These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 132: journey of encounter

The scheduled itinerary had to be postponed because of the recurrence of Anbu's old injury. Other things can be put aside first. After all, human life is the most important thing. Take turns guarding, but most of the time it is Moya.

"Moya, go out for dinner first, I'll come here." Lei Jin came in with a big bowl of soup and a stack of small cakes.

Mo Ya wiped her face, stood up from the bed, took the food from Lei Jin, and asked, "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet, Xi Ya will bring me a bowl of dishes later, and I will eat here with the patriarch."

Moya nodded, helped Anbu sit up, and placed a long stone next to him, which was considered a dining table.

"What shall we eat today?" Ambu asked with a smile.

"Bone broth and wild vegetable quiche."

Xia brought in two more bowls at this time, one was Lei Jin's soup, the other was cold water celery, and a wet towel was draped over her arm.

"It looks delicious." When Xia and Moya left, Anbu wiped his hands and continued the topic just now.

The milky white bone soup has a strong taste. There are whole meat balls, bird eggs, boiled lotus root slices and green vegetables. The wild vegetable cakes are very thin, and the black noodles are a bit bitter, but mixed with wild vegetables, it is Do not have a natural fragrance.

"Try this water celery again, there are no seasonings, just blanch it in hot water and put a little salt." Lei Jin naturally helped him with chopsticks.

"It's crunchy and delicious. Your cooking skills have always been good." Anbu has always expressed his satisfaction with Lei Jin.

"You know the goods very well." Lei Jin grinned, he never knew how to be humble when it comes to compliments from others.

"You are very different from Roger." Ambu glanced at the door, his tone a little emotional.

"Of course, my cooking is much better than his." Lei Jin began to pretend to be stupid. He couldn't interfere in these things, and he just made Anbu sad.

Ambu smiled and explained in a low voice, "I don't mean anything else."

Lei Jin glanced at him and said bluntly, "I can't help you with this matter. Since you can't let Roger go, just talk to him." He heard from Mo Ya that Mu Ya had finished the ceremony with Xia Wei, Zhu Xi also moved there, and now there is only Anbu left in the family. The meaning of the people is obvious. In the future, they will go their separate ways. He doesn't understand what Anbu is still hesitating about.

"Roger won't forgive me, he hated me from the beginning. When I was with him for the first time, he was ill, people were not... very awake." Ambu stopped the meal in his hand and muttered said.

Rape? Seduce? Lei Jin was stunned by the sudden revelation of the old secret, and he kept these two words in his mind over and over again. He thought that only someone like Rong Chuan could do such a rude thing. He has an excellent demeanor, and I never thought that he could do such a thing. No wonder Roger couldn't let it go for more than 20 years. No wonder Moya said that his existence always reminded Roger of bad memories.

I don't know if the scar on Roger's left hand came from this way.

Lei Jin raised his hand a few times, he really wanted to punch this man, but he knew that he was not qualified, and it was Roger and Moya who wanted to punch, and looking at Anbu's gray and lonely face, he was really afraid of punching Beat Ambu to death.

"Forget it, you can handle your own affairs, I don't care, hurry up and eat, it will be cold later, your health is not yet well." Lei Jin did not lift his eyelids, and gave him two more small cakes.

"I shouldn't have said this to you." He didn't know how to say it himself. Fortunately, Lei Jin is not a talkative child.

If Lei Jin knew that Anbu thought of him as a child, he might be blown away, but fortunately he didn't know.

Lei Jin didn't answer because he didn't know what to say.

"Can you tell me what it's like in your place?" There was hope in Ambu's voice. Roger never told him, but he wanted to know.

"Where we are, the biggest difference from this world is that there are women." The troubles were put aside for a while, and Lei Jin's eyes showed a hint of evil, and he had the most right to speak on this topic: "Women have more chests. Two pieces of meat, when you hold them up, your body is soft and smooth, and your hand feels great."

Anbu looked dazed, Lei Jin simply patted him on the shoulder, raised his feet and squatted on the bed, intending to give him a specific gesture.

There were a few dry coughs from the door. Roger looked at the posture of the two of them hooking their shoulders with a strange expression, and asked, "Are you finished? The medicine is ready, they will bring it in later." The prescription prescribed by Mu Yue Son, in addition to taking the medicinal soup every day, I also need to take a medicinal bath, and the effect is not bad.

Lei Jin agreed, jumped out of bed, and turned to Anbu and said, "I can only discuss it with you another day." It seemed that he was still quite disappointed. .

Anbu pursed his lips and smiled, and said hesitantly: "Actually,'s okay not to talk about it." Intuition told him that this topic was the best.

Lei Jin raised his eyebrows and said, "How about that?" He still didn't know what to do.

"What are you talking about?" Roger asked.

"Women." Ambu answered honestly.

Roger turned his head to stare at him, Lei Jin didn't know it well, he had already packed up the dishes and escaped, leaving only a back figure running away.

"He is very smart and refreshing." Ambu said with sincere admiration.

"You get along well with him?"

"It's hard to dislike him, he's measured, he's funny, and most importantly, he's so energetic all the time..."

"Enough, Ambu, he's your son's female." Roger suddenly felt agitated and didn't want to listen to him.

Ambu frowned and looked at him, really shut up.

