These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 147: Roger's Extra Story 09

Drowsiness, nausea, fatigue, and strong desires. Although these signs could not guarantee that he must be pregnant, symptoms so similar to those when he was pregnant with Xi Ya really made him think in that direction.

Roger walked to the window sill, lifted the lid, and dug out two fermented plums. The sweet and sour taste in the mouth temporarily suppressed the vomiting in his throat.

He never thought that he would become pregnant again. After he had Xia, he and Anson Anluo never had a relationship. Although he had done it with all three of them recently, he refused to use the beast type, except for being unconscious and An Luo. At the time of Bo, Ambu lied to him, he had a vague suspicion in his heart, but now the most important thing is to determine whether he is pregnant or not, if so, it is a few months, even if he is not sure about the pregnancy. I am proficient and understand that the younger the child is, the easier it is to shed. If the child belongs to Ambu, it has been more than three months. If the time is delayed, it will not be easy to get rid of the child silently, Roger. Touching the slightly bulging belly, he was so rational that it was almost cold.

Roger went to Dr. Qing Qiao's place. Qing Qiao's pharmacist's family lived in the middle of the mountain in the northeast corner of the tribe. There were no other people around. The environment was quiet and secluded. All are herbs.

Qing Qiao Pharmacist's orc partner passed away two years ago, but Pharmacist is very respected in the tribe, no one will force him to find another partner. Qing Qiao Pharmacist's youngest son, Zhongtai, looks like he is in his early ten years and is squatting on the ground. He was using herbs to catch insects, and when he saw Roger came in with Xia in his arms, he shouted to the room, and happily greeted him: "Brother Roger, Xia, are you here?" There were many people in the tribe. Adults dislike Roger's cold attitude and don't often interact with him, but for children, especially the little orcs, Roger is pretty and can do a lot of things. Such a good female Roger.

Roger has never been comfortable with being too enthusiastic about others, but he has nothing to avoid when it comes to a half-old child. He took a Huili standard from Xia's arms and gave it to him. This is what he grinded with hardwood in his spare time. It is not very lethal. At most, he can hit a small animal or bird or something. It is just right for children to play. Xi Ya is still young and lacks strength. go out.

After all, Xi Ya was not yet two years old. Although Roger's family was strict, she still showed a little bit of unhappiness when her belongings were given away.

Roger scratched his chin and whispered, "Go home and make a better one for you." The grandstand was turned over and over in his hand, and with a blank face, he put down Xia and said, "Xiya, go to the small platform of the heavy stage. Uncle said how to play."

"What are you tinkering with, Roger?" Qing Qiao Pharmacist saw that Zhongtai, under the command of Xi Ya, threw the wood out of his hand, and he could fly back.

"A gadget for the child, Qing Qiao Pharmacist, I feel a little uncomfortable recently, you can show it to me."

"Okay, you come in with me, and I'll give you a closer look." Unlike other people in the tribe, Qing Qiao Pharmacist really likes Roger, and is not very good at interacting with people, but he is very nice.

Roger turned his head and instructed Xi Ya, and followed Qing Qiao Pharmacist into the house with mixed feelings.

After taking the pulse, Qing Qiao pharmacist asked some more recent physical conditions, and finally said with certainty: "That's right, Roger, you are not sick, you have a baby in your belly."

Roger felt cold all over, his left hand pressed his right hand under the table, and forced a smile: "How long?"

Dr. Qing Qiao got up, brought a bowl of snow-white succulents from the cabinet in the corner, and said with a smile, "The baby is still young, only over three months old, these are the succulents I picked in the mountains yesterday, they are fresh, You can take it back and eat it." The milk fruit is prepared for pregnant females in the tribe, and the sweet and sour milk fruit is very appetizing and good for the body.

Roger squeezed his fingers, trying to calm down, not to give himself a chance to shake, and said what he had planned before: "Qing Qiao Pharmacist, I have nothing to do at home, can you let me learn some medical skills with you? When you go out, you can learn some herbs, and you can usually treat a cold and fever yourself.” He knew that pharmacists could not accept apprentices casually, so he just said to learn a little bit.

