These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 144: Roger's Story 06(1)

After arriving home, Ambu pushed Roger into the room to change clothes, while he carried Xi Ya to the kitchen to boil hot water.

Xia was lying on the edge of the fire, scratching her little paws around, dragging a thick nasal voice: "Uncle, it's uncomfortable, itchy."

After adding water and firewood to the pot, Anbu was taking off his shirt and wringing it dry. Hearing the words, he placed his shirt on the small bench by the window, picked up Xi Ya, touched his belly and forehead, and asked: " Baby, is your nose uncomfortable?"

Xi Ya rested her head on Anbu's chest obediently, opened her mouth wide, and panted heavily.

Anbu thought badly. He originally thought that the baby was an orc with a good physique, and it would be fine if it was wiped off in the rain, but now it turns out that he caught a cold. He still had some medicine in his bag, but he didn't know if it would work for such a small child.

"Roger, hold the baby and feed him some hot water first. I'll go to Dr. Qing Qiao's place. The baby is cold." Ambu wrapped Xia in warm animal skins and stuffed it into Roger In his arms, he turned around and threw himself into the rain.

Qing Qiao pharmacist is mainly responsible for delivering females in the tribe, and is best at treating females and children's illnesses. After listening to Anbu's general situation, he felt that it was not very serious, and he was now rushing to go to another house to help deliver babies, so he After taking two medicines, he carefully instructed how to take them, and said that he would come and see at night.

In the past, small stone pots were used for decoction in the tribe, and the heating was slow, and the medicinal properties dissipated a lot over time. Now it is much better with a small pottery pot. Anbu first simply made some broth, cut some potato pieces and put them in. The three of them had a late lunch and coaxed Xi Ya to drink the medicine.

"Do you have something to ask me, Roger?" After Xia drank the medicine, she fell asleep, and Roger hugged him and put him on the bed.

"There's no need to ask now." Roger glanced at him and said lightly, since just now, Ambu has been topless, with the familiar scar on his back shoulder, how could he not recognize it, he handled it himself, because The wound was so deep that he tried two stitches.

After hearing this, Ambu realized that Roger had recognized him, and he was relieved. He was also worried about how to talk to Roger.

"Would you blame me for lying to you back then?" Speaking of this, Anbu felt very uncertain.

"That's not true, I just didn't expect to meet you again." Roger stood up and pushed open the window. It was raining and foggy outside. Black was an orc. He had already prepared in his heart, but after living in the tribe for more than two years, Having never seen the black panther with emerald eyes, he thought it was a wandering orc.

Ambu looked at him, and it didn't look like he was lying. He should have felt at ease, but Roger's lukewarm attitude really didn't look like a reunion.

"I went back to find you back then..." For some reason, Anbu wanted to explain.

"It doesn't matter. I'm living well now." Roger interrupted loudly. For himself, the black panther was his first time in another world, the closest companion who accompanied him through the first hard days, and the orc in front of him. ...It doesn't matter at all, the man in front of him is just a stranger he just met today. Apart from family affection, he has never cared much about other feelings. He persuaded himself again and again in his heart, but he still couldn't ignore the slight resentment that rose sharply from the bottom of his heart. It wasn't deep, but it really existed. Expecting to recognize him gratefully?

Two days passed without incident, Xia's illness also recovered, and An Sen and An Luo also returned from hunting.

"Roger, look, what did I bring you, the black eye bunny." An Luo came in first with a rattan basket. The rattan basket may have been temporarily woven, and the craftsmanship was very rough. four or five little fat rabbits the size of palms are squeezed crookedly inside. Before opening their eyes, the white down on their whole body is very long, only a circle of thin gray hairs around the eyes, this kind of small thing, in the tribe, Females like it very much, it's fluffy, very cute, it's nice to keep it in her arms in winter, and it keeps her hands warm. Suri had one last winter. Roger jokingly said: This is a black eye bunny that hasn't slept well. .

"You guys are back? Did it go well this time?" Roger put down Xia and watched the little guy curiously take out the rabbits one by one and place them neatly on the ground. He is a big man, and he really talks about such cute little things. I don't like it much, but he leads the heart.

