These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 63: Mingya who left

Mo Ya woke up in the salty and wet sea breeze. The first feeling was that the headache was about to burst. He raised his hand and wanted to rub his eyebrows to relieve it, but found that his arm seemed to be pressed by something, and he lifted it a few times. After the second failed, Mo Ya looked down and found Berg lying in his arms, his hot and humid breath spraying on his neck. What surprised him most was that neither of them were wearing clothes.

Mo Ya felt that her head hurt even more, he pushed Berg away and sat up.

Berg landed on the ground, his delicate brows furrowed, and he slowly opened his golden eyes, seeing Mo Ya with his back to him, wearing clothes, with a very intimate smile in his eyes, as if he didn't care about being naked now. He folded his legs, changed his posture at will, and said, "What? Are you still in a hurry to leave?"

Mo Ya didn't look back, she tied the last knot on her body, then turned around and asked, "What happened last night?"

Berg said with a nonchalant smile: "Isn't that what you saw?" Berg generously showed the marks on his body, a large area of ​​blue and purple, especially the chest and inner thighs.

Wait, Moya suddenly noticed the part that she had been neglecting just now, that is, Berg's fish tail was gone, replaced by two straight and slender legs.

"Your legs?" Mo Ya asked.

"You probably don't know yet? Once our mermaid has **** with a human and has a relationship, the fish tail can be freely converted into legs, just like you orcs can switch between animal and human forms at will when they are adults. We were together last night. So I can walk on my legs instead, so, when you go back, I can also go back to the Leopard Tribe with you." Berghe explained his plans.

Mo Ya tried hard to recall what happened last night. He only knew that after Berg left, he was going to sleep. Later, Berg came back in the rain, his clothes were dripping with water, and he looked tired. He just thought When he spoke, he was stabbed by something in Berg's hand, and soon lost consciousness, and he couldn't remember what happened later.

But when it comes to having a relationship with Berg, maybe the former self can be deceived, but he has done it with Lei Jin more than once, and his body feels that he can't deceive anyone. Last night, he was sure that nothing happened with Berg, but he remembered Lei Jin that The intense heat made him react.

Just bear with it, go back and compensate you severely and let you do enough. Mo Ya silently comforted her closest little brother in her heart.

Seeing that Moya was silent, Berg thought he had nothing to say, so he said, "Don't worry, I won't let you do anything. I'll go back to your tribe with you."

"I already have a partner, I'm afraid I can't." Mo Ya raised her head with a rare smile on her lips, but her eyes were cold enough.

Berg didn't expect Moya to be so calm at this moment, and his heart panicked, but he was sure that Moya was unconscious at the time. After all, the anesthesia of the purple star fish is impossible to fail, and enough purple star fish juice can even be anesthetized. A huge killer whale. He took off Moya's clothes yesterday, and he didn't have any resistance, didn't he? Berg tried to calm himself down.

While he was thinking about it. Mo Ya picked up the clothes on the ground and threw them to him. Although neither of them minded it very much, it was still a bit of an eyesore to have a big man naked in front of you. He didn't want to look at anyone except Lei Jin. He wouldn't mind if Lei Jin dangled in front of him without clothes on every day.

Of course I don't mind, it is estimated that you will be warmly welcomed, and by the way, you will pounce on it and make the world crumble and spring flowers bloom.

Berg brushed his shiny golden hair, smiled wantonly, and said, "Although I haven't been to many places, I still know some of the rules on the mainland. If the orcs have a relationship with the female, if the female is willing, they will The ceremony can be held." In fact, Berg didn't want to irritate Moya, the fact is that in this case, if the female agrees, the two must hold the ceremony, who makes the female more precious.

"Beg, we made it clear, you and I both know that we have nothing to do, let alone hold a ceremony, and you are a male mermaid, not a female, so this rule does not apply between the two of us. "Moya doesn't want to waste more time with him, although it is still raining outside, the possibility of eldest brother and Lei Jin leaving the tribe is very small, but rather than entanglement with Berg here, he is more willing to go to the estuary in the rain. Lei Jin and big brother.

