These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 149: Roger Extra Story 11…

Roger knew that Ambu was listening to the movement outside, and bit his mouth tightly, no matter how painful it was, even if he didn't make a sound, he hurt and wouldn't make that person feel better.

When is it hard to be angry, but it was at this time. When this stubbornness came up, no one could do anything. Dr. Qing Qiao stared at Roger helplessly. He tried every possible way, and the oxytocin was poured down. I can feel the child moving, but I can't get out. The child has been over seven months old. If it is an orc, it is almost the same.

An Luo looked at Roger's unpleasant groaning and moaning, with a distressed and worried expression on his face, forcibly opened his mouth, stuffed the back of his hand in, and said, "Roger, if it hurts, just bite me."

The cold sweat on Roger's body was dense layer after layer. The whole body seemed to be pulled out of the water. It had been in pain for a whole night. Freed, no one has to suffer.

Anson understood the meaning in his eyes and shouted desperately: "No, Roger, you still have us, please, don't give up. The baby also figured it out. Are you him, do you know?"

Ambu slammed the wall hard, and his entire right hand was bloody. Why did he believe it? It was because he had always been uneasy. Seeing Roger abandoning Xia, he believed it without hesitation when Roger said he would kill the child. Well, in the final analysis, he had no confidence that he would keep this person. Hearing An Sen's shout, he was shocked and couldn't help pushing the door and rushing in.

Roger's eyes turned to the door, as if he had been waiting for something. When he saw him coming in, he showed a faint hint of relief, and then he closed it deeply, and his body fell limply into Anson's arms. He was tired and didn't want to wait any longer.

"Roger, don't leave me behind."

Dr. Qing Qiao touched Roger's pulse, shook his head at An Sen, who was the only one who was still a little sensible, and said, "There is only one way now." Dr. Qing Qiao paused for a while to ease his sadness. It has been **** and cruel, but it is the only feasible, "Roger, I have nothing to do, but the child in his belly still has a chance."

Under Ansen's panic-stricken eyes, he still spit out those four words: "Cut the abdomen and take the child."

Anson shook his head almost immediately and refused: "I don't agree."

"If you don't agree, adults and children will have to die. Caesarean section can still save the child. This is a no-brainer."

"I promise." Ambu said suddenly.

"You're crazy, Ambu, do you know what you're talking about?" Once he started, Roger had no life.

"Brother Anson, An Luo, when the baby is born, Roger and I can't take care of him when he grows up, so I'll leave it to you." When things got to this point, they didn't struggle so much anymore. He smiled and continued. : "I've made you worry about me all these years, so please forgive me for this one last time."

Ambu wiped the sweat off Roger and whispered on his lips: "Roger, don't be afraid, it will be over in a while, I am here with you, and I will never leave again."

An Sen and An Luo had heard the life and death in his words, and knew that this time not only Roger, but also his brother would be lost, and they were unable to agree.

"Doctor Qing Qiao, get ready to do it." Ambu took Roger out of Anson's arms and held him tightly in his arms.

Dr. Qing Qiao didn't want to see such a scene, but it was already like this. He could only choose to revive one more. At the bottom of the medicine box was a bone knife. After removing the layers of linen cloth, you could see The blade is sharpened very sharply, and it is less painful to go down this way.

"Wait." When the tip of the knife had slightly pierced Roger's belly, An Luo suddenly stopped, and under extreme emotion, he stuttered a little, "Brother, brother, I think of one person, Chunji. , Chunji, do you remember, he saved Roger, his medical skills are very good, he may be able to save Roger."

"Why didn't I think of it, so what are you waiting for. I'll go find him now."

"An Luo, look at Roger, and I'll go too." Ambu promised Roger that there was no way to cut his abdomen. Now there is a chance, how can he not catch it, one more person will be able to find Chun Ji earlier, but Chun Ji will not Just stay home and wait.

Chunji really wasn't at home, Ansen and Anbu went to look for them separately. Finally, Anbu found a young man leaning on a medicine basket on the grassland, leaning on his legs, and basking in the sun leisurely. He walked away without saying a word.

