Before the winter, Roger's small vegetable garden was pulled out, and Lei Jin also helped to clean it up. There were no green vegetables in winter, so he pickled some fresh leaves and some wild vegetables in a few jars of pickles, thinking about stuffing some fresh vegetables. Meat, it's almost done at this time. There is meat and vegetables. It tastes good with porridge and rice in the morning. Of course, this is only limited to him and Roger. The orcs in the family can't be full after eating this. They still need to eat some large pieces. Meat.

Lei Jin's appetite was not bad. The sweet potato and polenta made by Moya was very sticky. Lei Jin ate three bowls with small pickles.

"What? You feel bad when I even eat some food now?" Lei Jin put down the bowl, raised his head and said half-jokingly.

"It's uncomfortable to eat too many sweet potatoes. You can eat almost as much as you can." The most important thing is that he knows Lei Jin's appetite. He never ate two bowls at most before, and complained that the bowls here were too big, and he was holding them. I'm all tired, and now I don't even frown even after eating three bowls, no matter how I look at it, it's not quite right.

"I'll give you the unrefined broth." Mingya saw that Lei Jin was still not full, but the second brother was right, so he took the initiative to push the half bowl of broth in front of Lei Jin. .

"Don't eat, you can eat it yourself." Lei Jin mopped his mouth and stood up a little impatiently, seeing everyone at the table looking at him, smiled apologetically: "You guys continue, I'm full, go out for a walk Two laps of Xiaoxiao, I have eaten too much in the past two days, and I have grown a little meat."

Long meat? Mo Ya didn't see it at all. Although Lei Jin was eating a lot every day, he didn't see any fat. This was what made him very worried. In addition, they were going to go out hunting in the past two days. It will take ten days and a half at the earliest to go there. If there is a blizzard or something, it may take some time. How can Lei Jin be reassured by staying at home, but this weather can't take him go together.

Mo Ya looked at Lei Jin with worry.

"Go back to the house and put on some clothes before going out. It's snowing and it's cold outside." Xia was close to the door and just held his wrist, but Lei Jin pulled him back calmly.

"Okay, then I'll go back to the house first." This is another change of Lei Jin. Everything is very easy to discuss. This should be put in the past. Even if what you said is reasonable, things that Lei Jin does not want are not at all. without ears.

Before Lei Jin stepped out, the corner of his eyes flashed, and the animal skin curtain hanging on the door was lifted from the outside.

"Beg? I haven't seen you for a few days. Why are you here so early today? Are you rushing to eat together?" Lei Jin greeted those who came in with a smile.

"I'm still eating, I came early." Berg's face showed a bit of embarrassment. He had already eaten, and thought that this restaurant should have eaten too.

"I'm joking, now that you move out, why are people living with them?" Lei Jin generously patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Come in and sit, don't be a doorkeeper at the door."

Berg smiled bitterly in his heart, it's not me, it's you, right? The more indifferent you are, the more at a loss for me.

If it wasn't for the high fever in the middle of the night that night, he would not take the risk to come back. Although he has been in the tribe for a while, he actually knows very few people, so he can only go back to this house for help, but he still encountered He went to Lan Qi, who was guarding here. Although no one thought about what happened later, Berg felt that he was to blame for losing Lei Jin's child. He didn't even have the qualifications to ask for forgiveness. Originally, he had no face to come back. Yes, but he was leaving and wanted to see what he could do for Lei Jin, make up for a little.

Bubble, who was originally sleepy buried in Berg's arms, heard Lei Jin's voice and raised his head excitedly, his bright eyes staring at Lei Jin, and he opened his small arms to let him hug him.

Lei Jin didn't seem to see it, but Roger, who had also finished eating, wiped his hands, came over to pick up the child, and teased: "It's been a long time since I held Bubble, does Bubble still know me?"

Bubble was obviously not very appreciative, twisted his neck, stubbornly looked at Lei Jin who was still standing by the door, and suddenly spit out a few meaningless syllables: "pa, pa, pa..."

Roger was shocked and looked at Lei Jin reflexively.

Xi Ya and the others also looked over.