"It's still going well. This time I caught a lot of good prey, but I haven't divided them yet. These were hunted by An Luo and I alone." An Sen took off the things on his shoulders, walked over, and looked at Luo without a trace. Jie, why do I feel thin again? The clothes I made in the past two months are hanging empty. No matter how they raise this person, they can't gain weight.

"That's good." They went out hunting, and Roger was lying when he said he wasn't worried at all.

"Xiya came here, I haven't seen you for more than half a month, let's see if she grows up." Xiya now has teeth, and she wants to grind her teeth when she catches anything. Almost fainted.

"Pretty An Luo Dad." Xia grabbed An Luo's silver-white hair, and took the initiative to come up and lick her face.

An Luo was amused by him, hugged and kissed back fiercely.

Anson also hugged him and made out for a while. For Roger, they didn't want to get close, and almost all their enthusiasm was bet on this child.

Ambu caught two live fatty fish from the stream behind the house, and planned to add vegetables to Roger at noon. The people in the tribe didn't like to eat fish, but he knew that Roger liked it and made a thick fish soup. , Roger can drink a big bowl every time. As soon as he entered the door, he was slightly startled when he saw their family of four lovingly chatting and laughing.

"Brother Anbu?" An Luo exclaimed, he couldn't believe it. After two years of searching, someone with no trace came back.

An Sen also saw it, but compared to An Luo's hug, his attitude was much more difficult to figure out, his eyes were heavy, and he didn't look happy anyway.

"Brother Anson." Anbu also knew that it was wrong for him to sneak away back then, but now he seems a little lacking in confidence.

Who would have thought that he would be fine if he didn't shout this, but the anger that An Sen had accumulated for more than two years was stirred up by the shouting, "You still dare to come back and see that I won't break your legs today."

Anson also pounced, but it was not a hug, but a fight. Anbu couldn't fight back, and Anson pressed him to the ground and beat him hard. An Luo and Roger couldn't stop him. Anson didn't kill him, but he didn't show mercy, so when Anbu got up from the ground, his head was a size bigger, and his face was full. The blue and purple are so wonderful.

Roger saw him grit his teeth and endured the pain. He suddenly felt relieved, and his hands became stronger when applying the medicine. He wanted to poke a hole in the wound again. look.

In the evening, after Roger and Xia fell asleep, the three brothers gathered together and spoke calmly. In front of his brothers from childhood to adulthood, Anbu had nothing to hide, so he put the approximate amount of the two years. The experience has been told again, and every time he hears a dangerous place, An Sen's fist clenched, and he probably wanted to beat it a few more times. How dangerous it is to be a wandering orc alone, An Luo thinks it's good to come back, and the others do not want to pursue .

The three of them talked all night, and didn't stop until the light of the sky was faint. An Sen held it back all night and asked the last question: "Where is the female you've been looking for?" Why didn't he listen to Ambuti.

Ambu's smile stopped.

An Luola gave Anson a hand and said, "It's almost dawn, let's take a little while, anyway, it's fine today, eat breakfast later, let Roger sleep more." Brother Ambu came back alone, It can be seen that the female is unwilling.

"Forget it, go to sleep." An Sen rubbed An Bu's hair. He was just worthless for this stupid brother. He walked for two years and went through hardships and dangers alone. The female didn't know what to think, this stupid brother. .

An Luo swept the bed, put three wheat-skin pillows, and said with a smile, "The three of us haven't slept together for several years."

"It's Roger." Ambu said suddenly.

"What did you say?" An Sen's purple pupils shrank suddenly.

An Luo also stopped what he was doing.

"I said that the female I was looking for was Roger." Ambu took a deep breath, raised his head, and gave up. This matter will be discussed sooner or later.

"Brother Ambu, do you mean that Roger is the female who rescued you back then and you must go back to find him?"

Ambu nodded.

Anson felt a headache, paused, and said, "It's no wonder that you can't find it. Roger was met by An Luo and I in the jungle two years ago." Seemingly determined, he continued to ask : "What are you going to do in the future, let's talk about it today."

In summer, there are many mosquitoes. In the evening, the room was sprinkled with vanilla. After a night, the fragrance was still there.

"Brother Anson, An Luo, I'll take care of Roger with you in the future, okay?" Anbu hesitated and spoke out the thoughts that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

The other two didn't speak, the brother is a good brother, but if one more female of your own shares it, no one else will be happy.

