There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 331: Master Su is my white moonlight

What kind of relationship is this? Forget it is so complicated, the two sisters like the same man, but the key point is that their beloved Aunt Mu actually became someone else's concubine?

When Zhao Qiuyu heard Su Jingyi's description, her brows were full of fear and astonishment. At the same time, a seed called "brave" was planted in her pure heart. She opened her mouth and countless words lingered on her lips, but I don’t know what to say. It seems that no words can describe the feeling of being overwhelmed at this moment.

"Teacher Su, this... this... I feel so confused. What kind of relationship is this?" Zhao Qiuyu pursed his lips and replied with an embarrassed look on his face: "I'm a little confused. I feel like there are knots everywhere. After a while, This one got to know that one, and then that one got to know this one again.”

"Your Aunt Mu's little lover is a man who likes to eat grass from the side of the house. Didn't you realize that we have a good relationship with each other?" Su Jingyi flattened her mouth and said softly: "No matter what, you just need to remember One thing, that man is Xuanyin's husband, a serious husband, and Aunt Mu is his concubine, so don't talk nonsense in front of Xuanyin. "

Concubine. Aunt Mu, who is so holy in my mind, is willing to become someone else’s concubine. This. This.

Zhao Qiuyu's heart was extremely complicated. She had always regarded Mu Qingshuang as her role model, but in the end she found out that Aunt Mu had fallen down and was willing to become someone else's concubine. Is she still the Aunt Mu in her mind after being so humble?


"I know your heart is very complicated, but I still hope you can respect her choice, and Lu Xun is very kind to her. As for whether your Aunt Mu is happy or not, I think there is no need to say anything. Look at her She no longer looks depressed, she must be very happy," Su Jingyi said.


Zhao Qiuyu bit her lips tightly and murmured to herself: "Maybe it's all my wishful thinking. Think about it carefully, Aunt Mu has the right to choose her own happiness. I...I have no right to make irresponsible remarks. Yes, I hope Aunt Mu can always be happy.”

"I'm relieved that you think so. Remember not to talk nonsense in front of Xuanyin." Su Jingyi said seriously.


Zhao Qiuyu nodded, looked at Fairy Su beside him, hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice: "Um, where is Witch An? Could it be that she is also Lu Xun's woman?"

"It may or may not be the case. I don't know. Just think of her as Lu Xun's woman." Su Jingyi said helplessly: "I'm a little worried about your situation now."


"What should I worry about?" Zhao Qiuyu looked confused.

Su Jingyi looked at her, looked at the quiet Qiu Yu, and replied leisurely: "I'm worried that I will fall into this whirlpool. That man is more attractive than you think. Even Mu Qingshuang, your Aunt Mu has fallen, I'm afraid you will"


"It's not like I haven't seen him before. I think he's just average." Zhao Qiuyu said leisurely: "I can't see what's good about him at all."

"Some men belong to the type where love lasts for a long time. In short, if you meet him, you must stay away from him and don't get close to that man." Su Jiangya said seriously: "You must keep these words in your heart."

"I see."

Zhao Qiuyu nodded. Although she felt that Teacher Su's warning was a bit ridiculous, after all, she had respected her since she was a child and did not dare to say anything to refute. She obediently followed Su Jingyi's idea and stayed away from that sexually audacious man.

But then again. Why do you feel that Teacher Su is a little too nervous? Is there a possibility that Teacher Su is also trapped?

This absurd idea just appeared, and was quickly pushed back deep into the heart. Anyone can fall into it. But Teacher Su can never do it. She is her own white moonlight, illuminating the confused road ahead of her.

When Su Jingyi and Zhao Qiuyu finished their secret conversation, they returned to the back garden. Mu Qingshuang was also there at this moment.

The little princess looked at her Aunt Mu and felt very irritated when she thought that she had become someone else's concubine. However, she was willing to do so. The key was not only the two witches and a witch beside her Aunt Mu, they were all from Lu. Looking for a woman.

Why do they get along so well? The father also had many concubines, but the concubines of the father were all intrigues and intrigues. I don’t know how many corpses were buried in the well in the palace.

Many miraculous phenomena made Zhao Qiuyu even more curious about Lu Xun. He looked like an ordinary man, but he was more handsome than ordinary people. How could he be so powerful? The two witch sisters, the witch of the Western Region, and my own Aunt Mu all fall in love with him. It’s really strange why I can’t feel his kindness?

After chatting briefly for a while, the little princess Zhao Qiuyu went back to her house, while Xuanshi took Xuanyin and Anjialuo to go shopping while Su Jingyi was there. There was only one pair of sisters left in this huge back garden.

