These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 105: destination

Life at sea is really not a human life. Lei Jin shrunk his neck and nestled on the beluga whale. He thought this way more than once, especially in this winter, when the wind and waves at sea were strong, and although the blizzard had stopped, the temperature was still high. Not seeing a little bit of recovery, the big sun above his head is just a decoration. Every day he goes out to deal with errands, and he has no desire to shine at all.

Lei Jin put his palms together, blew his breath, and rubbed his hands. No matter how many layers of clothes he was wearing, he felt cold or cold. The cold wind pierced his bones like needles, and even the breath he exhaled was in vain. It will directly turn into ice **** and fall down.

Mingya flew in mid-air, staying at Lei Jin's side all the time. Seeing this, she folded her wings and fell down, laying down on Lei Jin's back, and lifted her wings to signal him to come in. At this time, Lei Jin didn't even care what the heck was being reserved. Now, he twisted himself into Mingya's arms and leaned against him. Who could refuse a big natural heater, especially when he was a poor popsicle, Mingya closed his wings and wrapped him tightly.

Finally feeling a little bit alive, Lei Jin rubbed his itchy nose and sneezed unceremoniously.

"Lei Jin, it will be warmer to hold me." Mingya looked down at the man who was digging into his arms, and rubbed her big head against Lei Jin's hair in distress. What can I do without Lei Jin.

"Well, I'm holding it." As a big man, it's a bit embarrassing to shrink in someone's arms to absorb some warmth, but Mingya is so familiar, so it shouldn't matter, Lei Jin's little struggle is just that. Next, I was relieved quickly, and it really is an acquaintance who is easy to handle.

The two fat claws in front of Mingya gently patted Lei Jin's back.

Although he was very fond of this warmth, when Lei Jin felt a little tingling in his limbs, he pushed Mingya and said, "Okay, I'm not cold anymore, please get up quickly." He was better, Lan Qi gave it to him. His blue pearls, after eating, the sea water splashed on the body is fine, but Mingya is not good, the beluga whale shuttled in the waves, the cold sea water rushed over from time to time, Mingya was wet after a while . He originally wanted to ask Lan Qi for another one for Mingya, but Lan Qi not only did not give it, but also gave two big white eyeballs, saying: Do you think this bead was picked up anywhere in the sea, if not You... Lei Jin didn't hear what you said later.

"But your face is still cold." Mingya stretched out and licked Lei Jin's chin, softly begging: "Mingya is not cold at all, let Mingya wait?"

Lei Jin raised his hand to touch the back of his neck, the wetness was already cold, he was silent for a moment, patted his head, and threatened: "Get up, Mingya, or I won't let you follow."

Mingya got up reluctantly, and rubbed Lei Jin's neck for a while before flying away with a reluctant face.

Lei Jin had the omen of a nervous breakdown. He clenched his fists back and forth several times. He almost couldn't help but slap Mingya on the forehead. Mingya looked stupid, let alone Roger. The kind of little idiot who sells money and helps to count the banknotes, but how can he take advantage of him? It's not stupid at all. Especially along the way, acting like a spoiled child and behaving well, intensified.

"Can the three handle it?" Lan Qi didn't know when he had come up from the sea, holding his chin and watching with relish.

Lei Jin felt that this question was so familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he realized that Berg had asked the same question, and it was indeed a pair of enemies.

"You can try it out." Lei Jin raised his eyebrows and smiled rudely.

"Forget it, I can't handle one of Berg. If I get two more, I think I'll be crazy. Besides, if I encounter you like this, I can't find a place to die." Lan Qi looked at Lei Jin back and forth, his eyes Li clearly wrote three words: I don't like it, my first instinct is really good, this person is really a restless master, just look at what their orcs are tossed into.

Lei Jin was stunned for a moment, and pretended to touch his ears, making a very unbelievable look, and asked, "Me? How am I, a high-quality handsome guy like me, even if you know one in your life, even if you earn it, you still pay. Dare to despise."

Lan Qi turned his head silently, and the corners of his mouth twitched infinitely. After seeing Lei Jin, he realized that he had always been a modest and prudent young man.

The beluga dived into the sea, and the overwhelming sea water poured over it. At first, Lei Jin was a little novel. Later, he found that after eating the bead, it was the same as the sea surface, so he didn't feel anything. The light below the sea surface was slightly less. In the dark, countless schools of fish swam by, and I saw sharks twice, but before Lei Jin could feel a little scared, those sharks fled in all directions without even a shadow.

Suddenly, Lei Jin thought of a very serious question, so he touched Lan Qi beside him with his elbow, his expression solemn and quite like that.

Seeing Lei Jin like this, Lan Qi thought that something major had happened, but he didn't show it on his face, but he raised his heart and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

"I just wanted to ask, this bead of yours is waterproof, what should I do when I take a shower?" Lei Jin was very distressed, he had become waterproof, and taking a bath would not be a big problem, it would simply deprive him of the few things he had in his life. fun.