Qing Qiao Pharmacist knows more about his family. He has three capable orc companions. Roger really doesn't have to do anything, and he doesn't accept apprentices. It doesn't matter to teach him at all, so he said: "Okay, come over when you have time. Well, but you are pregnant now, rest more, don't get tired, and you can study whenever you want as the days grow."

Roger nodded, this is his only way, medical abortion is the safest right now, the orc tribe is not allowed to abort children, so Qing Qiao pharmacist will never give him that kind of medicine, so he has to find it himself.

There was a large stone mortar in the center of the yard, An Luo was pounding meat, soybeans were simmering in the pot, An Sen cut dried red peppers on a wooden pier, and they planned to make some pepper and soybean meat sauce.

"Where have you been, Roger?" An Luo asked with a smile.

"Go out and get some air, where's Ambu?"

"I'm washing the jars at the stream at the back. Just before it's very hot, I make more sauce and put it in the cellar. I'll be able to eat it in a few days."

"Well, I'm a little tired, go back to the room to sleep." He still didn't know how to face Anbu.

"Brother Anbu said to make your favorite fish **** at noon today, and I'll call you later." He was used to Roger's sleepiness recently, and An Luo didn't care too much about it.

Roger twitched the corners of his lips, neither saying good nor bad.

Roger offered to sleep next to An Luo at night, and Anbu grabbed his wrist and discussed, "Roger, I have something to discuss with you today, about our ceremony."

"Let's talk about it another day." Roger broke free from his restraint with an unusually cold attitude.

Anbu was a little confused about this, what was wrong with Roger, but he didn't think deeply, and smiled tolerantly: "Well, go to bed early, I'll tell you tomorrow."

On the second day, Roger spent the whole day at Dr. Qing Qiao's place. He didn't even come back for lunch. He slept with Anson at night. On the third, fourth, and fifth days, not only Anbu, but also Anson and Anson. An Luo also noticed that there was a problem between Roger and Ambu. He tried several times with words, but nothing came of it. Ambu understood Roger's temperament and liked to keep everything in his heart. He didn't want to say anything, and no one would pry it. Without opening his mouth, he was secretly anxious.

"Roger, don't touch that." Qing Qiao pharmacist saw that Roger was going to turn over the safflower tea that was drying and hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

Seeing Qing Qiao Pharmacist's attitude, Roger moved slightly in his heart and asked, "What's wrong with this? It's poisonous? I think it's fine if the platform moves in and out every day."

"It's not poisonous. This safflower tea grows on the edge of Lengshui Pond. The medicinal properties are shady and cool, and the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis is the best. Adding a little to cooking can also improve the freshness. It is a big taboo for pregnant females."

Roger lowered his eyelids, hiding the fierceness in his eyes, and continued to ask, "It's so powerful, you can't touch it at all?"

Qing Qiao pharmacist spread it out, grabbed a handful of half-dried powder and rubbed it in his hand, saying, "Usually it only works when you eat it in your mouth, but these are almost done, you won't be able to **** this powder in there. Good. Always pay attention in the first few months, let's go, let's go there, there is white flower tea there, mild and nourishing, and it is good for you and the baby. "

A few days later, Qing Qiao pharmacist went out to see a doctor, only Roger was left, and Xi Ya was the housekeeper in Zhongtai. Roger helped with the herbs, and asked for some safflower tea. Chongtai was not familiar with these herbs. Seeing that Roger wanted it, he agreed without hesitation. He said that he knew that Ah Mei was not a stingy person, and it was not a big deal to send some herbs to the clan.

After Roger came back, he quietly hid the safflower tea in the winter clothes interlayer in the cabinet. These clothes had just been changed and had been re-dried. They were very dry. The most important thing was that no one would touch them.

With the medicine for abortion, Roger thought he would do it right away, but when the soup was boiled, he realized that he couldn't drink it at all. His hands were shaking all the time, and he couldn't even hold the bowl firmly. He picked it up again and again and put it back again and again. At this time, he hated Anbu very much. If it wasn't for Anbu, he wouldn't be facing such a difficult choice now. After birth, he might never be able to leave here. It was his child, even if it was deliberately ignored, he didn't dare to think about it, struggling and tangled, he picked up the bowl of cold medicine.