Lei Jin smiled without feeling it, looked back at them suspiciously, touched his face and said, "I know I'm handsome, but don't look at me with such hungry eyes, it's early in the morning, How sorry."

Roger pursed his lips, but before he could speak, he saw Lei Jin stretched out, rubbed his stomach and continued: "I'm really full, I have to go out for a walk, Berg, sit down, I'll be there in a while. came back."

He turned back and smiled at the crowd, and walked out slowly.

"Lei Jin..." Xia and the others got up instinctively and wanted to chase them out.

Roger raised his hand to stop them and said, "Don't go, let him be quiet."

Berg didn't know what was going on, but looking at the expressions of everyone in the room, it seemed that something very serious had happened. After he came, he didn't say anything. What the **** happened.

"It's not because of you, come and sit, Berg." People in this world call their parents Dad, Ah, there is no such name as Mom and Dad, so Berg doesn't know that the few syllables that Bubble spit out, How much like a father, this is such a big blow to a person who has just lost a child, even if Lei Jin pretends to be strong again, how can he not be touched at all.

As soon as he went out, Lei Jin ran. The snow on the grassland was still very thick. Lei Jin ran for a long time with one foot and one foot. I threw up my breakfast. Not a single drop was left, but he couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach, but his stomach was already clean, Lei Jin was digging his throat, and he could only spit out a little water.

Lei Jin leaned against the dwarf tree and squatted down, the sun rose and shone on this vast white land.

The snow on the hill not far away reflects the sun, and the stabbed person can't open his eyes. After looking at it for a long time, his eyes start to hurt.

What qualifications do I have to be sad? I chose to give up first. From the beginning, I wanted to kill this child when I knew that this child existed. Later, although I reluctantly agreed to stay, I just felt sorry for Xi Ya and the others. With the so-called repayment mentality, But don't you want to abandon him here? The child is gone, no one is to blame.

In fact, why say resentment, he didn't want it in the first place, the child is gone, he can just go without any worries, no fetters, yes, he is not sad at all, not at all, he is a man, and he didn't want to Having a child, this child should not have been born in the first place, the absence of the child is the best outcome for everyone, and everyone will go to where they should be. Lei Jin told himself over and over again, but it couldn't relieve the pain that his heart was crushed by being pinched in the palm of his hand. It was a child who had been in his stomach for nearly eight months but had never seen one.

This posture lasted for a long time. When Lei Jin wanted to stand up, he found that his feet and legs were frozen and numb. When his body moved, he threw himself into the snow, and the splashed snow foam drilled from his collar. Going in, it was cold and cold, but I felt very comfortable.

Mo Ya stood not far away and waited for a while, seeing Lei Jin lying on the ground in the snow, she didn't even think of it, she came over without making a sound, picked it up and carried it on her back, her movements were neat and tidy, without any slack.

"Let go, Moya, don't touch me." Lei Jin beat and kicked, struggling to jump off.

"Don't make trouble." Mo Ya patted Lei Jin's restless **** behind him.

"You're a big bastard." Lei Jin squeezed Mo Ya's collar and gnashed his teeth in an attempt to strangle him, but in a place where Mo Ya couldn't see, his expression was calm and there was no turbulence.

Moya, Moya, everything here makes me suffocated and breathless. Every night I can dream of that child crying all the time beside me and seems to want to say that I don't want to leave.

Xi Ya and Ming Ya ran over and covered Lei Jin with the clothes they brought in their hands. No one spoke. The three pairs of footprints of the four continued deep and shallow in the snow.

Back in the house, Xiya and Moya ignored Lei Jin's objection, stripped them all off, stuffed them into a thick blanket, felt the cold on their bodies, and went to bring hot water, ready to let him take a warm bath body.

"Lei Jin, your feet are so cold." Mingya foolishly held Lei Jin's cold and red feet, as long as they belonged to Lei Jin, they were beautiful everywhere.

Lei Jin snorted lightly, and then Mingya came back to her senses, unbuttoned her clothes, put Lei Jin's feet on her stomach, and covered her in her arms. When the warm body first came into contact with the piercing coolness, he instinctively shrank, but when he thought it was Lei Jin, his belly stretched out, allowing the two to fit together more.

