"You misunderstood, didn't I also say it was a private matter between you and me?"

Jian Yu cleverly smiled, and finally sat upright. A pair of hooked phoenixes licked Wei Zizhen ’s handsome face, broad shoulders, thin waist, and stayed at each other with a wicked and **** meaning. Tight hips and crotch wrapped tightly by suit pants.

"Aren't you coming?"

"You are a good person." So find a good person to marry, hurry up!


"... I'm 1." Because I have a glass heart that can't stand love, kill, and abuse, and is still a good guy who never plays professional play!

"Do you think I'm not 0?" Jian Yu shamelessly innocent.

"0 your sister, can you accept your ghost and beast field that is about to break through the lower limit?" It was just a moral virtue with his family-what a bad thing to say!

As soon as Jian Jianyu looked, the smile on the corner of her mouth seemed to be expanding again: "Zi, you are so cute."

"Hehe." Wei Zihuan smiled and smiled, cute your brother-in-law.

"Doesn't I look good?" Jian Yu's slender eyelashes flirted like a pair of small fans and only tightened Wei Ziyu's belly again.

Hero, do you let me go, Lao Tzu is a normal man who has been abstained for a long time, and you will show your charm like this.

"Strictly Captain Jane, you look better than my uncle's distant niece, his granddaughter's granddaughter, her aunt's little daughter."

I was so calm that Jian Yu was also forced to make an eyelid.

Seeing that the sky was a little dark, Jian Yu couldn't help it, so she had to give up to persuade Wei Zixun to go to a love hotel with him for a few shots and realize the beauty below. Before leaving, he thought about Wei Ziyi's round buttocks with a hungry look: "Zi Xiu, if you figure it out, feel free to tell me."

"..." Can you shut up and roll the young man round.

Seeing that the Shunliu Interpol squadron finally left his place, Wei Zizheng was relieved, and thought of the wicked surname of Jane, only to think that it would be better to let the captain of the five big and three thick king come, the death of a few brain cells is small, Tonight might have to kill his own trillions of grandchildren-Wei Zixi, who feels that he is about to commit the crime of murder, is melancholy.

The result was not the same. As soon as Wei Zizhen came home, he lowered his body and immediately raised his chest. This is not to blame him. Since he was separated from Shen Shuzheng, he has never vented again. First, there are too many things to worry about, and the small flames that are in charge of it are stabbed as soon as they come out; secondly, if you don't want to find someone, you are the only one who is qualified to touch him. That must not be disgusting. But today, he was so provoked by a beautician of the same level as his family, that the evil fire that was crushed down can't stop now.

Xu Zi immediately wiped out his lower body three or two times, sitting on the edge of the bed and using his fingers to serve his hard sex.

撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 朝 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 朝 朝 撸 撸 朝 撸 撸 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 撸 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 撸 撸 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 撸 撸 朝, You have to beat the rhythm or do not want to shoot!

Wei Zi was embarrassed. Seeing that his stick became softer and softer, the whole person was not good. If he couldn't even relieve his physiological needs, wouldn't it be shameful to be thrown into the house?

Suddenly, she had a clever idea, her brain was wide open, she changed her position and lay on the side of the bed. One hand continued to move her wrists up and down, and the other was holding her own small nipples, learning and pulling like Shen Shuzhen. Hey, not to mention that the effect is quite good, the **** organs were almost dying and excited to make juice on the top.

Wei Zixi finally felt a sense of consciousness, and he was even more vigorous. He intermittently hummed, and used his fingers to play the two red beans upright and swollen, and from time to time, he put his fingers into his mouth and roughly stirred himself. Under the double stimulus of his tongue and mouth, Wei Zixu's mind was full of Shen Shuxian's cheeky face, and he shot the burning liquid on the bed sheet while promiscuous.

Wei Ziyu still reluctant to move on the bed, saying that after the shot was emptiness, his emptiness was emptiness, but it was not empty in his heart, but a small meat hole between his two buttocks behind him. The little mouth was squirming hungrily. This place was loved and loved by Shen Shuxi almost every night before, but now it can only be miserably closed.

He shot it, but he was still a little dissatisfied, but he wasn't interested in hitting it again. Wei Zizhen finally couldn't help but put out a finger and inserted it into the hungering small meat hole, and just felt that he suddenly reunited his soul with his flesh, his ass, his hot little meat pockets. Filled up.

Wisdom like Wei Zi 骞 immediately found the problem-Nima dared that he had already been trained! Then I thought about it, anyway, this is also the brand of love that was tuned up by his family. People, it ’s good. Feng Guan is Ding Ding hard first or chrysanthemum itch first, but he just transferred from master key to double Socket thing.

It's just that he needs a qualified pillar-the computer is staring at the evil eye.

Heart is not as good as action, Wei Zi walks around the bird, sits in front of the computer with a buttock, and opens the Amoy ● Net **** article bar with a smile

Within a few days, the rare post office had delivered what Wei Ziyi wanted to the door. Wei Ziyi's clothes and beasts signed his name with integrity and removed the outer packaging. Wonderful magical tools without unpacking, and Wei Zizhen looked at these massage sticks / jump eggs / lubricants / condoms / milk clips—chrysanthemum itch again.

That night, Wei Zixun played the toys in a dauntless and experimental spirit, and the pain was painful! Pain! Quick! Quick! Shoot a 酣! Chang! Dripping! Net, legs faint. Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the house is against the sky after all, otherwise Wei Ziying's scream for the name of Shen Shuhuan's climax will break through the sky.

Wei Zizhen's physiological problems have been successfully solved?

Writer's words:

Thank you tickets and gifts to make the homepage colorful> 3 <

The beauty of Jian Jian is only a matter of arrogance. Wei Xiaozha is not so surprised that Marie Su is caught at first sight.

☆, the script said that the focus should be on dating

十九 Chapter 19

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