"You two go to bed first, I'll go out for a walk and come back to give you an answer." An Sen knew that he was a big brother, and he had to look like a big brother at all times.

The outside of the house is not bright, gray and white, and there are still a few leftover stars hanging in the sky to the west. The grassland in the rainy season is very humid, and An Sen takes the shape of a beast and flies into the air. His heart was irritable and contradictory. Roger was reluctant to bear it, but as for his younger brother, he was also reluctant. He and An Luo lost their father and Amo when they were very young. They were raised by two uncles. If he did not agree, With Ambu's stubbornness, wouldn't that force him to death? Besides, he and Roger knew each other first. If he wanted to stop him, it would be too unfair to Ambu. Maybe Roger likes Ambu.

"If Roger agrees, I will not object." This is An Luo's bottom line.

"Thank you, An Luo."

"Come up and have a sleep, eldest brother won't be back soon."

Anson returned the next morning.

Roger woke up as soon as Anson's fingertips touched Roger's face.

"Did I wake you up?" Anson asked softly.

"No, it's dawn, I should get up too." Roger lifted the soft blanket on his body, and Anson thoughtfully handed over the clothes beside him.

"Where did you go yesterday? And why are you so wet?"

"I went to the seaside salt field to dig some salt and came back. It was delayed when it rained. Today, I saw that the strawberries on the small **** behind the house were all red. I picked some and washed them and put them on the table outside. , if you can't finish it, I'll make jam for you."

"Okay. I'll take a look." Roger replied with a smile, Anson felt very wrong today.

Before he could get out of bed, Anson stretched his arms around him.

Roger didn't resist, as there was hot liquid running down the back of his neck.

"Roger, what do you like? Say it and I'll find it for you." There are so many things hidden in this man's heart that he can't touch. Can't get close to this person's heart. The general females in the tribe liked to eat and play, and they gave them away, and Roger accepted it with a smile, but they didn't really like it much in their hearts, they all understood. But apart from these, they really don't know what else to give.

"No, you have already given me a lot." Roger patted him on the back, the orcs' minds were much simpler than modern people, and they would only express their feelings in an almost clumsy way of constantly sending things. They are doing well, but their hearts are not there. He has always believed that An Sen is the strongest person in the family. He has to take care of his family, work hard in the tribe, and think about finding his runaway younger brother. He is nineteen years old, and he is still a big kid in modern times, but An Sen is already raising his family. .

"Anson, you've been doing really well, really." Roger sighed and dropped a kiss on his face.

An Sen's body was shocked, his ears were red, he turned his back and wiped the corners of his eyes embarrassedly, his face smiled again, and said happily: "Roger, when do you want to go to the forbidden area next time? I'm ready to prepare things." Luo Jie is only very happy every time he goes to the forbidden area to find something.

"Well, it's autumn, after the rainy season." Roger kept his eyes closed, afraid that they would stop him. He never told the truth. It was the same excuse he used to go to the forbidden area to find things.

"Okay." Anson happily agreed, Roger was just happy, the rest of the forbidden area didn't want to go, but with him and An Luo, um, maybe one more.

Anbu and Anluo haven't slept well for the past two days. When they woke up, they heard Anson and Roger talking in another room. Anbu took the initiative to go to the kitchen to cook, while Anluo went to the grassland to find them. The little guy in the figure, today is a sunny day. The sun shines on the water-drenched grass. It is dazzling and dazzling, and a rainbow appears in the air.

The matter was settled for the time being, and Anbu also understood that Ansen and Anluo's promise was not without reluctance, but he thought that if the four of them could be together in the future, they should be happy.

Since talking to Anson that day, Roger is still cold and indifferent to the people in the tribe, but there are signs of reconciliation at home.

In the middle of this, something happened, which completely broke the family and the patriarch. In the orc tribe, although the patriarch was not an absolute authority, it was not something that anyone could challenge. The origin of the matter was An Luo. An Luo was the only snow leopard in the Leopard Tribe, and gave birth to a face that was even more beautiful than most females, which made some orcs in the tribe feel unbearable, including The two orc brothers who played very well with Yishun, one day Yishun and those two wanted to use the strong one while An Luo was alone on the grassland, and they ended up in a situation of one death and three injuries, and they died by accident. That happened to be the son of the patriarch Yishun. Now, let alone the patriarch passing the throne to his son, there is no one left for old age.

