These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 113: Trouble with three husbands

When the topic is here, there is no need to go into details. Lei Jin is not easy to inquire too much about Roger's affairs. Although there are countless curiosity in his heart, he also understands the reason why enough is enough. After all, this matter seems to Roger. It's not a pleasant past, and it's too much to talk about. Everyone didn't know it before, it's just confirmation and suspicion. There is always a long distance in the middle, but today because of the appearance of grapes, the distance has been shortened sharply, so people who vaguely know the inside story are caught off guard. Not to mention Roger, the party involved.

Lei Jin sent Mo Ya and Xia to sleep, and lay down with his arms around the child. Xia changed Xiao Grape a new diaper before leaving. Lei Jin touched it with his hand, and it was really dry. It was all prepared by Chunji before.

Little Grape thought that Lei Jin was playing with him, twisted his body, his eyes were clear and energetic, and he made it clear that he was not planning to sleep.

Lei Jin had no choice but to hold him in his arms, coaxing and slapping, and he was about to sing a lullaby before he was able to get the man down. He was sweating all over from the winter.

"What an annoying little guy." Lei Jin kissed his eyelashes gently, "Sleep, sleep, little grape."

As Xi Ya said, the child is indeed too thin. Only when playing around can the little cheeks get a blush with a puff of puff. Usually, they are still slightly pale. The body of the premature child is thin and thin, not to mention the experience in the middle. There are so many things, how could I be willing to not want such a cute little thing in the first place.

The quietness of the night is the most moving thought, even if Lei Jin didn't think about it, but so many things happened in a short period of time, the baby lost and came back, and he didn't make it, Mingya injured his leg, and so on, no matter how rough The nerves cannot ignore what has happened recently.

Let it go, everything is over, stay here and live a good life, there are so many people around, and now there is a baby, what is there to be unsatisfied with, but it seems that there is still a little... What is it, I am still temporarily Not sure, but I knew in my heart that even if I finally agreed to be their female, I couldn't spend every day in bed with them, just waiting to have children.

But baby, fortunately you are back, otherwise I would never be able to forgive myself for the rest of my life, and I would never be able to enjoy all this with peace of mind.

"Second brother..." Mingya gently pushed Moya, who was sleeping outside, why did he feel that Lei Jin was crying.

Mo Ya turned over, put Mingya's head in her arms, and patted him to signal not to make a sound.

In fact, Lei Jin also made a sound, but tried his best to suppress it in his throat.

Regarding the loss of a child, Lei Jin's heart is far more painful than it seems on the surface. After all, he always felt that it was because of his own reasons that the child would be gone as soon as it was born. Now, Mo Ya resisted the urge to hold both the child and Lei Jin in her arms.

Xi Ya rested her hands on her pillow, closed her eyes, and did not miss the small movements in the back room. She thought that she could really stay this time, she was sincere, there would be no regrets, there would be no regrets, there would be no Ah The pain and unwillingness that have been hidden deliberately for so many years, maybe Moya and Mingya are right. The short separation does not mean giving up, but I am too afraid of losing it. When Ah Me wanted to leave, Moya was still young, and Mingya was still No, only I still remember Ah Mo's determination at that time, the feeling of being abandoned, and I never want to try again in my life.

the next day. Lei Jin still didn't see Luo Jie coming to dinner, An Sen and An Luo were always with him, Lei Jin accompanied Mingya to Chunji as usual, and when he heard the baby's condition, his heart also went down, okay The old man in black said that while the baby is still young, it can always be cured.

The old man in black had a name called Tian Qi, which sounded quite awesome to Lei Jin. He boasted that he was the most famous doctor on this continent 40 or 50 years ago, and he didn't even have one.

Lei Jin rolled his eyes madly in his heart. He had never seen anyone complimenting him so vigorously. He had to show a very respectful appearance, kept nodding his head and saying yes, and by the way, a few words of flattery, after all, his own sweetheart. Depends on him.

Apocalypse asked Lei Jin to hold the baby tightly, so he started acupuncture up and down the baby's head. He almost inserted the baby's head as a cactus. The baby cried without a nose or eyes. He was about to leave, but he refused to be cured, but Chunji came over and scolded him, and he barely held on, holding the child in his arms, insisting on finishing today's acupuncture, but Mingya watched The baby suffers like this, and the heartache has been accompanied by tears.

Lei Jin told Chun Jiyi about naming the baby today. The latter had half of his head drooping, and he looked like he was waiting for execution. After hearing this, he immediately recovered at the speed of a god. First of all, he expressed his great contempt for Lei Jin's name, saying that the baby's eyes are green and called grapes, and black can be called stones, etc. Lei Jin was so angry that he just wanted to give him two punches, and then Without hesitation, he said the name that he came up with, and it was called Han Xi. In the morning light in winter, Lei Jin reluctantly accepted it reluctantly, and resolutely refused to admit that Chun Ji's name seemed to be better than his. It's more meaningful, but he knew that the name should be Chunji who had been thinking about it for a long time, or he wouldn't have said it so quickly, but he had never heard Chunji call it. Almost, the more he cared, the more he pretended not to care, seeing Chunji like this, he must have liked the baby very much.