"I told Qiu Yu the whole truth to save her from exposing her secrets in front of Xuanyin." Su Jingyi said.

"How did she react?" Mu Qingshuang asked slightly nervously.

"She looked shocked at first, and then slowly accepted it. She can understand your situation, don't worry too much, don't think too much, just be the same as usual." Su Jingyi said leisurely: "But I am a little afraid of one thing."

"You want to say that Qiu Yu is in love with Lu Xun, right? Don't worry, I'm keeping an eye on him. I will never let him get even half a step closer to Qiu Yu. Moreover, his wife is also here, so she shouldn't be so bold, right?" Mu Qingshuang said.

As soon as the words fell,

Mu Qingshuang smiled bitterly and changed her words: "I take back what I just said. He seems to be so perverted and bold."


"Keep an eye on me. I don't want to fall into Miao Fengxian's predicament." Su Jingyi curled her lips.

"Well, I suddenly want to see you and Yueyan Qiuyu fighting for a man. It must be very exciting!" Mu Qingshuang said with a smile: "If this really happens, how confusing your relationship will be."

Su Jingyi glared at her fiercely and said angrily: "Don't cause trouble for me."

"Okay, okay."

"I'm joking with you." Mu Qingshuang put away her smile and asked in a low voice: "In the palace, how do you plan to solve it? Bringing Qiuyu here suddenly will inevitably cause opposition from the Zhao royal family. How are you going to face those people?"


"Who can do anything to me?"

Su Jingyi snorted coldly and said lightly.

Mu Qingshuang rolled her eyes and said unhappily: "Where did you learn this habit? No wonder Lu Xun said you were always shouting for war and killing."

Su Jingyi's mature face flushed slightly, and she turned her head and whined: "You are a bit long-winded. You didn't have so much nonsense before."

Mu Qingshuang just smiled and didn't say much. She gently pulled Su Xianzi's sleeve and asked carefully: "Why do I feel that An Jialuo seems to have an affair with Lu Xun."

Su Jingyi frowned: "Do you have any evidence?"

"I'm just guessing."

"With our little lover's special preferences, do you think he will miss such a beautiful Western mature woman?" Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips and asked: "Does she know everything?"


Su Jingyi nodded.


"Forget it." Mu Qingshuang said calmly: "Why should I, a concubine, care so much?"

Su Jingyi remained silent, and did not speak for a long time. She was helpless in her heart. Suddenly, she frowned and murmured: "It seems that Qiuyu has disappeared. I will go back when Xiaohuli and the others come back."

"Then be careful."

Mu Qingshuang's face was full of worry: "If it really comes to the point of using force, it is better to call Miao Fengxian and that An Monu."

"Let's talk about it later."

Su Jingyi replied calmly.

It was late at night,

Two hunchbacked old men appeared on the empty street, one man and one woman, who were very old.

"Old woman?"

"It should be in front, right?" The old man was skinny and trembling, and his mouth was full of rotten teeth.


The old woman who spoke was sick and her hair was sparse.

"Old woman, Master Zhang just said that Mu Qingshuang can't be killed, but he didn't say that other people can't be killed, right?" the old man asked.


The old woman muttered, "Mu Qingshuang is a close friend of Master Su, we can't touch her."

"I know about this."

The old man sighed and muttered to himself, "After this is done, I'm afraid our lives will be in vain. The anger of Master Su is not something we can bear."

"We should die too." The old woman said softly, "Okay. It's in front, we should go in and kill people."

As soon as the voice fell,

the two hunchbacked old men suddenly stopped and looked ahead nervously. At this moment, a vague figure appeared in front of them.


Those who come with bad intentions will not come with good intentions!

The skinny old man didn't say much, took out five flying knives from his arms, and shot directly at the vague figure.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh——

The five flying knives almost blocked all the routes of advance and retreat.

But the scene the old man imagined did not appear. The blurry figure did not fall to the ground, but five flying knives passed through the figure.


The two hunchbacked old men were stunned, their eyes full of astonishment and confusion.

What. What. is going on?

Is the figure in front of them a human?

"Playing tricks!"

"Look at the sword!"

The sick old woman drew out a short sword, and the strong sword energy whistled away instantly, but the result was the same.

The sword energy passed through the figure.


A contemptuous snort sounded, and the blurry figure walked out of the shadows.

She was wearing a simple dress, with blonde hair and blue eyes different from the Central Plains women, and holding a crystal sword in her hand. This sword was not an ordinary thing at a glance.

"You you."

"Angara, the witch of the Western Regions?"

The old man and the old woman who came to kill and rob people were full of horror. They never expected to meet the legendary witch.

At this moment,

behind the old man and the old woman, a young woman appeared.

PS: Post first and edit later

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