In the tribe, orcs compete with each other, and private fights are common, but there is a rule that the life of the tribe must not be hurt. The old priest also invited to go, saying that he wanted to use An Luo to sacrifice to the gods.

An Luo was locked in the dungeon below the temple, Anbu went to beg the old priest, and took Roger to see him secretly at night.

"An Luo." Ambu stayed on top to catch the wind, and Roger came down with a torch by himself, carrying a basket of food and some clothes and blankets in his hand.

"Why did you come by yourself, Roger? Be careful, I'll support you." The steps were steep, and An Luo ran up from the corner.

"Are all the wounds on your body bandaged?" Going down to the ground, there was nothing here, it was cool and shady, An Luo hugged Roger and sat on his lap.

"It's okay, my injuries are relatively minor. The old priest helped me wrap it up. It was them who were seriously injured. If I knew this, they should have been killed."

Roger was startled, he had never seen An Luo like this, he remembered An Luo as a shy but kind-hearted person, those people were really deceiving, "Don't be like this, An Luo, because they don't. worth it."

"Am I dying, Roger?" He knew what it meant to sacrifice to the gods, which meant throwing people into the bottomless pit on the back mountain.

"No, we will all save you. Besides, it was their fault first." An Luo ate, Roger helped him sort out the bloodstained, tangled hair, and the clothes on his body were all torn.

"Even if I can't go out, it's fine, Roger, I'm not afraid of death at all." It's just that I can't bear you, or Xia, and my eldest brother and brother Ambu.

An Luo didn't say anything later, and Roger also understood. So when his head came over, Roger just twitched his eyelashes slightly, and finally chose to close his eyes. At this time, An Luo needed comfort, what he wanted, he could give.

"How is An Luo?" Ambu hurriedly asked when he saw Roger coming up.

Roger pulled the collar and said, "I'm in good spirits, and the wound has stopped bleeding. We brought so many things, and he ate them all."

"That's good, let's go back, don't let anyone see it." He wouldn't ask about the bruises on Roger's neck.

It's so late, Anson is still asking people to help. When Roger was taking a bath, he touched his neck, it hurt and itchy. This An Luo, I wanted to give you a kiss. I didn't expect him to get excited. Even the neck was gnawed.

In order to save An Luo, the family united unprecedentedly, and it was at this time that Roger really realized that he was also a part of this family.

Ansen has many friends, and he has gradually gained prestige in the tribe in the past two years. The sweet potatoes and potatoes that Anbu brought back also found an opportunity to taste them, and promised to try them at home and share them in the future. The people of the tribe, the ceramics fired by the kiln have been broken one after another, and the number of finished products has dropped again and again. The people of the tribe are used to light pottery and let them use heavy stone tools. At the tribal market in 2008, the Leopards exchanged pottery and other tribes for many useful items. They talked about the solution to the broken pottery. Roger only said that he had sorted out some clues, but he was slow to announce the results. Putting it here, everyone closed the door and pondered and understood what was going on. The methods of sticks and sweet dates were used in turn, and they quickly achieved results. There were more and more voices in the tribe against the patriarch's handling. Under the deliberate guidance of some people, in the end, everyone even thought that An Luo could fight three against one another. In the orc tribe that advocates power, he is simply a warrior. Such a warrior can be the patriarch, how can it be easy to say sacrifice gods?

With the efforts of the whole family, An Luo was successfully released a month later and became the successor of the patriarch. He will officially take over as the patriarch on the day of the festival.

"How could this be?" An Luo was also stunned, and things turned so drastically.

"Thanks to Roger's good idea." Anson said with a smile, good people and bad people are all made by their own family members, and they also found a large group of helpers to spread the news.

"I can't do it myself, I can only play a bad guy." Roger raised his glass, and the three of them on the table drank a big glass. Ambu's freshly brewed fruit wine was accompanied by the fragrance of the bamboo tube. very nice.

At noon is the family reunion dinner, and in the evening, I cook meat and vegetables to reward my friends who helped me this time. Mallow and Zhu Xi also came. Zhu Xi liked Anbu before. Even if it doesn't matter now, he looks at Anbu more carefully than others, so he quickly noticed that An Luo's eyes fell from time to time. On Roger, and this kind of vision is not what a woman who looks at her brother should have. He has never seen such Anbu. From the bottom of his eyes to the brows, he is full of softness and love, but Roger's attitude, how do you say it? , not very close, do not know, or do not care at all?

