These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 145: Roger's Extra Story 07

That night, the two went from the water to the wicker chair, and then from the wicker chair to the bed. They tossed for most of the night. Roger couldn't remember how many poses he was put in. At first, he could barely cooperate. , at the back, he was almost allowed to push and insert, and he was only responsible for spreading his legs.

"If you dare to stay in it, I will kill you, Ambu." In this sudden and intense affair, this was almost Roger's only insistence.

When he woke up in the morning, Roger felt that his head was heavy, and a strong arm was wrapped around his waist. The warm breath sprayed on the back of his neck. He remembered the days when he was on the plateau, and the two of them often slept together like this when the weather was cold. It was just that Ambu was a leopard at that time, but now he is a man. I have never wanted to admit it, but I have to say that life at that time was much more peaceful and simpler than it is now. The two of them were fighting each other, and the most worrying thing every day was to find enough food, not to be hungry, and there would be no such thing as now. Tangled, involved, unwilling and guilty.

It was not without warning that the two of them had reached this point before. He could never refuse this person cruelly. There are already Anson and An Luo, and now another Anbu has been added. How will I live in the future? Roger's head suddenly hurt like it was about to explode, and he squeezed twice with his fingers against his forehead.

"Roger, are you awake?" Ambu also woke up, his low voice was filled with laziness and contentment that could not be hidden, but he quickly discovered something was wrong, "Roger, what's wrong with you? "

"Headache." Roger groaned in pain with his head in his hands.

"Let me see." An Luo grabbed Roger's shoulder and turned the man over. Seeing that his face was extremely flushed and his heart was not good, he touched his forehead, and sure enough, it burned again.

"Ambu, my head hurts." People are always very vulnerable when they are sick, and Roger is no exception, especially the person he is most familiar with in this world.

"I know, I know, it's my fault, it's all my fault, I forced you too hard last night." Ambu got up naked, wrapped him in a blanket and pinched his forehead, "wait for me. In a while, I'll boil some hot water and soak you in medicinal soup."

Roger held on to Ambu's neck and insisted not to let go.

Ambu almost died of heartache for Roger's rare display of vulnerability and dependence, but what is the best thing to do now, he still understands, he patted Roger on the back and assured: "It'll be fine in a while, After you have soaked in the medicinal soup and have some food, I will pick up Xiya and come back to accompany you."

Speaking of Xia, Roger released his hand obediently, shrank into the blanket, and said only: "There is more meat in the soup, Xia likes to eat meat."

"I know this, you sleep a little longer." Ambu put him down, pressed the corner of the blanket, got out of bed and put on his clothes, and dragged the tub to go out. The sun was already high, and he quickly boiled hot water and thick of broth, fed Roger a little, and carried him into the tub.

The two strands were wet and sticky, Roger remembered something, grabbed Anbu's arm and asked, "When you were a beast last night, those things didn't stay in me, right?" One Xi Ya is enough. There is one, which is almost equivalent to his death sentence. He can't guarantee that he can leave his two children and leave.

Ambu's face showed a guilty conscience and hesitation. In fact, this was his first time. Later, he couldn't control himself at all. Although Roger repeatedly emphasized that he was not allowed to stay inside, he couldn't get out in time and rationally.

"Is there any?" Roger roared excitedly.

"Roger, there won't be any children." Ambu knew his worries, but he was lucky. It shouldn't be so coincidental in such a night. You must know that in the orc tribe, it is very difficult to conceive a baby. But if he admits it, Roger's current thinking will probably turn his face with him immediately. He understands Roger's deserted temperament, and it will be difficult to start again.

"That's good, I don't want to have another child, Ambu." Roger snuggled into his arms softly, closed his eyes, and felt Ambu's fingers poking in, draining the remaining fluid in his body.

Ambu wrapped his arms around him and sighed, hoping that there would be no twists and turns.

In the evening, Ambu turned the brazier, and automatically prepared to undress and sleep with Roger. Roger glanced at him and said indifferently, "Go to another room to sleep." Although he acquiesced in that incident, But in the beginning, it was unquestionable that Ambu made a sneak attack while others were unprepared.

"I sleep here and I can take care of you nearby." Of course Ambu didn't want to leave. He thought that there was a relationship yesterday, and Roger admitted him.

"No need." Roger coldly refused, just with Ambu's poor self-control, the two of them slept together, something might happen, and he was still sore, as if he had taken off the shelf.

Ambu took off his shirt and sat on the edge of the bed in a fit of anger. Roger's scratches and teeth marks were all over his back, chest and arms. He pressed Roger and didn't let him go. Roger was not very polite to him. There's nothing gentle about going to bed.

Roger looked at the splendid achievements he had made, and looked away uncomfortably. When he was with Anson Anluo before, all he did was endure. Although it was also a pleasure, it was like that after thinking about it. He never did. Knowing that I'm so loose on the bed, moaning loudly, and stepping up to greet me, is pretty slutty.

"You go to sleep in that room." After a long while, seeing him not moving, Roger stabbed him, unable to do anything about Ambu's sudden childish stubbornness.

"How old are you, Ambu?" Roger mocked him.

"Eighteen, it's almost nineteen." Ambu answered him with a straight face.

