These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 2: meet the third

Lei Jin didn't have time to sigh over his tragic fate when he heard something behind him make a rustling sound as it brushed past the bushes. The agility he had cultivated in the gang fight for a long time made him at a critical moment, With a sudden rollover, a huge black figure jumped over from his side and landed heavily on the ground. The black figure struggled to stand up. Lei Jin didn't care to study what kind of animal it was, so he walked towards the nearest one. A tree ran over and lost the only pair of indoor slippers on his feet. Finally, before the shadow came over again, he used both hands and feet to climb the tough vines to the lowest branch, saying that it was the lowest. Only relatively speaking, the lowest distance from the ground is three or four meters.

This branch is thicker than his Lei Jin's waist, but considering the grandeur of this tree, he is not at all worried that he will fall. But the premise is that the wild boar-like monster under the tree can also stop the collision. It looks like a wild boar and has thick bristles, but it drags a half-length nose, and it is the size of a baby elephant. His fangs were exposed, his tiny eyes glowed fiercely, he raised his head to give him a vicious look, and lowered his head to keep hitting. Lei Jin was lying on the branch with his hands and feet clasped, and the non-stop impact made his hands and feet numb. He fell from this height, and before he was eaten by the monster, he was thrown half to death.

This wild boar-like monster collided for more than half an hour, and Lei Jin felt that he would not be able to hold on any longer. The wild boar seemed to see something terrible, howled, and ran away with his head shrunk.

Lei Jin let out a long sigh of relief and let go of his hands and feet, secretly thankful that he had escaped in this ghost place, and suddenly felt a small breath behind him, a fluffy paw stretched out, and he was exposed to the outside On his butt, he was still sliding up and down there. It turned out that Lei Jin only had time to tie a dead knot on his waist when he was in a hurry. Under the strong shock, the short bath towel was only hanging around his waist. Lying up on the tree is no different from being naked.

Really just walked away from the jackal, and came to the tiger again. Lei Jin asked himself that his skills were not bad, but he didn't mean when he was naked, facing a group of unknown beasts in a virgin forest.

Lei Jin deceived himself and thought, I heard that beasts generally don't eat dead prey, I don't know if it's useless to pretend to be dead now, hold your breath first, lie still and try again. He didn't think that he was lying on the branch now, and he could defeat the unknown beast behind him with his bare hands.

Lei Jin comforted himself to ignore the paw on his buttocks, thinking silently in his heart, it was an illusion, an illusion... But when the paw opened his buttocks and touched the small hole in the back, Lei Jin couldn't bear it any longer. He likes to pierce others, but that doesn't mean he likes to be pierced by others, and it may also be pierced by a beast. He has kept his body for 28 years and cannot be budded by a beast.

Thinking of this, Lei Jin gestured the length of the tree branch. He estimated that he couldn't turn a somersault. With his waist straight, he turned forward. Lei turned his head again, and looked into a pair of blue eyes like a cat? It's also a bit like a little leopard, but it seems that the leopard doesn't have silver, right? Lei Jin thought uncertainly, the snow-white fur with a little silver light, and the big cat-like eyes. It's just that he is bigger than a cat, about the size of an adult dog, and at the moment he is blinking at him innocently with big moist eyes. Do beasts have expressions too? But now Lei Jin really feels that the "kitty" in front of him is like this.

Although Lei Jin was born in the underworld, he can be considered ruthless, but he has nothing to do with fluffy little guys.

At this moment, Lei Jin completely forgot that this seemingly pitiful and innocent little guy was molesting him before.

Lei Jin and it looked at each other at a distance of two steps.

The little guy whimpered twice, and took a small step towards Lei Jin again.

Lei Jin looked back at the branches behind him, regardless of whether he understood it or not, and shouted, "Hey, don't come over again, come over again, and I will kick you off the tree." Lei Jin was afraid. It didn't understand, and even raised its legs and gestured for a kick. But I don't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that the moment he raised his leg, the big cat's eyes were staring at his lower body, to be precise, at his back hole.

Lei Jin doesn't know what the big cat is thinking now. He must know that he would rather fall than live in this tree with the big cat.

At this time, Mingya was looking at the female in front of her with excitement. It was a female. Really precious females. God knows how precious females are now. How could such a precious and beautiful female appear alone in the depths of this forest.

Look how smooth this body is and how white the skin is. Even there is so beautiful, pink and tender, and small, there must be no males? What tribe is he from? To let such a beautiful and ownerless female go out, isn't it obvious that people will grab it?

Although he Mingya is still young, he is not a fool. When he encounters such a congenial female, of course he will take back his tribe. Unexpectedly, when he went out hunting for the first time as an adult, he even snatched back a female. His two older brothers must envy him to death.

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