After this turmoil, life has returned to its previous calm. If there is a change, it may be more tolerant and cherishing of each other, the relationship between the three and Roger has also improved a lot, and the occasional intimacy with Anson and An Luo Behavior, Roger is not as repulsive as before, as for Ambu, he is still working hard. Everything is going in a good direction.

After the rainy season, the weather was good every day. Xia asked Suri to take care of it. The four of them went to the forbidden area again. Anson and Anluo still thought that Roger was looking for something that was lost. Only Anbu understood that Roger was Looking for his way home, he still didn't want to stay here, and in order to leave, he could even abandon Xi Ya without hesitation.

"Even if you don't like An Sen and An Luo, Xia is your child, isn't it? How can you bear to treat him like that?" Anbu chased Roger over, there was a very shallow stream in the woodland, it should be The rainwater is collected and changes with the seasons. The rainy season has passed, and now there is only a small section of water left.

When she came to the forbidden area last year, Xi Ya had just learned to call her father. This year, Xi Ya has been able to say fluently: Father come back early and take me home to sleep. Roger's movement of sipping water stopped, and the part of his heart hurt as if someone had dug it out. It was a child he gave birth to as a man and was eight months pregnant. How could it not hurt?

"I know you don't want to, Roger, don't go, okay? Stay, we'll treat you well." Ambu thought he was crying and pulled up, only to find that Roger's eyes were still clear and bright Yes, no fluctuations.

"You? Even if I don't leave, what's your business?" Roger asked coldly. He had already deliberately suppressed it, so why did this person bring it up. "I... like you, Roger." The first time he said this to someone, Ambu felt a little uncomfortable at first, but as soon as the words came out, the rest went much smoother, "I liked it a long time ago, in the snow mountain. When you live, will you let me stay by your side too?"

It can only be said that the timing of Ambu's choice was wrong. Roger's mind is now full of the tug-of-war between going home and here. This alone is enough to make him exhausted, and he has no mood to consider Ambu's feelings, so Roger made a decisive decision. It is reasonable to refuse, "Impossible, you should give up early."

Seeing Ambu stunned on the ground, Roger turned around and left. He could give up any child, and there was nothing he couldn't give up. No one could change his determination to go home. But before Roger took a few steps, he felt his body light up and fell into Ambu's arms.

"What are you doing? Are you going to force it?" Roger glanced at him with a bad tone.

"My feet are swollen, aren't they? Even if you don't like me, you'll have to travel tomorrow." Being rejected by Roger without hesitation, of course there will be loss, but it's not enough to just give up.

Ambu put Roger on the stone beside the stream, squatted down, and helped him take off his shoes and socks. No matter how sunburnt Roger's skin was, he was much whiter than the females in the tribe, and his feet were not big enough to hold with a slap. come over.

Roger struggled twice, but he couldn't help but frown and said, "Let go."

Anbu's eyes were innocent, and he said aggrievedly: "We used to take a bath together, and you didn't rush me. Now I'm just pinching your feet and doing nothing."

Roger was so angry that he kicked him on the shoulder. He dared to mention that before, Ambu was unprepared. Since they met, he and Roger have been getting along fairly well, but he always felt that there was something between them. When he stepped down, he felt that the distance was getting closer. Roger's next movements were blocked and his feet were pressed. He stopped, his hands were clasped, Ambu pressed Roger, pinching from the soles of his feet to his calf, it was sore and swollen, Ambu's hands were so strong, Roger couldn't bear it anymore, and he dodged and gasped.

"It seems that they get along well." Obviously he should be happy, but Anson is still a little disappointed, so relaxed to the point of wanton Roger.

An Luo glanced back again, Roger bit his lip and cried out in pain, Brother Ambu pressed his legs on his own, and the strength of his hands seemed to have eased a lot. The two of them must have been very good before.

This time, the trip to the forbidden land still failed, but Roger felt that it was not as heavy as the last time. If there was no father in that world, would he be less persistent in going back, at least he could wait until Xia was a little older before leaving?

Xia squatted at the door with her little tail crossed, watching Roger rush up after landing on An Luo's back, "Dad."

