitement.

She gently leaned over and bit his chin, then kept embellishments on his handsome face, and finally landed on his lips.

"Lu Lang."

The mature and beautiful widow looked at him with fascination, her mouth opened slightly, and she said softly: "I can't wait any longer. I want to be your woman now."


"But it's broad daylight."

Lu Xun wanted to say something more, but she gently covered his mouth.

"It doesn't matter. It's dark under the covers."

PS: Send first and change later

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