"Do you know why the golden mermaid is the most honorable in the mermaid tribe?" Berg didn't need Xi Ya's answer, and continued: "Because in the mermaid tribe, the golden female mermaid has a very high fertility rate, and there is another reason, All golden male mermaids are hermaphrodites." This is the secret of the mermaid tribe, but Berg didn't care to say it, but his eyes were full of irony. So in many years when golden females are scarce, male golden mermaids are forced to be females.

"You mean..." Mo Ya understood what he meant and frowned.

"I mean, I can be a female too, and if you want a baby, it's here too." Berg pointed to his belly.

"I don't care about anyone except his birth." The two of them knew who he was.

"I've never been rejected like this before." Berg finally felt a little cold and put on the clothes thrown at him. "I can't even keep you by doing this. I'm more interested in your female. What kind of charm is it that your brothers are so fascinated by one, two or three?"

"He's good, we just need to know." Thinking of Lei Jin, Mo Ya's eyes showed signs of melting.

"I haven't done it, how do you know that I'm not as good as him?" Berg stood up, leaning close to Moya, but don't let the latter dodge him. It wasn't because he didn't want to do it last night, but after Mo Ya passed out, there was really no reaction at all. It would be fine if he fell in love with Mo Ya, but then the relationship between the two would have no room for recovery. This is not what he wants. I thought I could fool Moya, but who knew that Moya wasn't fooled at all.

Mo Ya knew that when Berg said this, she was indirectly acknowledging that the two of them were fine last night, so she didn't want to be wordy anymore. There was a small bag in the corner, which contained the herbs he picked for Lei Jin and the fruits that had been dried in the past few days. Come on, I'm leaving this time, it's all packed.

Seeing that Moya didn't say a word, Berg started to pack up, showing a meaningful smile, and said, "It seems useless to say that the two of us are fine. Many people will know that we are together."

As soon as Berg finished speaking, Moya felt strange in her heart and calmed down. Although it was pouring rain outside the cave, the orcs' innate keen sense of hearing still made him hear the voices of many people rushing over.

Although Mo Ya's face was not different, she still had a look of indifference and indifference, but she knew in her heart that things were in trouble. This Berg was indeed a nuisance, and it would be a disaster if he got on it. It was impossible for him to leave. Mo Ya thought about how to get out, but he hadn't come up with a good way yet. The crowd at the entrance of the cave swarmed in. A group of mermaids are still in different colors, red orange yellow green blue blue purple, everything.

Berg pulled an aged golden mermaid in the middle of the front very close, gave Mo Ya a provocative look, kicked his legs, and said, "Dad, I can also walk on land."

The middle-aged golden mermaid obviously didn't have the good mood of his son. Looking at his son's legs that were exposed outside the hem of his clothes, his eyes were about to pop out, his mouth opened and closed, and after a while, he finally asked the key. Question: "Who gets on and who gets off?"

Berg didn't expect his grandfather to be so powerful. That's what he said. His legs, who were not used to walking, tripped and almost fell.

Well, Mr. Shell thinks he doesn't need to ask any more. His son can't stand still after being made, so what else can he ask. So he waved to the person behind him, pointed at Moya and said, "Bring me back to the mermaid tribe and lock it up, and put it in the sea of ​​​​the netherworld. Never let me see him." I was so mad, I finally raised it The eldest baby son was eaten silently like this. Anyway, he has to come and say hello first. Of course, it is useless to say hello.

"Daddy?" Berg secretly pinched Daddy's arm. The script is not like this. Shouldn't he break in and say, "Since my son has been crushed by you, do you have to hold a ceremony?" Dad obviously tampered with the plot.

Where does Berg's daddy, Mr. Shell, still have any thoughts and formulas for his son? The fact that his son was eaten has made him go out of his body, and his second soul ascended to heaven.