Roger couldn't stand the suffocating suffocation, and said, "I'll go see the medicine." He hurried away.

"I know he's my son's, not my brother's." Anbu leaned down on the rock wall, he had no extravagant hopes.

Time flies, and by the time Anbu's injury is good enough to fly long-distance, it is already autumn. Although the weather is still hot, the torrential rain has significantly lessened. In the middle, they also helped Haochen's family to harvest a season of rice.

"You guys have been out for so long, what will you do at home?" Lei Jin and Xi Ya just left Haochen's house. They are leaving early tomorrow morning, so they can only come here in the afternoon when everyone is free.

"It's entrusted to Ziro and Jah, the wheat and rice should be harvested, and now corn, potatoes and sweet potatoes should be planted." On Xi Ya's back is a pile of melons and vegetables that Haochen had prepared a long time ago. wool.

Lei Jin nodded, holding a jar of meat sauce in his hand.

"By the way, I have something to discuss with you."

Lei Jin motioned for him to continue.

"I want to sponsor one of the grapefruit and orange with Ziro." He and Ziro grew up together, so naturally he couldn't see him getting old and unattended.

"They haven't been sponsored by others for several years?" Lei Jin was surprised, this must be too patient, right? Thinking of a possibility, he looked up and down Xia suspiciously and asked, "Or did you plan to marry a wife and give him a few shares?"

"How is that possible?" Xi Ya hurriedly spoke out to show her innocence. Although there was indeed a female who had said it, how could she dare to mention this now? It's hard for Lei Jin to admit that he has such a little affection for him.

"There is no best."

"By the way, what is a wife? Do you mean a female?" Just after the crisis passed, Xi Ya's curiosity came up.

"It's like you're a wife." Lei Jin replied calmly.

"No, you just said clearly that you marry a wife and have children, and the one who has children is the wife." He heard this clearly.

"If you don't want to, forget it, it's not worse than you."

"Okay, okay, I'm your wife." As soon as Xia heard it, she immediately said very dog-legged, anyway, as long as it has something to do with Lei Jin, he doesn't care, isn't it just a title? Anyway, it was Lei Jin who gave birth to the baby, he didn't suffer, he understood the truth.

"Then give his family a sponsorship." Lei Jin finally made a final decision, anyway, the child is his own. Children also need to support them.

Xia grinned, although her own family could raise the child completely and didn't need others to support it, but the Qiluo family needed it, he understood, and Lei Jin also understood.

"One more time, just one time." They were about to walk out of the tiger tribe and passed a simple fenced yard with a low wall at the corner. Lei Jin stopped when he heard this familiar voice.

"You still have a lot to do. You said it once last night, haven't you been entangled in the middle of the night, and you owe people so much?" Another voice was obviously rude and grumpy.

"No more tonight, come once now?" A familiar voice carefully negotiated.

"Turn around, take off your pants, and lean on the door."

There was a brief silence in the room, and Lei Jin guessed that they were undressing.

"Break it up yourself, otherwise how will I get in?" Then came the clapping of applause.

"I'm holding the door with my hand." The familiar voice seemed aggrieved.

"Let's go." Xia tugged at Lei Jin's sleeve and whispered, the latter was listening with interest.

The man's heavy and muddy gasps and moans soon came from the room, and the screams continued.

When Lei Jin heard this, he was about to turn around and leave when he heard a scream from inside the house. The weak door couldn't take it anymore, and two figures fell out.

Rong Chuan was face down, the red palm prints on his buttocks, and the stray orc stuff in the middle.

Lei Jin wanted to hold back, but the scene was too funny. He finally managed to say, "Just pretend we don't exist, you guys continue." But he turned around and buried himself in Xia's arms, not being polite Laugh out loud.

Xi Ya patted his back dotingly to help him go smoothly.

The orc glanced at them, and easily picked up the tall Rong Chuan and entered the room.

"Rongchuan, I'm leaving tomorrow." Lei Jin shouted with a smile, and there were so many entanglements with Rongchuan one after another. Although it was unlikely that they would become friends, they should not be enemies.

"You are free to bring grapefruit and oranges back to play." Lei Jin thought that there would be no response, and had already walked several steps. He heard the voice and turned back to find that Rongchuan was standing by the window.

"Okay." Lei Jin just agreed, and saw a thick arm stretched out beside him and dragged Rong Chuan away.

Lei Jin touched his chin and asked Xi Ya, "Can you be annoying even if you look like me?"

Xi Ya: "..."

The corners of Lei Jin's mouth curled up, and he turned around and shouted again, looking for trouble, "Rong Chuan, thank you for your help these three years."

"Bang", and now even the windows are closed.

Lei Jin laughed heartily. He knew that Rong Chuan should not like him. Four years ago, Rong Chuan wanted to provoke a female. In the past three years, instead of liking him, he wanted to find someone for permanent companionship.

To be honest, he doesn't necessarily like Rong Chuan, but he doesn't wish that he would live a miserable life from now on, and never turn around.

That's it.

"Let's go." Lei Jin patted Moya's big head, indicating that it's okay.

On the morning of early autumn, the sky was high and the clouds were clear, the wind passed, and a yellow leaf blew into Lei Jin's sleeve.

What they are about to embark on is a journey where four people once met.

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