These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 44: baby's nurse

Ziro didn't fall asleep last night, and he tossed and turned thinking about Gah's words, do they want to live together? He and Jah have played together in the tribe since they were young. His father died early, hunting skills and so on, although Uncle Anson Anluo would take him with him when he taught Xia and Moya to give pointers, but His own brain is indeed not as smart as those two, and he learns very slowly. When he first went out to hunt, he could hardly catch anything. Jiahe was two years older than him. He took good care of him, he really only regarded Gahe as a good brother before.

He did tell Jiahe that he thought Lei Jin was good, but he knew how could he have his share? Gah actually ignored him for nearly two months because of this. The last time they built a firebreak on the grassland, they only said a few words when they met. On the night of the celebration, they both drank too much, and that happened.

Compared to Gahe ignoring him, he felt that there was nothing wrong with living with Gahe. Besides, the two were also related, but there would be no baby. What he always wanted was to marry a female partner and have a baby. of.

After waking up, he thought about it in bed again. It was already white outside. His Ah Ma Suri was cooking in the kitchen. After saying hello to Ah Me, he planned to sweep the yard first. Just rinsed, nothing but a few fallen leaves. He was sweeping when he heard movement at the courtyard gate.

"Who's outside?" Ziro shouted, carrying the broom to open the door.

As soon as he opened it, he was dragged out by someone outside, and Ziro screamed.

"Ziro, who is it?" Suri asked, sticking her head out of the kitchen.

"It's alright, ah. I'm talking to someone." At this time, Ziro had already seen the person who was coming, with a pleasing smile on his face, motioning Jiahe not to make a sound, and turned back to Ah-mei.

"Why are you here so early?"

"How did you think about it last night?"

The two spoke almost simultaneously.

Ziro's big hand scratched twice on the back of his head. It was still early, everyone was exhausted yesterday, there was no one on the street, and the light mist on the grassland had not yet dissipated.

"What do you think? Success or failure, let's be accurate today!" Seeing his hesitant expression, Jiahe felt a chill in his heart, doesn't it seem to work?

"Jah, I'm very stupid." Ziro said hesitantly.

"I know, it's not just a matter of the past two days that you are stupid." Jiahe was not polite at all, but he was obsessed with ghosts and fell in love with a fool who thinks about women every day. He may be more stupid than this person, although there are countless The second time he wanted to give up, but when he thought that this idiot would be someone else's partner, he got angry, and now he has accepted his fate.

Ziro grinned, and didn't think there was anything wrong with what Gah said, he was pretty stupid.

"Jah, I know that there are many females in the tribe who like you. I'm different. They don't like me."

"What on earth are you trying to say?" Jah interrupted him impatiently with raised eyebrows, long-winded, not knowing what to say.

"That is, if we don't become even brothers, you are so capable, you will have your own female, and you will have your own baby. If you are with me, you cannot have a baby." Ziro hesitated for a long time, but still said what he said in his heart. Out. Even brother refers specifically to the fact that the two companions in the tribe are orcs.

"No, no, what are you afraid of?" Of course, Jiahe also likes babies, but he really doesn't have them, and he can't force them. Besides, many ordinary partners have never had babies in their lives, so this can't be forced.

"No one will take care of us when we are old." Although the tribe will distribute food to them, there is no one at home.

"So, do you agree?" Jiahe grabbed Ziro's arm excitedly, with a smile that could no longer be hidden in his eyes.

"But baby..." Ziro was very entangled in this question.

"You like the baby that much?" Gahe asked, if so, it was really a problem, and it was nerve-racking.

At this time, Lei Jin happened to be carrying a broom and came out to sweep the front of his house.

There was a rare smile on Jiahe's always cold face, especially when he saw Lei Jin, a rival in love, still laughing, it was really weird.

Seeing his laugh, Jia Luo couldn't help shivering and said, "Jah, Lei Jin and I have nothing to do, don't target him, he is a good man, this time he has helped our tribe a lot. ."

"I really didn't pay attention yesterday, but I just found out today that this brother of Xiya's family is very fast." Originally, he never thought about what this idiot could have with others, but he just couldn't bear it. Just keep it in mind.

"You mean Lei Jin, he and..." Ziro looked surprised.

