These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 134: Ogikawa extra ...

Ever since Rongchuan had clearly rejected the beast companion that Jingyue said, he has been sitting like this at the entrance of the cave when he came back, and he didn't eat dinner.

"Ah." Rong Chuan brought a bowl of stewed meat and brought it over. He looked at Lei Jin's cave where people came and went, it was very lively, and then looked at his side, it was deserted, why would he want to live here with no one? In the valley, when he thought of Jing Tang, he would rather be alone.

Rongchuan Ah-Mei saw that he was holding it all the time, and it was distressed, so he took it over, but he sighed deeply and said, "Rongchuan, it's not that Ah-Mei is forcing you to do something, but you are in your twenties. It's okay to die in this valley, but what about you, have you lived with Ami in this life?"

Rong Chuan squatted there with his head in his arms and didn't speak. He didn't understand these things either.

As soon as Jing Yue mentioned the candidate, he knew that it was Jing Tang. After all, the tribe had taken in such a wandering orc. Who else could there be other than him, an ugly one with a lot of strength.

Rongchuan wanted to marry a beautiful female as his partner, but although his appearance was okay, he had a bad reputation for being delicious and lazy, so let alone beautiful females in the tribe, even those with average appearance did not want to see more. At a glance, Lei Jin was still willing to talk to him, but he had three orc companions.

He understood his son's thoughts best, and then said: "Lei Jin, don't think about it, see for yourself, which of the three orcs in his family can you beat?"

"I don't count on him for a long time." Such a fierce female would threaten people with knives at every turn. He was afraid that he would die in bed one day, and he would not be able to deal with females.

"Then what else do you want to do? Females can't do it, and orcs can't do it either. It's rare for the patriarch to let go this time." Although the patriarch couldn't make the final decision, once the patriarch said yes, no one generally objected.

"Ah, you don't know, I have a grudge against that Jing Tang." Rong Chuan was forced to tell the truth.

"What kind of grudge do you have with him? Why haven't I heard of it." Rongchuan Ah-Mei didn't quite believe it. Jingtang was a wandering orc, and he had relatively little interaction with people in the tribe. On the corner, what kind of hatred can he have with Rongchuan.

"Anyway, there is hatred." Rong Chuan said vaguely, covering his **** subconsciously.

Although Rong Chuan often lied, but this time he didn't. Speaking of the feud with Jing Tang, he had been there for several years. When Rong Chuan became an adult, he didn't talk to females, so he developed the habit of secretly stalking beautiful females. No one else did. It was found that Jing Tang had seen him a few times, so he secretly taught him a few times.

Jing Tang was very strong, but Rong Chuan couldn't beat him. He only got beaten every time, but this couldn't change his habit of stalking females. Later, he was caught by Jing Tang again. Rong Chuan thought he would be beaten, and he had already done it. After making preparations in his heart, he didn't think that Jing Tang didn't say a word. He carried the person home and held him in bed for the whole night, until he didn't get up for three days.

From then on, he got caught once and got caught the last time. Rong Chuan kicked and beat him from the beginning, and then gradually got interesting. Sometimes he passed by Jing Tang's house intentionally or unintentionally just to get caught, and then went in and had a good time. Fan.

This kind of day lasted secretly for more than two years, until that time he was caught by Ah Mei and went to harvest wild rice in the mountains. He saw Jing Ping and Lei Jin have a crooked mind again. Taking advantage of Lei Jin's order, he did that. Afterwards, when he and Ah Mei were kicked out of the tribe, Jing Tang stood on the side of the road with his chest folded, looked at them coldly, and said a word. At that time, he knew that he and Jing Tang were finished. I thought that Jing Tang would come forward this time.

Rongchuan didn't let go, but Ame couldn't do anything about it, he just kept sighing in his ear, he couldn't sleep peacefully at night, he thought of Ah Mei's aging face, Jing Tang's cold eyes, sometimes I still miss Lei Jin. After all, he thought at the time that if Lei Jin could stay with him, the days in the valley would not be so difficult, but Lei Jin was leaving. As long as he thought that one day Ah Mo was gone, he would be alone. Living in this deserted valley, I woke up in a cold sweat.

After a few days like this, Rong Chuan finally made up his mind. In any case, he would return to the tribe first. As for Jing Tang, he could discuss it after meeting.

He and Ah-Mei packed up and went out of the valley, but Jing Tang was waiting outside, but the already ugly face, now overcast, looked even more hideous, so scared that Ah-Mei took two steps back.

Jing Tang looked at them blankly and took the package.

The old house of the Rongchuan family is still there, but no one lives in it for three or four years.

Finally, he was able to return to the tribe again. Rongchuan's brows were indescribably relaxed. He packed a large bag of dry goods, and the neighbors went from house to house to deliver them.

"Do you plan to live here or my place in the future?" Jing Tang sat down on Rongchuan's bed without being polite at all, and finally said the first sentence of the day.

"I'll stay at home." Rong Chuan replied bravely.

Jing Tang gave a strange smile and said, "When I'm in you, remember to keep your mouth shut, but don't scare you, Ame."

Rong Chuan's back was numb for a while, and he also remembered the hot scene when the two were together. He took two steps closer and said tentatively, "How about I live with you?"

Jing Tang snorted.

Rong Chuan knew that this was a promise, and he didn't know why there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

The formation of two orcs as brothers is not as complicated as the ritual between the orcs and the female. It only needs to be made into a form and let the people in the tribe know about it.