"Baby, little grapes, eat a little more." Chunji was holding the baby and feeding the juice.

In fact, it's good for the baby to be liked by many people. Naturally, everyone in my family likes the baby, Lei Jin thought proudly.

Jiahe is a carpenter in the tribe. He is very good at making doors and benches. Many strange furniture in Chunji's house are made by Jiahe. Lei Jin wants to make a crib for the baby. I know that I don't sleep well, but I didn't care about it before, but now I'm afraid that one careless crush will crush the baby, and in the end, it's me who is distressed.

The baby's crib was made by Jah, but not the one with reels. After Lei Jin repeatedly said and gestured, and Jah's savvy is not bad, he really made four solid wooden wheels for use. The wooden wedge is installed under the baby's crib. It can be pushed away. The only drawback is that it can only go straight and cannot turn. But Lei Jin is already very satisfied. What he wants is to use it as a bed at night and push it when the sun is good Take the baby out for a walk.

Although the Jiahe people are orcs, tall and big, they are very careful. Besides, this is the child of Xi Ya’s family, so he is especially attentive. The bamboo pieces are polished and oiled, so they don't sting at all. Jiahe also specially made two layers of the baby's bed. First, the bottom layer can put things, and secondly, it is ventilated, so it will not be very difficult in summer. hot.

Lei Jin thanked him again and again, left a frozen hard deer for Jiahe, and pushed the child home directly, attracting many curious and envious eyes along the way, especially the females. , thinking about how easy it would be to bring the child out with such a bed in the future, they all stepped forward to ask Lei Jin how it was done. He didn't hide it, and answered all of them one by one.

The baby's body is improving day by day, and he is almost relieved, but there are still two things to worry about in front of him. One is Mingya's legs. He secretly asked Chunji many times, but the results were the same. In any case, he can't return to the way he used to be. Of course, he doesn't mind what Mingya will be like, but the little guy has just become an adult, and he is disabled, and it's for himself, what can I do? The second is the current situation of the family. It is said that the food in this world is sufficient, and the distance between the tribes is far away. Most of the time, there is no crisis of robbing food, but there are always exceptions, just like now , in the beginning of spring, the snow has not yet melted, there is no food coming out of the ground, and the things stored in winter are almost empty. Many people in the tribe are almost unable to open the pot, and the orcs of each family are preparing to go out for hunting recently. But now many animals are dormant, and it is not easy to find them. The tribes that have migrated north have not come yet, so the food source is pitiful. Often at this time, even the tribes who have always been in the water of the well will fight each other because of food, causing death and injury. countless. It would be better if the food in the tribe was more abundant, but the existing species would not be able to grow in time.

Now the food in my house is okay, because there are five orcs in the family, and the prey from winter is enough, but this time, except for Mingya who is injured, An Sen and Xi Ya are all going, not afraid of 10,000, just Afraid of what would happen, if something happened, he was really worried, and he finally made up his mind to live a good life with them in the future. Of course, nothing could happen to any of them.

Worried, Lei Jin rubbed his brows as he walked, and couldn't help but complain a little, one is so good, one has to worry about it, and now three have to worry about three, is he still so miserable?

The answer was: of course, because he saw Ambu, the man who made Roger's head hurt.

Anbu was leading a group of orcs towards him, talking in a low voice with the people around him as he walked, nodding from time to time, a slight smile on the corners of his lips, a leisurely demeanor, a steady self-control, and a handsome appearance. How to look at it, he is also a handsome guy, but Roger doesn't like it, even if you are an immortal.

Anbu apparently also saw Lei Jin, and greeted the others to go first, and stopped in front of Lei Jin.

"Can I take a look at this child?" Ambu's eyes never took his eyes off the grape lying on the cot just now.

"Look." Lei Jin said generously, after all, you are also the grandfather of Xiao Grapei.

Little Grape was asleep, with a bold posture, looking up and down in all directions, quite like his father's.

Anbu skillfully picked up the child and asked with a calm smile, "Is this your and Moya's child?"

Knowingly asking, the tribe is so big, and you are the patriarch, can you not know about this? But Lei Jin still nodded and admitted without any scruples: "It's me and Moya, because the eyes are emerald green, so we called it Grape." You probably want to know this.

Sure enough, Anbu said excitedly: "The grapes are good, the grapes are good, it's a good name." Since Lei Jin found the grapes and said they can eat them, no one in the tribe doesn't know what grapes are, and of course Anbu knows what grapes are. , Lei Jin thought, I guess it's not the grapes, nor the name, but the baby's eyes, and finally confirmed that Roger also gave birth to a son for you.

Mingya's legs, Xiya and Moya were about to go out, Lei Jin tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't sleep.

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