Mo Ya looked at these dozens of mermaids with strong bodies and sharper scales than knives on their tails. She thought to herself, whether to hit or not to hit, it's a certainty, it's impossible to hit, but wait if you don't hit. Lock it at the bottom of the sea. After fighting, he has to go back to see Lei Jin. Where can I go to take a bath in the sea?

The result is that nature is certain. It is true that Moya is a male orc, but he is also a male mermaid, and there are dozens of them when he gets started. So the place where Mo Ya woke up again was replaced by the dark seabed. After getting used to the darkness, I found that the scenery here is really good. What about the sea? He had thick chains tied around his waist and feet, and his hands were free, but it was of little use other than fishing for a water plant.

Always thinking of a way to get out, Mo Ya looked around and began to think calmly.

At the same time, Xia and Lei Jin had been waiting at the river mouth for a few days, but they still disappeared. Xia was secretly anxious, obviously the mark Moya left at the time meant to meet at the old place, but why hasn't it arrived yet, Moya He has always been prudent in his work, and there is no reason for them to wait. Vaguely, Xi Ya felt that something was wrong, but the jungle was so big, he really didn't know where Mo Ya was, and he was afraid that Mo Ya was just delayed on the road. Going out to look for it, there is a high possibility of going astray, so I waited patiently, thinking that if there is no news in two days, he will send Lei Jin to the Tiger Tribe first, and then he will go out alone.

Xiya was worried that Lei Jin would stay here alone. Every time he went out to hunt, he had to take it with him. As for Moya's whereabouts, Lei Jin didn't say a word, and didn't seem to care at all, but Xia found out that for several nights, Lei Jin did not care about it at all. Jindu woke up in his arms, his eyes unconsciously looked at the hole, what he was worried about was self-evident, but at dawn, he seemed to have nothing to do with himself.

Lei Jin was sitting on a stone by the water, soaking his feet.

Xi Ya took the chopped bamboo out of a five-section bamboo tube. According to what Lei Jin said, he drilled a small hole, put rice, dried meat and water in, and buried most of it in the soil, plugged the small hole, and lighted the fire slowly. Slow roasting, they are all eating meat these days. Xia saw that Lei Jin really had no appetite recently, so she thought of making him some rice, but she couldn't make it herself. Fortunately, Lei Jin still knew some methods, so he was able to rectify it. It's called: Bamboo Rice.

"Lei Jin, what is it like to eat?" Xia already smelled the fragrance of rice, but she wasn't sure if it was okay, so she called Lei Jin to ask.

"It's fine as long as there's no heat." In fact, Lei Jin wasn't quite sure. He didn't make bamboo rice by himself, but only ate it in a restaurant. He remembered that the rice was dry and had no water.

After confirming that the rice is cooked, Xi Ya planed the bamboo tube out of the soil and cut it open. The aroma of rice and meat was mixed with the fresh breath of green bamboo, and it smelled quite good.

Xia put the rice on the stone aside to dissipate the heat, and went to the water to put on shoes for Lei Jin and help him over. Pick up the bamboo slices that have gone through the burrs and feed them to Lei Jin. Sure enough, Lei Jin's appetite improved a lot, he ate three bamboo tubes of rice, and Xia left the remaining two for Lei Jin's next meal, so he just chewed some jerky.

Just when they were desperate, they happened to meet Hao Yang, who had returned from hunting. Hao Yang recalled that the one who was with the leopard clan orc was a golden mermaid.

Knowing that she was with the mermaid, Xia decided to set off with Lei Jin the next day to find Moya by the sea.

Mingya passed the tree where the little fox had urinated for the sixth time, sat down on the ground, and finally admitted that he was lost.

"Quack quack, I really have a brain twitching. I shouldn't have followed a stupid orc into the jungle just to watch them do things."

"My lord is not leaving, my feet are numb, and I am exhausted."

"Lei Jin, eldest brother, second brother, where are you, Mingya misses you so much." Mingya rubbed her little paws and spread out the two companions, and he cried silently in his heart.

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