Chunji was startled at first, but when he recognized it was Anbu, he curled his lips and said half-jokingly, "So eager to find me, have you fallen in love with me?" This year has been enough time for him to have a preliminary understanding of Anbu. Bad, at least he didn't reject Ambu's approach.

"Roger has a difficult birth, you hurry up and save him."

"It's Roger again." Chun Ji murmured dissatisfiedly, and then said, "It's useless for you to ask me for his difficult labor. I'm not proficient in pregnancy and childbirth." part.

Anbu couldn't listen to anything now. He flew home with him, took the medicine box, and flew back, fortunately, he didn't waste much time.

Seeing Roger's dying appearance, Chunji frowned imperceptibly. He stretched out his hand to take a pulse. He didn't understand childbirth, but the basic medical principles were the same. When the needles went on, no one in the room had seen this kind of treatment method of stabbing people with needles. Seeing that Chunji was still young, with a childish look between his brows, but his expression was serious and focused. Waiting quietly for a miracle to happen.

"En..." No one noticed how many needles Chunji had stabbed, and Roger groaned, his thick eyelashes fluttering, and he was about to wake up and turn around.

Everyone in the house was ecstatic, and even Xia jumped up and down with joy.

Chunji pretended to take the needle from Roger's head, and whispered in his ear: "Roger from the future world, haven't you always wanted to go back? I can help you, if you can live to that time."

Roger opened his eyes abruptly, stared at him stubbornly, his lips moved, and said silently: "Who are you?" Even Anbu only knew that he was from a far away place, but this Chunji actually knew that he was from the future world. .

Chun Ji smiled mysteriously, didn't answer his words, patted his clothes, straightened his waist, and said to the people behind him, "Okay, let the child out now, I can't do anything about it any longer."

This time Roger's willpower was exceptionally strong, and Chunji's needle also played a big role. Near noon, the child was finally born. There was no major accident. It was a little leopard with black fur. Ambu carefully held it in his hand. Don't dare to move, this is his and Roger's little baby, Roger glanced at it in disgust, it turned out to be an orc again, turned his head and fell asleep.

The newly born little black leopard hadn't opened his eyes yet, looking for the familiar smell, sticking tightly beside Roger.

Roger hated Anbu, he didn't like this child at first, and because he was not the female he hoped for, he was even more disgusted. He closed his eyes, turned over, and stayed far away, so he didn't bother to look out of sight, but he As soon as he moved, the little black panther followed.

An Luo came in with a bowl of warm milk juice. Unsurprisingly, he saw Roger pushing the new baby away again. He pretended not to see it and fed half a bowl of milk juice while wiping the new baby's mouth. With the white marks on the side, he smiled at Roger: "Look, the baby's appetite is so good, I ate a lot today."

Roger glanced at the baby who was still babbling, and said nothing.

An Luo continued his efforts, "Roger, the baby hasn't got a name yet, what name do you think it should be?"

Roger frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Just call it Moya."

Seeing that he looked a little tired, An Luo decided to stop here today, "Roger, you will sleep again, I will bring the baby, no, now it's time to call Moya, I will take Moya out to bask in the sun." Orc baby It is not as delicate as a female baby, and it can't blow the wind or bask in the sun.

"An Luo, give me a hug." Roger heard the deliberately lowered voice in the yard.

Anbu pinched the baby's little paws, the flesh was translucent pink, kissed his black fluffy little ears, and said happily: "Baby, I'm Daddy, calling Daddy."

An Sen was rubbing the hemp rope. Seeing his silly appearance, he smiled and said, "What do you think of a good thing, the baby was born only ten days ago, and her eyes haven't opened yet. Xi Ya is early, when she called her father for the first time. It's been over seven months."

Ambu's face darkened. For more than seven months, he didn't know if Roger would forgive him. Although the baby was born, the relationship between the two of them had not been eased. Instead, it had become more and more intense. Don't take a look, Roger is now weak after giving birth, Dr. Qing Qiao urged him not to make him angry at this time, so as not to fall into the root of the disease.