Lan Qi glanced at him lightly, not even the strength to twitch the corners of his mouth, thinking that you are a female anyway, why am I a male mermaid, are you not afraid at all? Not at all?

"How about I spit it out and give it back to you after I get ashore." After all, other people's gifts should not be accepted casually, Lei Jin thought about it seriously, and said to himself: "But how do you spit it out? Lan Qi, do you have a solution?"

This time Lan Qi jumped directly into the sea from the back of the beluga whale, and swam a long way before stopping. Where did this Lei Jin come from? It was his life pearl. Even if Lei Jin could spit it out, he wouldn't be able to swallow it. Instead of worrying about these irrelevant issues here, why not think about the troubles that Jindi will encounter in the future. Lan Qi held on to a reef beside him, and slammed his head on it twice in a circle, praying to himself, the sea **** bless, let Lei Jin cross the sea calmly and quickly, hurry up and hurry up.

Lei Jin made sure that Lan Qi had left, looked up at Mingya's shadow on the sea, his eyes calmed down, and by passing by the school of fish for a short time, he poured the remaining medicine on a roasted rabbit. superior.

Although he has never been to the forbidden area, he also knows that it is definitely not a good place to go. He didn't expect Lan Qi to know such a place, and he also said that the forbidden area has an original name, called the Forest of Reincarnation, which has been left as a legend in the mermaid tribe for generations. Among them, the Forest of Reincarnation on the land and the Nether Sea near the Golden Mermaid Tribe have become the two most mysterious places on this continent. It is said that no one who has been there will be able to come out alive, so no one knows where the two are. What danger lurks in the deepest part of the earth?

After thinking about it, Lei Jin couldn't let Mingya take the risk. The choice to leave was his own decision, so if something happened, he should bear it himself. You don't need to think about it and you know it's useless. All that's left is to bring Mingya down and let Lan Qi take it back to the tribe.

Because of Lan Qi's help, the sea trip was relatively smooth. Most of the time I was on the road. At night, I would find a relatively large island to go ashore to rest and replenish the water source. After walking for 12 days, I finally got around the Nether Sea before freezing to death, because according to Lan Qi, the Nether Sea and the Forest of Reincarnation are on a horizontal line. direction, go straight to find the forest of reincarnation.

There was also a small episode in the middle. I met a group of golden mermaids who came back from hunting at the bottom of the sea. They surrounded Lan Qi with a look of fear and anger. In the end, Lei Jin took out a piece of what Berg gave from his arms. It was only after the rope was resolved that there were many knots of different styles, big and small. Lei Jin didn't understand what it meant, but looking at the happy looks of the mermaids when they saw the rope, it should be that Berg said something good.

But Lan Qi's face was very bad.

Because of the delay here, it was already completely dark when he went ashore. Lei Jin followed his memory and found the cave where he and Xi Ya Moya lived before. Someone behind them must have been here, but the cave is still basically the same as it was, and the east side is still covered with a thick layer of grass, but because of the heavy humidity on the beach, many of them are moldy.

It should have been here at the time, with the child in his belly, but he didn't even realize it.

Lei Jin pursed his lips, stubbornly turned his head away, unwilling to think about it again, it's over, it's over soon.

"Lei Jin, Mingya went out to find something to eat, and brought some water by the way." Mingya came over and held Lei Jin's hand, with a round face belonging to a young man, pure eyes and a bright smile.

"No, it's too dark, it's cold outside, there's still some food in the back basket, those mermaids gave a lot of seafood just now, and there's water in the bamboo tube, let's go tomorrow." Because most of the time at sea they eat The fish that Lan Qi caught, the food he had prepared didn't change much.

I found a few broken clay pots in the corner of the cave. A few twigs were broken at the entrance of the cave to build a simple shelf. The pots were filled with water, seafood and a little spicy dried meat were thrown in to cook, and the two cooled rabbits were roasted again. superior.

The cooked seafood had only a little spicy flavor, which Lan Qi and Mingya could accept, and the rabbits also entered Mingya's stomach.

Mingya quickly fell asleep leaning against the wall, Lei Jin rearranged the things in the basket, and left a few rabbits to Mingya.

"Lan Qi, no matter what happened in the past, bring Mingya back to the Leopard tribe safely, and we will write it off." Lei Jin looked as usual, but his eyes gave people an invisible pressure.

"But he doesn't seem to be willing." Lan Qi held a small wooden stick to hook the burning moldy firewood, the flames were bigger, and the hole was brighter.

Lei Jin turned around and saw the boy who was already asleep, but two lines of bright tears overflowed his eyes and ran across his cheeks.

"Excuse me." Lei Jin turned his face away, as if afraid that he would regret it, he walked out of the cave for a short time.

"Even if I owe you, why do I have to listen to you?" Lan Qi clapped his hands, stood up, and watched the back figure who strode away in the darkness, Lei Jin, I really want to know which one is the real you. Things seem to be getting more interesting.

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