Roger was so angry that he couldn't speak. He was a very stable and measured person in front of others. He sometimes gave himself a bit of toughness, but the occasional childishness was life-threatening. Do the upper body for half the night, you must catch a cold.

"Okay, come up, let's talk first, if you're not honest, be careful I kick you down." Roger couldn't help but compromise first.

Ambu turned around with a smile, kicked off his pants, and got into Roger's blanket. He had been sitting outside for so long, his body was cold, and Roger shivered violently.

Today, I saw that Roger often supported his waist. Knowing that he was uncomfortable, Ambu took the man into his arms and started to rub him.

"Take it easy..." Roger lay on his side, glaring at him.

Ambu gave him a quick kiss and nodded.

"Roger?" Ambu called him.

"Huh?" He didn't sleep well last night, and Roger was very sleepy now. "

"It would be nice to be together forever, like it is now."

Roger did not answer this sentence.

Ambu felt a chill in his heart, bowed his head and kissed Roger's hair, as well as the scent of herbs after bathing, and said, "Go to sleep."

Roger's illness had already recovered by seven or eight points, but after being disturbed by Anbu, it was delayed again. It was not until Anson and Anluo returned from hunting around the moon that there were signs of improvement.

As soon as Anson and An Luo came back, they noticed the difference in Roger. Although his face was still haggard and pale because of his illness, his brows were much brighter than before, and his people were lighter than before, and some pressured him. The heavy things on his body for a long time seem to have disappeared temporarily, coupled with the intimate and tacit little gestures between him and Anbu, the two of them can immediately be sure that the two have a closer relationship, and there is naturally bitterness in their hearts. Who would like to share their own females, and obviously Roger likes Ambu more than them, but after thinking about it, as long as Roger can be healthy and happy, what can be better than this .

Compared with Anson and Anluo's simple love, Roger's feelings for them are much more complicated. It was a forced choice to start with them, but in the past two years, the children have all, their good, their own. I remember every bit in my heart, especially after An Luo's accident, they worked hard to rescue them together, and they were like a family. To him, they were family, friends, and partners. Roger was grateful to them. There is guilt, maybe there is love, but in short, I don’t hate it. It’s hard to distinguish emotional matters. In the winter of Roger’s third year in this world, everyone got along very well. Since An Luo became the patriarch, their relationship The family has received more respect in the tribe, and the situation is not a little better than before. They discussed making up a ceremony for Roger and Ambu next spring. Roger didn't care much, but Ambu was looking forward to it.

After the sacrifice of the moon, there is the Spring Wilderness. The Bear Clan is located on the west side of the mainland. At this time, the climate there is warm and rainy, the mountains and valleys are rich, and the prey is abundant. However, the competition among the three clans is fierce, and many people are lost every year. A total of more than a dozen orcs died in the Leopard Clan, including Mallow.

After An Luo became the patriarch, Anbu naturally didn't have to build a road with the disabled like last year. This was his first hunting in these years, and he saw his best friend die in front of him.

"What's up with Zhu Xi?" Roger held Xia and heated the fire in the house. When he saw Ambu entering the door, he went up to meet him.

"I still don't eat, except that I cried a lot on the first day. Now I just sit quietly every day. He is with him." Anbu lowered the curtain and sat down with him.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I don't even know what I can do to help." Anbu hardly closed his eyes these days, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked exhausted.

Xi Ya opened her mouth and bit his fingers.

Ambu patted his head and asked, "Is baby hungry?"

Xia blinked her eyes, jumped onto his knee, rubbed his chin and said, "Uncle Anbu, meatloaf."

"Uncle will do it for you later."

Roger reached out and carried him over, and said, "Don't listen to him, An Luo just fed him half a bowl of soup before going out. You can see that his belly is still bulging."

"It's still good when we were young. Mallow and Zhu Xi are half a year younger than me. The three of us lived very close to each other. From childhood to adulthood, I took them with me when we went out. Mallow was very naughty. There are no more people, he is timid, Zhu Xi and I hide and scare him, he will run out to find us by himself."

"Ambu..." Roger had never had such an experience and didn't know how to comfort him.

"Actually, before the accident, I heard Mallow calling me. There were no large beasts in the valley. I was too careless. I looked back and didn't see it. At that time, Mallow should have been dragged into the cave."

"Don't blame yourself." Roger hugged his head and pressed it into his arms.

"It's not self-blame, Roger, I just thought that if I could react faster, Mallow probably wouldn't have to die. When he went, he joked that if he didn't come back, let me take care of Zhu Xi. , I also laughed at him for talking nonsense, saying that with me, both of us can come back safely."

"We will help Zhu Xi in the future." Roger said, although he only met Zhu Xi a few times, he vaguely realized that Zhu Xi didn't like him very much.

As the days warmed up, Roger's appetite was waning day by day. An Luo had just become the patriarch, and many things had to be learned from scratch. He spoke very little, and often we discussed things together. Others said Ten sentences, he also promised one sentence, so Ansen also went to help. After the death of Mallow, many orcs more or less expressed to Zhu Xi that they wanted to re-mate with him, and Anbu was busy with this matter. It was so overwhelming that no one noticed Roger's anomaly.

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