An Luo patted his shoulder, "Brother Anbu, take your time, you don't know yet, Roger just named the baby."

"Really? What's it called?" Ambu asked impatiently.


"Moya? What a good name."

Now that he and Roger both have Moya, Anbu tried to discuss with Zhu Xi a few times whether they could separate. He also knew that what he did was wrong. He was the one who promised Zhu Xi at the beginning, and now he is the one who said the separation. At that time, he was desperate and didn't know what to do in the future, so Zhu Xi suggested that the two should be together, he felt that it would be good to take care of Zhu Xi and raise Mallow's children, "To get to today's situation, both My fault is that I don't trust Roger too much. But Zhu Xi, we are separated now, you can still find an orc companion who loves you, and I can continue to guard Roger."

"But have you ever thought that Roger will leave one day after all?"

"I can't think about it anymore. Now that I see Moya and him, I can't wait to be by their side all the time."

"Then have you ever thought about me, Ambu, I've liked you since I was a child, don't you know that? You promised to be with me, but now you back off. We just held a ceremony. Are you trying to kill me?" said At this point, Zhu Xi's tears have already fallen.

Seeing this, Anbu didn't dare to stimulate him again.

"Anbu, if you leave me, I will die, and take the child in my womb with me."

"Zhu Xi, what are you thinking about, you are a man, how can you say such a thing." Anbu brought the cooked food to him and said, "Let's not talk about this for the time being, you are the best The most important thing is to meditate on raising the fetus and have a healthy baby."

Ambu thought that Zhu Xi was just saying that. After all, the Zhu Xi he knew was always optimistic and strong. Who knew that two days later, Zhu Xi really committed suicide at home, but fortunately Zhu Xi came to see him and found out in time, it was unsuccessful. There was an uproar at the time.

Zhu Xi locked himself in the room and saw no one. He only called by name and said that he wanted to see Roger. Roger had been recuperating for more than a month because of the dystocia, and only barely got out of bed in the past few days. Zhu Xi didn't want to take care of it either, and couldn't bear Zhu Xi's begging in person.

Zhu Xi was still lying on the bed, her hair was disheveled, her clothes were disheveled, her belly was raised high, and she started to shed tears as she spoke. At that moment, Roger seemed to see himself a few months ago, for a man who was destined to not be here. The man with him is exhausted, he wants to live and die, and he is not even better than a woman. It's really ugly. He just gave birth to a child, and the whole person has become not like himself. Did he come to this world to hook up with men? Thinking of this, Roger suddenly felt disgusted with this tangled and tangled relationship.

When he came out of the house, Roger had made his final decision.

"Roger," Ambra said.

"That's it, Ambu." Avoiding people, this was Roger's first sentence.

His tone was so flat, so flat that Ambu knew that he wasn't joking or saying angry words, and he was pushed into the frozen river in winter, cooling down a little from his chest to his limbs.

"If you think that Moya is the child I gave you and you feel that you owe me something, then you don't have to, because Moya is not necessarily your child, have you ever thought that Moya was born full-term? Then he is Anson or An Luo's child, after all, he doesn't have many similarities with you." Moya has opened his eyes now, and he is the same dark green as him, so Roger dares to say that, who is it? child, he knows best.

Anbu's many attempts to save him failed. Two months later, Zhu Xi gave birth to a young female, and Anbu named him Muya.

"Anbu..." Zhu Xi woke up and saw Anbu sitting beside the bed holding little Muya.

"Don't worry, I didn't leave. I promised you to raise this child together until he held the ceremony." This was what he and Zhu Xi agreed before the ceremony.

Later, Chunji really pointed a clear path to Roger. There is a tunnel under the temple, which can go directly to the forbidden area. The key to opening the mechanism is the black jade stone passed down from generation to generation by the patriarch, embedded in the starry sky map on the top of the temple. At the third planet, rotating from right to left, there will be a downward secret passage.

