In the spacious outhouse, beside the sandalwood barrel, a few candles on the table dispersed the darkness.

The little fox lay on the ground looking extremely embarrassed, and at the same time looked up at Lu Xun in front of him. With his heart extremely broken, and with his messy mood, Xuan Shi knew how ashamed he was at this moment. As a result, he saw his most The thorough side, even more thorough than when we first met.


"You, you, go back!"

The little fox was so anxious that he almost cried, and his petite body huddled up.

Lu Xun did not take advantage of the situation and silently returned to the bedroom. Then he came out again, holding the quilt in his arms, gently covering the little fox's fair and delicate body, and said helplessly: "I heard an exclamation , I ran out in a hurry, but I didn’t expect it to be like this. Don’t worry. I didn’t see anything, and I wasn’t interested in it.”

The little fox ignored him and huddled up under the quilt. His cute little face was filled with grievances and his cherry-like mouth was tightly closed. He tried hard not to cry, but the tears in his eyes still flowed unsatisfactorily. down.

"Shall I carry you to bed?"

Before the little fox agreed, Lu Xun gently picked up the little fox lying on the ground.

Seeing her heartbroken look, Lu Xun, who was used to her usually being naughty and mischievous, felt a little unspeakable for a moment. Compared with the big and small witches. Facing the little witch, Lu Xun couldn't decide what method to use. Get along with her.

Taking gentle steps, Lu Xun carried the little fox to the bed. Lu Xun did not leave, but sat on the edge of the bed and asked gently: "Did it hurt from the fall?"

The little fox said nothing and turned her back to him, but the slight sobbing showed that she was still crying.

"It's true"

"Why did you fall out so well?" Lu Xun said bitterly: "Did the two short legs not reach the ground?"


"Asking even though you know it."

The little fox pouted his lips and said in tears: "The bathtub is so high, and I am very short. When I came out, I slipped and fell."

As soon as the words fell,

The little fox wrapped the quilt tightly around him and continued to cry: "When I get back, I will definitely file a complaint with Sister Xuanyin, saying that you used force on me."

Lu Xun had already figured out the little fox's character. The three witches were all hard-spoken and soft-hearted. He smiled and said, "Okay, I will marry you when the time comes, so that you two sisters can be together forever."

Hearing his words, saying that he wanted to marry himself, the little fox huddled in the bed couldn't help but trembled in his heart. A strong sense of shame ran through his body, and he bit his lips in anger. He said: "How dare you say that you are not greedy for my body."


"I just followed your words," Lu Xun said helplessly, "Okay, okay. Can we just treat it as an accident? Don't tell Xuanyin. She and I finally fell in love, and Your sister Xuanyin is currently in the stage of an explosion of Xu Yin, and she may die if you make such a fuss."

The little fox opened his mouth, and what he wanted to say lingered on his lips for a long time. He suppressed it back into his stomach and murmured: "I just said it out of anger."


"But when you see my body, you can't let it go like this." The little fox pursed his lips lightly and said in a squeaky voice: "In the future, I want to go down the mountain to play, and you must accompany me."

"Are you afraid of being scolded by Xuanyin and Miao Fengxian? That's why you dragged me forcibly." Lu Xun smiled slightly and said softly: "Okay, okay, if you want to go down the mountain to play, then I will I'll stay with you, but don't go out every now and then. You know your master's character."

The little fox pouted and said angrily: "I know I don't need you to tell me."

Lu Xun raised his hand, patted her little head gently, then stood up and left the bedroom. Just as he was about to open the curtain, he turned back to the little fox on the bed and said, "I'm in the outer room. If you need anything, just call me." Bar."

After saying that,

Then he left here, leaving the little fox lying alone on the bed.

Xuan Shi turned around and looked towards the outer room, then stared at the bed curtain silently, her dexterous little mouth pursed tightly, with a trace of crystal tears in her eyes. Her mind was already blank, filled with grievances. Like waves, constantly lapping at the inner bank.

what do I do?

He accidentally saw the most complete version of himself. Even though he was lying on the ground, he was already very ashamed!

Master said that if a man looks at you, you can only have two choices. One is to kill him directly, and the other is to fall in love with him and kill him. Let’s not talk about whether he has the strength. If he dies, Sister Xuanyin It will be very dangerous. Once Xu Yin breaks out, it will kill her at any time.

As for liking

The little fox's delicate little face is full of complexity.

In fact, Xuan Shi had an ulterior secret that even Xuanyin and Miao Fengxian didn't know. She read the three books stolen from Lu Xun's house that night until she fell asleep. , and ended up having an incredible dream. In the dream, she became the woman in the painting, and the man was none other than Lu Xun.


The curtain of the bedroom was opened, and Lu Xun walked in from the outside.

"What are you here for?"

The little fox wrapped the quilt tightly around him and looked at him warily.

"Do you want to listen to Journey to the West?" Lu Xun asked.


When the little fox heard that Journey to the West was about to be told, his brows were full of longing and expectation, but he couldn't let go. He replied in a squeaky voice: "You can tell it if you want to. If you don't want to, it doesn't matter."

"Yes, yes."

"Why not?"

Facing the little fox in front of him, Lu Xun relied entirely on coaxing. As for the big and small demon girls, there were two other ways. For example, the big demon girl needed to be shameless and slutty to pry open her heart that had been closed for thousands of years, while the little demon girl needed to be gentle and slutty to slowly melt her heart.


The little fox snorted coldly, turned his back to him, and pricked up his ears at the same time.


"Let's continue from the last chapter."

Lu Xun sat on the chair and told the story of Journey to the West.

Silent night,

The candlelit bedroom.

Lu Xun was telling the story of Journey to the West, the story was exciting and linked together.

The little fox on the bed listened with relish, and even accidentally exposed her white and smooth fragrant back.

This time,

Lu Xun did not leave any buttons, and kept talking until the little fox fell asleep, then he stopped and picked up the teacup to moisten his throat.

He gently covered her with the quilt, blew out the candle in the bedroom, and walked out carefully.

At this moment,

the little fox secretly opened his eyes and looked at his blurry back in the darkness.

In an instant,

there was a slight heartbeat.

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