"Roger, are you at home? Why are the windows closed?" Anson came back from working in the field.

Roger was startled, slowly relieved, opened the window and poured out the medicine, he comforted himself, the medicine was cold, the medicine was not good, and when An Sen and the others came back, it was too late to drink it.

"Such a smell of medicine, Roger, are you ill?" An Luo came in and asked.

"It's just a headache, nothing major."

An Luo touched his head. He didn't have a fever, so he said, "If you feel uncomfortable, just say it, don't be bored."

Roger boiled the medicine four times in total, and the fourth time he had put the medicinal soup to his mouth, a slight or heavy blow came from his stomach, causing him to collapse completely.

"Dad, what should I do? Daddy, what should I do? I can't stay, but what should I do with the baby in my belly?" Roger curled up in the corner, grabbing his hair in pain, his mother died very early, he and his father They have lived with each other for so many years, and now my father is seriously ill, and he can't even stay by his side. Ambu, the person who should know him best, why did he do this, why did he make himself pregnant again? Is he trying to keep himself in this way? Understandable, but how can I forgive him?


Roger's recent state is very bad, and his family can feel it. He often wakes up from dreams at night, and he is obviously estranged from Anbu. He wants to ask Qing Qiao Pharmacist to show him, but he firmly disagrees.

It was also during this time that some gossip began to spread in the tribe. Zhu Xi refused to find a partner, and Ambu helped to send the orcs who came to the door, so many people began to think that Zhu Xi and Ambu were a pair. The last two grew up together since childhood, and their relationship has always been very good. If Anbu had not left the tribe, it would not have been Mallow who held the ceremony with Zhu Xi. Now that Mallow is dead, it seems natural for the two to be together again.

Ambu thought that Roger was listening to the gossip and felt uncomfortable, so he explained to him: "Roger, Zhu Xi and I have nothing to do, don't you believe me?"

Roger lowered his head to pick the fresh shepherd's purse and dandelions in the shallow basket on his knees, looked up at him lightly, and didn't answer, he knew that Ambu and Zhu Xi were nothing, he still had this confidence, but other than that, What else does he have to believe.

"Why have you lost so much weight recently, let's hold a ceremony, Roger?" Ambu crouched down and touched his face.

Roger pursed his lips, trying his best to suppress the violent churning in his chest, holding a ceremony? What ceremonies can be held?

Anbu didn't know what he was thinking, he scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and said with a smile, "Roger, wait for me, I'll show you something." Turning around and running back to the house, carrying a half-meter long milky white The teeth of the beast came out, which were taken from an animal called saber-toothed beast. The male saber-toothed beast is aggressive and unusually brave. The exposed fangs are very sharp. Orcs have always hunted a saber-tooth by themselves The beast is proud, and if the orc can give his female a bone knife polished by a saber-toothed beast during the ceremony, it is almost the best gift.

"I hunted this when I was wandering outside. I originally wanted to give it to you when we held the ceremony. I also carved something on it. I have been doing it for a long time. I will finish it in a few days. You Look, can you see what it is?"

Roger didn't want to pay attention to him, but seeing his eyes full of joyful anticipation, he turned his head to take a look, and his heart was slightly moved, stone houses, lakes, distant mountains, bamboo forests, ... especially meticulous is that there was a person leaning on a leopard When I was sleeping, the carving was not very good. Outsiders may only have a rough idea, but Roger has personally experienced it. Out is very attentive.

"I was on my way during the day, and I stopped at night to do something. I thought I could give it to you when we met..."

"Ambu..." Roger interrupted him hoarsely, he already knew from Anson that Ambu was looking for himself during the two years he left.

Anbu hugged and patted his back, and said softly, "I'll make it soon, we'll hold a ceremony then, and when we have a child, I'll show it to him and let him know about his father. How did you meet Ah Mei?"

Speaking of children, Roger closed his eyes and his heart became cold again. He couldn't forgive. Forgiveness represented another compromise and giving up. He pushed Anbu away and said indifferently, "There will be no children."

"What do you mean?" Ambu was confused.

Roger took his hand and put it on his belly, stared into his eyes, and said coldly, word by word: "Here, there was a child three days ago, and I - beat - dropped -."

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