
"you are back."

Xuanyin was about to go to Lu Xun's room to study when she met Miao Fengxian who had finished taking a bath and greeted her respectfully.


"Are you going to study in his room?" Miao Fengxian looked at Xuanyin and asked softly.

A faint blush appeared on Xuanyin's cold and charming face, and she replied in a squeaky voice: "Recently, I have made a small breakthrough in poetry. Lu Xun is quite talented in teaching reading." , and also very attentive. ”

Miao Fengxian smiled slightly. This delicate and squeamish look really surprised her. She pursed her lips and said leisurely: "It seems that you and the little one get along relatively well with Lu Xun. If that's the case, then that's it." Let’s practice together with him soon.”


Seeing that his master mentioned this matter again, Xuanyin bit his lip and whispered softly: "Master, I have my own sense of discretion, you, you don't have to think about me."


"What a girl!"

"When you have a husband, you treat me like a ball and kick it away casually?" Miao Fengxian almost died of anger. She rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Master, I have really loved you in vain for hundreds of years. , I’m teaching you how to practice, and I’m also teaching you the principles of the world, but what you get in return is this kind of treatment.”


Xuanyin hurriedly stepped forward and took Miao Fengxian's arm, pressing her body against hers affectionately. With a shy blush on her cold face, she said softly: "How could I be like this? You Don’t think too much about it.”


"Don't act like a spoiled brat, I won't do it."

Although her words were strong, there were ripples deep in her heart. Looking at Xuanyin next to her, Miao Fengxian sighed and said with emotion: "You have grown so old in the blink of an eye. I remember when I met you." When the time comes, it is like a little golden snake, with a swift arrow as the year goes by, and a sharp string as the time comes."

Xuanyin raised his head, looked at her blankly, and asked curiously: "Master, what are you talking about?"

"Master is lamenting the past four hundred years."

Miao Fengxian touched her head and asked softly: "How are you studying the ancient secret technique?"


"This. That what."

Xuanyin lowered her head with a flushed face and hurriedly let go of Miao Fengxian's arm.

"I'm going to study. You should rest early."

He hurriedly left these words and ran towards Lu Xun's house without looking back. He pushed open the door and then closed it tightly with a bang, leaving Miao Fengxian standing alone in the backyard with a face on her face. There is a faint arc hanging on it.

"That's it for today."

"Madam, I find that you are getting smarter and smarter."

While tidying up the table, Lu Xun said with a smile: "I used to learn two poems. Oops, it was so hard. I taught the second sentence and forgot the first sentence. Now, it's obviously much better than before. It seems like In less than a hundred years, I will be able to take the exam for the top prize."

Hearing him praise her for being smart, the aloof little witch was very happy. She pursed her red lips, with a hint of arrogance and pride in her brows, and said angrily: "You only know how to use sweet words to deceive me. Do you think I Is it a child outside? Are you deceived so easily?"

"This is all true."

Lu Xun smiled naively, put away the four treasures of the study, and put them under the bed with his buttocks sticking out.

"I don't believe it. Hey, I'm going back first."

Xuanyin stood up, glanced at his butt, and murmured.


Lu Xun agreed casually and continued busy with his own affairs.

The little demon girl strolled to the door of the house and opened it gently. Just as she was walking out, she couldn't help but look back at him, opened her mouth and murmured in a low voice: "Hey, why don't you go sit on the roof for a while?" Can I see stars?"

Lu Xun, who was packing his things, couldn't help but froze when he heard the little demon girl's invitation. He turned his head and looked at her with a little confusion on his face.

“Forget it if you don’t go”

Xuanyin turned away, bit her lips tightly, and muttered as thinly as an ant: "Don't regret it then."


"must go!"

Lu Xun said softly: "Can you wait until I finish cleaning up?"


Xuanyin's face was a little red and hot, and an unspeakable emotion was flowing freely in her body. She didn't know why she suddenly invited him to sit on the roof, maybe because she wanted to be alone with him for a while.

The night is quiet,

The space between heaven and earth was so empty, with only the lonely moon staring at the silent earth.

On the roof of the hall, Lu Xun and Xuanyin were sitting on a ridge. Although they were very close to each other, they were not touching each other. They each raised their heads and looked at the night sky above their heads. The gentle breeze was blowing in and out. All impetuousness has gone away.

"Have you ever had a crush on anyone before?"

Xuanyin crossed her legs, rested her elbows on her knees, and gently held her chin with her palms. There was a bit of tenderness in her cold and charming face, and her eyes were slightly blurred, and she asked lightly.


"Is this a test for me?"

Lu Xun heard the little demon girl's inexplicable question and laughed softly: "If I say no, you will definitely think I am lying. If I say yes, you may be angry again, so do you think I have it or not? "

Xuanyin pursed her lips and said displeasedly: "Obviously I'm asking you, why are you asking me the other way around? It's none of my business whether you love me or not."

As soon as the words fell,

He moved to the side, deliberately keeping a distance from him.

"My answer is no." Lu Xun said gently: "In the past, I have been living a wandering life. At that time, I just wanted to survive. As for the person I love, it was such a luxury for me."

After that,

Lu Xun moved towards her, and the two seemed to be close.

The little demon girl noticed his movements, but let him do this. She pursed her lips and murmured: "Lu Xun, do you know that I have already moved my love?"


"This is all your fault!"

Xuan Yin turned her body to the side, staring at him angrily, and complained angrily: "It's all your fault for breaking into my life, it's all your fault for teasing my heart, it's all your fault for breaking my bottom line again and again, I hate you! I hate you so much! I hate."


A sweet and numb nasal sound floated out from Xuan Yin's red lips and white teeth.

At this time, Lu Xun hugged the little demon girl tightly in his arms, and looked at the pair of blurred phoenix eyes affectionately. The beautiful face, the cheeks on both sides slightly flushed with suspicious blush, and the delicate lips flashed with crystal clear luster, like a ruby ​​under the faint moonlight.

In the dark night, on the roof.

Lu Xun hugged the cold little demon girl, and their eyes were staring at each other.

A woman's belt seemed to be a little loose.

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