This time, it has been nearly two months. The yard has not been cleaned for a long time. Weeds are overgrown, and thick fallen leaves have accumulated on the ground. When I push the door, birds fly up, and the persimmons are red, densely pressing the branches. , hanging down to the window sill, the potatoes and sweet potatoes were tried in the small vegetable field that Anbu had set up. The vines were also yellow, and a thin layer of soil was removed to reveal the huge potatoes and sweet potatoes underneath.

Roger hugged Xi Ao and never let go, his paws were covered in mud, and his fur was not as smooth and bright as before.

"I'm back at last, have you found anything?" Su Rui heard the movement and walked out from the next door, holding a half-open noodle in her hand, and she should be busy digging out the noodle powder.

"Not yet." Roger responded with a smile.

Su Rui saw that he had to go there once a year, and knew that it should be a very important thing, so she didn't ask more, just said: "Xiya will look for you every night, and she refuses to eat well."

Roger's temper was just a little indifferent, but he was not so hardened to the point of unconsciousness. Hearing Su Rui's words, how could he bear it in his heart?

Anbu saw this scene in his eyes, but in front of everyone, he really didn't know how to comfort him.

Seeing Roger's pale face, Anson thought he was tired from the road, so he patted him on the shoulder and said softly, "You take Xia to Suri's place to rest first, and we'll clean up the house."

Suri came over to pull him, "I was about to say the same thing, Luo Jie must have seen a lot of things after being gone for so long, come to sit with me, and tell me, I haven't been out for many years. "In the orc tribe, females rarely go out alone, and the outside world is not something their strength can handle.

An Luo went to the yard to pick up sweet potatoes, potatoes and some game caught on the road and sent them over. Xia returned to the familiar embrace, curled up and fell asleep quickly. Roger was afraid that he would catch a cold, so he opened his clothes and took him away. packaged.

The yard of Su Rui's house is covered with a large thin animal skin, on which is spread the slightly yellow noodle powder. The remaining noodle peel can also be used as firewood after drying. Qi Luo is now four years old and can already Changed into a human form, with a moderate and gentle appearance, and a very well-behaved temperament. A pheasant was tied under a tree in the corner. He was practicing culling very seriously. rooted.

Roger was actually in no mood, but under Suri's expectant gaze, he still picked up some good scenery on the road and told him.

The house is not big, there are only three rooms, even if you add a yard, three orcs are not a problem, you should wash, change, dry, ventilate, weed, and carry water, and you will be busy in one afternoon. Almost there.

These days, everyone has been on the road, and they have not had a good rest in the wild. They are all tired. For dinner, the oil fruit sent by Su Rui is a kind of food that is steamed with flour, lard and salt. Many people eat it, and the taste is slightly salty. Anbu stewed a pot of chicken soup. The family ate it together and went to bed separately.

There was a delay in the middle of the hunt, and the next time I had to go no matter what, especially An Luo, who is now the heir to the patriarch, An Sen also went, and in the end only An Bu was left behind. The patriarch Shi Nian is now seeing all kinds of unpleasantness in their family. An Sen and An Luo can't find an excuse to be embarrassed for the time being. It has been two years since An Bu left, which happened to be a big deal.

Now Anbu and a group of disabled orcs go up the mountain every day to pick stones, pave roads and build houses. On the surface, this job is a little less dangerous than going out to hunt, but it was originally prepared for disabled orcs in the tribe who couldn't hunt. An orc with all hands and feet was mixed in, and it was rumored that it was very contemptible.

Anbu knew that he was wrong and didn't argue much. Besides, An Luo had just made a big fuss once, and their family couldn't do everything too conspicuously.

The last broken pottery in the kiln factory was temporarily resolved. Roger suspected that the pottery clay was mixed with other substances. In addition to the rainy season in the grassland, the soil quality was very soft and soft. There was too much moisture during the firing process, and the pottery that came out was not kept in time. Well, no matter what, it's good if the problem can be solved. The broken pottery pieces were dumped out. Roger picked up some and went home. Ambu pierced the holes, decorated them with wood pieces, and made a few wind chimes to hang under the eaves. , There is a wind on the grassland, and you can hear the high and low wind bells of his house from far away.