Jing Tang was from outside, so there were no relatives in the tribe, and Rong Chuan was such a person, and no one wanted to see him, so on the third day after Rong Chuan returned to the tribe, the two simply arranged some meals, okay? Jing Tang also had a few good friends on weekdays. Jing Yue and Mu Yue also admired their faces. They brought half a bag of food over, and the relationship between the two was settled.

They lived in Jingtang's small courtyard, far away from other homes, and it was quite quiet at night. Rongchuan knew this for a long time. He thought that the two of them were messing around in the courtyard back then, and no one had ever met them, but Half a month later, the two of them slept on the same bed, and nothing happened. Although Rong Chuan was no longer available, he still had desires, especially when he smelled Jing Tang's body every night, and his body was on fire. He took the initiative to stick it up a few times, but every time he got close, Jing Tang didn't care. He kicked his feet politely.

While kicking and scolding: "Just like you, you harmed one person, why didn't you get killed? Why don't you die?"

At this time, Rong Chuan sat on the ground with his knees on his back, let him scolded enough without refuting, and fell asleep leaning against the edge of the bed in a daze, and he would still be in bed when he woke up the next day.

After several times, Rong Chuan was not an idiot. He knew that Jing Tang didn't really hate him, so he made up his mind to console Jing Tang well. He is an orc, and naturally he has to go out to hunt. At this time, he will not steal and play tricks like before. When he comes back, he will take his prey to Muyue to exchange for wormwood. At first, Muyue thought that he was going to attack the female again, and he was unwilling to live or die. Here, he had to say that it was for himself, and Mu Yue gave him some dubiously.

A friend of Jing Tang was digging a vegetable cellar. He went to help and came back after dinner. He felt a little upset. Today, his friend introduced him to a female. It is rare that people are not afraid of the scars on his face.

"I said Jingtang, do you really want to spend the rest of your life with that Rongchuan? He's just that kind of person, lazy and idle, it would be nice if you could help him return to the tribe. Are you going to keep him in the future? Or is it more serious to find a female, and to have a child of your own in two years, that's how to live."

This is a friend's original words. He is not unmoved. When he thinks of the person in the room, what is good, he will not change after repeated teachings. When he sees a female, he is fascinated. He can't take his eyes off. .

"You're back, have you eaten yet?" Rong Chuan accompanies a smiling face and is careful to please.

Jing Tang pushed him away, walked in the door, took a few steps, stood still, and said behind his back, "Go back to your house tomorrow."

Rongchuan was taken aback and asked, "Why?"

Jing Tang turned to look at him and said with disgust, "I found a female to hold a ceremony, you are in the way here."

"But, but didn't you just have a meeting with me?"

"I just wanted to help you come back because of my past relationship. Do you still want to rely on me not to leave?" Jing Tang ignored Rongchuan's obvious pale face, left him, and beware of him drooling at females every day , or just run out and mess with the orcs. It's not that he doesn't know his virtue. It's better to cut it off now than it will be in the future.

"Then when will you let me go?" Rong Chuan rubbed the ground with his feet and asked with his head lowered.

"The sooner the better." Jing Tang put down these words and went to the back of the house to fetch water to take a bath.

He waited outside the house for a long time, the moonlight was clear and cool tonight, and when he heard the door opened and closed, he knew that Rongchuan should have left, and that he had gotten rid of such a big burden. He should be happy, but he couldn't. I can't get up easily, I want to go back to sleep, and when I wake up, I will forget the person completely.

But as soon as he entered the room, he realized that he had overestimated the thickness of Rong Chuan's face. The person who pouted his ass, was lying on the bed, and poked at his back hole with his fingers, wasn't Rong Chuan?

"What are you doing, Rong Chuan?" Jing Tang still asked dutifully, feeling the heat from below.

Rong Chuan was yelled at by him, and one of his subordinates didn't care, and directly pushed the medicinal mud of Bi wormwood deeper.

"Ah..." The cold stimulation made him shiver and let out an involuntary moan.

Jing Tang stared at the shrinking part, his eyes darkened, and he reached out and stroked it. The **** alternately pressed around there, provoking and kneading.

Rong Chuan looked back at him, pulled out his fingers, spread his hands apart, twisted to get closer, and let him play with it at will.

Jing Tang's eyes were red, and Rongchuan was even more annoyed at himself. He slapped and beat Rongchuan's butt, until the pain caused Rongchuan to crawl around naked on the bed, begging for mercy, and then he loosened his belt.

"What else are you doing?" Rong Chuan shrank in a corner and asked with tears in his eyes. He wanted to seduce, but he didn't expect to be beaten.

"Fuck you."

"I don't want it anymore."

"It's not up to you."

Although Rong Chuan had been lubricated in advance, Jing Tang's movements were too rough, so almost as soon as he entered, the place was broken, and bright red warm blood flowed down the part where the two were connected.

Rong Chuan wanted to scream in pain but couldn't, but his body softened, and he started to pretend to be dead when he lay on the bed, but Jing Tang didn't care about it at all. Below Rong Chuan's body changed angles and sprinted fiercely, and the top bit violently tore through his body. Lips scolded: "From now on, if you dare to go out and mess around, see how I clean up you, and just **** you to death."

Rongchuan screamed and his legs were clamped, and the two were biting and entangled on the bed like beasts.

After that day, Jing Tang never mentioned the idea of ​​expelling Rong Chuan, so Rong Chuan lived with peace of mind. He only occasionally thought about females, but most of the time Jing Tang was able to satisfy him harshly.

Jing Tang said that he was very tired of Rongchuan's hungry and thirsty look, but what he thought was that since he raised it himself, of course he was responsible for feeding him.

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