"Don't you smell it?" They were not far apart, just a doorway.

Qi Luo rubbed his nose, smelled it, and said, "Well, it really is." His face became a little sad unconsciously.

"You just miss him that much?" Jiahe blurted out angrily and promised him just now.

"No, Gah, don't be angry, I have no other intentions." Ziro explained quickly, he was afraid that Gah would ignore him again.

Seeing the sweat on his forehead, Jiahe sighed and said, "I'm not angry."

"It's fine if you're not angry." Ziro sighed heavily.

"I want to say, I think this female is in good health, and he is the common wife of Xi Ya and the others, which means that they may have many babies in the future." Jiahe got back to business.

"You mean we sponsor a baby from his family?" A big smile appeared on Ziro's simple face. It is impossible for two orc companions in the tribe to have children. Although the babies of the tribe are also precious, there are still many people who have many babies, and they will not mind other people helping them raise them together. The baby can live in any house and grow up. The fathers of the two families have to take care of them.

"Well, don't you have a good relationship with Xia and their family? Let's talk about it when the time comes. Besides, we don't want his babies. He has many babies, so let's help them raise them."

"Mmmmmm." Ziro nodded his head like garlic, and looked straight at Lei Jin's belly, wishing that he now had a baby in his belly for them to raise.

Interrupting people's intimacy is going to be struck by lightning, so Lei Jin has tried his best to ignore those two people, but please don't stare at me with such hot eyes without blinking, I will think you are in love with me.

Be patient, still watching.

Hold on, don't look away.

Continue to endure, and intensify.

unbearable, endless

Endure it again, is it addicting?

I can't help it! I can't, I got goosebumps.

"Hey, I said, have you two seen enough? No matter how suave I am, I can't help you two look at it this way." Lei Jin suddenly turned around, leaning on a broom, and asked lazily.

Qi Luo did not expect that Lei Jin suddenly turned around and was caught in the face. Hearing what Lei Jin said, he blushed and looked away uncomfortably.

On the other hand, Jah didn't care, but in his heart he wondered how the female of Xi Ya's family was so carefree.

But this flying and unruly personality is really attractive. No wonder his female younger brother was struck out before he had time to compete.

Is the baby in this life worth looking forward to? Coupled with the outstanding looks of their family, Gahe nodded, thinking it was a good idea the more he thought about it.

How does Jiahe now know how much he regrets, how much he regrets when he became Lei Jin's nanny for many years after that? Woolen cloth? Let those babies ride on his head to **** and pee, and the indifferent Gah in the tribe was never seen again, only the Nurse Gah, who had a forehead lawsuit from the Lei Jin family.

"What's wrong?" Xia came out of the house and saw three people staring at each other on the empty street.

"Who knows, I was muttering there early in the morning." Lei Jin glanced at the two of them, but he didn't say anything about being stared at. It's just a trivial matter, he can handle it.

"Xia, Ziro and I are going to become brothers. When the ceremony is held, you must remember to come and participate." Jah said happily.

Zirola gave him a hand and whispered, "I haven't told me about this yet. Besides, you don't know, do you? Let's talk to them before we announce it?"

"What are you afraid of? I've already agreed with my father and the others. You are such a good person, and you won't object." In other words, the matter of Jiahe actually has nothing to do with other people's goodness, right?

"Congratulations." Xia was not surprised, she had already seen it, when Ziro was bullied, Jiahe stopped him. In fact, he bullied Ziro a lot behind his back, every time Ziro looked at a female When female, Gah's eyes glowed. A fool can't see that there is a problem between the two.

"Thank you, Xia." Ziro smiled embarrassedly.

"Let's go, go home and tell you about going." Jiahe said goodbye to the two of them and took Ziro home.

"Why do I always think that Ziro was driven to the shelves by a duck." Lei Jin wrinkled his slender eyebrows.

"The two of them. It's been many years. It's probably like this in my life." Xia smiled, took the broom in Lei Jin's hand, and swept the remaining small area. Naturally, she was about to reach out. Pulling him, seeing Lei Jin's resisting eyes, he put his hand down halfway and said, "Breakfast is ready, let's go home for dinner."

Had breakfast. An unexpected person came to the house.

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