Roger's life circle is very small, and he stays at home most of the time. In the past, Anson Anluo spoiled him and let him be happy, but Ambu felt that it was not a good thing for him to stay at home every day.

"Roger, the mountains are very beautiful this season. You and Xia can follow me into the mountains." After breakfast, Ambu asked again.

"I won't go." Roger refused, shun Shun Xia's hair, turned around and carried him back to the room.

"You have nothing to do at home." Ambra took his arm.

"Then I'm not going either." Roger's eyes signaled him to let go.

"If you don't go, I'll carry you." Ambripi smiled, and as soon as he bent down, his hands crossed Roger's legs and hooked him into his arms.

"You bastard, Anbu." Roger covered Xia with his arms, afraid of falling on the child.

Contrary to how well-behaved and sensible she was just now, Xi Ya stared at Anbu with bright eyes, which meant that he wanted to go up the mountain. Seeing that he was restrained, he immediately broke free from his arms, and his little paws grabbed Anbu's front, and crawled onto his shoulders and sat down.

Anbu turned his face sideways, and Xi Ya came up to take a bite.

The harvest season in the fields has passed. On the grasslands to the east of the tribe, large swaths of wolf poisonous flowers are blooming brightly. The forest on the mountain is full of sunshine, the leaves are falling rustling, and the stream coming out of the deep mountain is shrouded in milky white. The fog was rolling, ding ding dong dong rushing happily, and Anbu turned into a beast. He carried Roger and Xia across the river, jumped over the rocks, and put them in a safe place as far as the eye could see. live.

Many people who worked together saw Ambu's thoughts, and knew that he had a bright temperament and could stand jokes, so they often made fun of him, and took the initiative to take him some work, so that he could spend more time with Roger.

Ambu's hands are very skillful, and he does a good job of carpentry and rattan. Occasionally, when he is free, he can make simple furniture by himself, such as tables and small benches. We made a large rattan chair for Roger with vines. It has a circle and a back. It is very soft and tough. Roger likes to lie on it and bask in the sun.

"Don't move, move and cut off your ears, I'm not responsible."

"Okay, okay, I won't move, Roger, you should do it lightly, your scalp hurts."

Su Rui heard the movement next door, a flash of worry flashed in her heart. He saw Roger's changes during this time. Roger used to be beautiful, but he always felt that something was missing, but now Roger is just as beautiful as ever. Like the plants in the rainy season, they absorb enough water and become more and more alive day by day, and all of this is brought by a person named Anbu, should this be considered a good thing?

On this side of the wall, Roger stood behind Ambu, pinched his neck, and was trimming his hair. Maybe it was because he had no secrets in front of Ambu, but Roger was more open to him. What to say, there are not too many concerns.

Although he suffers from insomnia, Roger's health has always been good, and he is not very sick. He did not expect to catch a cold after taking a cold bath in the winter. At first, it was not serious, only a slight fever. Last time There were still some antipyretic medicines for Xia. After taking two servings, the fever subsided, and they caught up with the annual sacrificial moon hunting. Seeing that he was all right, An Sen and An Luo set off to chase the big team. Before leaving, he asked Anbu to take good care of him.

Without Roger's permission, Ambu didn't dare to go to his bed. He only made a bunk beside the bed at night and guarded him. He woke up the next night, shouting in a dazed mouth. "Dad," and some words he didn't understand. The fried medicine was finally fed, but the fever didn't subside. At dawn, I went to see Dr. Qing Qiao. Dr. Qing Qiao looked like this. The ordinary method is not enough, but look at Anbu, another one. There is no way to tell.

"Doctor Qing Qiao, you speak, is there anything you can do?" Anbu was really anxious when he saw that he was hesitating to speak.

Dr. Qing Qiao hesitated for a moment and said, "There are ways, but this requires the help of Roger's partner, you are not suitable."

"Roger has become so ill, so who else is to be divided? Besides, I like Roger. Brother Anson and An Luo also agreed."

Dr. Qing Qiao listened to him and knew that he couldn't lie about such a thing, so he asked Ambu to move in a tub, after heating the water, he poured two packets of medicinal powder into it, and instructed: "Take off Roger's clothes, Put him in the water, and then you also go in and rub his whole body, so that the medicine will work faster."

Ambu's face turned red all of a sudden. When he was a beast, he took a bath with Roger. But now

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