Lei Jin had been frozen in the snow for a long time, and his feet could not feel at all. After a while, he felt numb and itchy, and it was better. The touch under his feet didn't want Xia and Moya to be strong, but the skin was soft and soft, so he felt better. Like a child, youth is indeed the capital.

"Lei Jin, are you warmer?" Mingya showed a sweet smile. As long as she can be with Lei Jin, she can do anything.


"Well?" Lei Jin rarely called his name so seriously, and Mingya felt a little uncomfortable.

A tortured constitution in itself.

"It's okay, I'm already very warm, let's go." Mingya, the first little guy I met in this world, it's good to have such a sweet smile at all times.

Two days later, the orcs in the tribe set off on time, and both Lei Jin and Roger went to see them off.

Before leaving, Lei Jin seemed to have unintentionally left the two black jade stones on the necks of Xi Ya and Ming Ya, but he didn't expect Mo Ya to give him a deep look, the meaning in his deep eyes was unclear, and he stretched out his arms from his arms. He took out a third black jade and handed it to him. After they left, Lei Jin spread the three black jades in the palm of his hand, forming a ring, which was tightly stitched together. He understood at this time that this was the most complete.

Back at home, Roger spread the map he drew on the table and explained to Lei Jin: "The map I drew was from the secret passage, and the secret passage in the temple here cannot be opened. This map It may not be of much use to you on the road, but once you get to the forbidden area, it should help you find the door to go back to the door of reincarnation. Remember, in any case, you have to get there before the end of the year, although there is no proof, but The 20 years between you and me is not just a coincidence, once you miss it, you can only wait until 20 years later."

Lei Jin nodded solemnly.

"How do you get there, you have to know that it's snowing heavily now, and it's even harder to walk in the jungle. You alone can't cross the jungle and reach the forbidden area safely. Besides, Xi Ya and the others will find you soon. "After all, orcs' sensitive sense of smell can't deceive people.

"I know, I plan to go east across the grassland and go by sea." Lei Jin had already thought of a countermeasure.

"At sea?" Roger frowned. "There are no ships here for you to cross the sea. How do you plan to travel by sea?"

"Beg will find a way." The reason why he chose the sea route was that, with the help of that person, it was relatively safe, and secondly, the sea water could cover up the smell on his body, so that Xia and the others had no direction in their tracking, since they had to go , of course, they have to leave completely, and they must not be able to get them back.

After taking a bath that day, Berg came over to his house, and the two talked alone for a long time, listening to Berg's meaning that he was finally going back to the tribe in the sea with the bubbles, although he did not know that Berg and How did Lan Qi talk about it, but it doesn't matter now. Berg said a lot one after another, but in the final analysis, he wanted to compensate him. The child was gone, and it was meaningless for him to compensate or not. Because he is leaving, everything here has nothing to do with him anymore. When it comes to leaving, he thinks of something, Lan Qi may be able to help, after all, the sea is Lan Qi's world.

When Berg heard that he was talking about helping Lei Jin leave, he was a little hesitant, but in the end, under Lei Jin's unshakable eyes, he nodded and agreed.

"When are you going to leave?" Roger didn't ask any more, he knew that since Lei Jin could say it, he was 90% sure.

"There are still some things to prepare." After all, when they were all at home, he couldn't make a big deal, but even with Lan Qi's help, he still had to rely on himself to a large extent. In order to get there smoothly, he must Be prepared.

"What else can I help you with? Just say it." By now, Roger knew that the persuasion was ineffective, and all he could do was to help Lei Jin prepare more adequately.

"You have helped me a lot, and I will keep it in my heart." From Roger's standpoint, it may be difficult for him to make such a choice as Roger. After all, one is his own son, and the other is at best a Just a stranger.

"You don't need to thank me, because you did what I couldn't do back then. Seeing you is like seeing myself back then, but I don't have your courage, nor your...heartheartedness."

heartless? Maybe, Lei Jin thought.

"I'll take you off when you leave." Roger folded the map, wrapped it up, and handed it to Lei Jin.

"You're the only one left." Lei Jin put the map in his arms, which was the key to his return.

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