After more than a year of exploration, Roger has basically figured out the general direction and layout of the secret road. When An Sen and An Luo were out hunting, he also walked by himself. There should be a passage, but unfortunately it collapsed, and he couldn't enter the forbidden ground for the time being, but as long as he got there, it would be easy to say. Starting from the Leopard Clan, the orcs have to travel through the jungle to reach the forbidden area. If the weather permits, it will take twenty days at the earliest, and it only takes seventeen to eighteen days for him to pass through this secret passage to the forbidden area.

Roger carefully checked the drawn picture again, and a soft and tender voice called out beside his feet, "Dad..."

"What's the matter?" Roger saw his front paws raised, which meant he understood, but he didn't want to hold the child.

Mo Ya patted her belly, he was hungry, "Dad..."

"I'll give hot broth." Roger got up and went to the kitchen, little Mo Ya followed behind.

Roger put a bowl of broth that had cooled slightly on the ground, and Mo Ya lay down and drank it by herself.

Moya is over a year old now, she doesn't act like a spoiled child, she has a round head and a round head. It is estimated that he is still learning from Xi Ya. Roger usually doesn't like to pay attention to this child. Except to ensure that he will not be hungry, the rest of the things are basically ignored. He is not as focused as Xi Ya at that time. He can teach and take a bath. sleep.

An Sen and An Luo still like to coax and tease Moya when they are at home, but they are too busy. They don't have much time to stay at home for hunting and tribe affairs.

"Dad..." Mo Ya drank all the broth obediently, stretched out her right paw, and brushed the beard's trembling oil beads.

"Go out and play by yourself, don't walk around me." Seeing that he wanted to follow him again, Roger became impatient, turned around and left.

Mo Ya was lying at the door, and seeing that her father never came out and called him in, she decided to go out for a walk by herself. My brother didn't know where to play.

"Moya, come here, come here."

He knew this person and often gave him delicious food, so Mo Ya jumped on it without hesitation.

Anbu laughed and hugged him, patted his head, and said, "Moya is good, ah... Uncle brought fresh fruit, let's eat outside."

Moya stretched out her little tongue and licked his face. Seeing that he was not as unhappy as her father, she happily licked a few more mouths.

Anbu kissed him twice and carried him to the shade of a hill on the grassland. The animal skin pocket contained a large green-skinned watermelon the size of Moya's two heads, as well as a wooden bowl and a small spoon. The bright red watermelon pulp that was taken out was smashed in a wooden bowl, the seeds were picked out, and spoonfuls were fed to the well-behaved baby sitting on his lap.

Few people fed him, Moya was not used to it at first, but after getting used to it, she got better. When she saw the spoon coming, she opened her mouth.

"Sweet?" Ambu asked with a smile.

Mo Ya nodded, her dark green eyes shining brightly.

"Moya, come and tell me, sweet, watermelon is very sweet, sweet..."

Moya held back for a long time before she spit out an incorrect pronunciation. Anbu didn't laugh at him, and corrected him patiently.

The father and son ate the watermelon and took a nap, and then Anbu reluctantly sent the child to the door, watched him enter, and then left.


"Huh?" Roger was busy now, so he responded casually.

"Dad, watermelon is very sweet."

"En." Roger didn't hear what Moya said at all.

In the evening, Xia, who had been out playing for a day, finally came back and took her younger brother to take a bath in the shallow water by the stream.

"Watermelon is very sweet." Mo Ya mustered up her courage to show her brother what she learned today.

"Oh, it's very sweet, does Moya want to eat it?" It's a pity that Xi Ya was still young, so she didn't realize that this was the second thing her brother would say besides his father.

Except for his uncle, no one praised him, Moya was disappointed, when Xiya saw that he was not happy, she pushed him into the water jokingly, bit the fluff on his belly and said, "Moya wants to eat, brother will come back tomorrow. Bring it to you."

The two children, Roger, helped to dry them, and Xia rolled in his arms, vividly describing what he played today. For this child, Roger was very relieved. His living ability was very strong. The one with the horn...

Mo Ya fell asleep at the corner of the bed and fell into a warm embrace.

"Uncle Anbu." Mo Ya licked his face in her sleep, much slippery than during the day, and fell asleep with peace of mind.

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