These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 94: Happy National Day (Part 2)

Lei Jin's arm was healed, and he was busy with the matter of going home. Although there was too much reluctance, since he had to leave after all, it was better to leave early. In this way, everyone could be relieved earlier.

Of course, he did this in secret and didn't tell Xia and Moya, because he wasn't sure whether the two of them would let go, and he didn't want to gamble on his way home. Naturally, it couldn't be hidden from Roger. , because he still has to get the map from Roger, but Roger confirmed that he still insisted on leaving, his face was very strange, he hesitated, but he finally said what he knew.

"You mean to make up for the missing third stone in the picture on the top of the temple, there will be a secret passage leading to that forbidden area?" Lei Jin thought it sounded incredible.

Roger nodded affirmatively and said, "I am going to the forbidden area through that secret passage, otherwise it would be almost impossible to travel through that jungle alone with our ability."

Lei Jin agreed, and he knew this too. Not to mention the wild beasts that haunted it, even the intricate environment in the jungle was not something he could handle alone.

"Where is that stone now?" Since Roger has been there, it should be in Roger's hands, right?

"I lost it." Roger smiled embarrassedly.

"What?" Lei Jin digs his ears and suspects that he heard it wrong. How could Roger lose such a crucial thing?

"I didn't expect anyone to come after 20 years." At that time, he was also in a hurry.

"Where did you lose it?" This was the key to his return home, and he could only hold on to the silver lining that he could find.

"I just threw it away, and I don't know where it landed on the grassland."

The prairie is so big, so small a stone, the possibility of finding it is almost zero.

Lei Jin tugged at his hair irritably, and watched the opportunity to go home just slipped away. He wanted to kill someone, but he couldn't blame Roger for this. , anyway, he still knows the truth.

"Last time I thought you could go in directly in the jungle, and I didn't mention it."

What's the use of talking about these now, no, this road is not feasible, there must be other ways, in any case, he has to leave before the end of this year, after this year, he has a hunch that everything will be too late.

For this matter, although Roger felt a little sorry, but now he didn't know what to comfort Lei Jin. With Lei Jin's stubborn personality, it was impossible to persuade him to give up. The little orc can't come back to eat from noon today.

As the days of adulthood approached, Mingya and the others stayed in the temple longer and longer. Lei Jin saw that the little guy was not as lively and active as he used to go home recently. Although he was worried, he was secretly busy these days. When I go home, I get tired easily, and I don’t have much time to focus on it. Now I heard from Roger that the key stone for opening the secret passage has been lost, so the matter of going home can only be put on hold for the time being. It's been these ten days and eight days. I feel more and more restless in my heart. I always feel that something is about to happen. Lei Jin, who has never believed in gods, can't help but want to crave for a while, hoping that the little guy can pass this level safely.

"I'll make lunch for Mingya today." Now he doesn't know what to do for the little guy.

"I'll help you." Roger looked at Lei Jin's belly for the past six months. It was fine when he was sitting. Once he stood up, it was very conspicuous. If it wasn't for the spread of Garno in the tribe, Lei Jin couldn't have a baby. It is estimated that no one will suspect that Lei Jin is pregnant now. As for Lei Jin's thoughts, he didn't dare to guess, did he really know nothing? Still just don't want to believe the truth.

Lei Jin planned to make pheasant stew with potatoes. The harvest of the tribe had not yet been divided, but the vegetables from Roger's small vegetable garden were ready to eat. Lei Jin bent down to pull out the potatoes and green onions. The tummy becomes a little difficult.

"Come on. I've already chopped the chicken nuggets in the kitchen." Roger helped him without a trace, and pulled out two green onions and a potato.

"The potatoes have grown especially well this year, and the largest ones are the size of the bottom of a bowl." There are four or five large ones on this one, and some small ones are scattered.

"Pull out another one, make more, and leave some for the family to eat." Although the orcs all went out. But Berg and Roger also had to eat.

Roger added firewood in the stove, and Lei Jin added the shallots and pheasant pieces to stir fry together. The fragrance came out. Add water to boil, and then put the potato pieces. After simmering for more than half an hour, the soup that came out was rich and rich. It was creamy yellow, and the deliciousness of the pheasant came into the soup. Before leaving the pot, Lei Jin added some salt and mushroom powder. The chicken was crispy, and the potatoes and soup base were full of flavor.

He brought out a clay pot for Ming Yasheng, and Lei Jin added a few more peppers to the pot. After a while, Lei Jin tasted it. It was really fragrant and spicy. .

However, Roger said, it is ok occasionally, but orcs can't eat too much chili, so although the whole family loves it, Lei Jin will still control it properly, but it is rare today that all orcs are not at home, and the rest can eat it happy.

"What's for lunch? It's so delicious." Berg appeared at the kitchen door with a bubble in his arms.

"Yah, ah, ah..." Bubble's facial features are now open, white and tender like a big bun, but the constant is that he is still very close to Lei Jin, every time he sees Lei Jin, he opens two The fat arm asked him to hold it, and if he didn't hold it, he would cry a lot. He was out of breath, and he couldn't stop crying for half an hour.

Just like now, Lei Jin can only accept his fate.

"Yah, ah, ah..." Bubbles happily twisted around Lei Jin.

"Mmmmmm, alright..." Lei Jin held his small fist and agreed indiscriminately. In fact, the ghost knows what he's talking about, but it's been a full moon since Bubble, but that Lan Qi hasn't been found yet. It made him feel very strange. Of course, I didn't mean to expect him to come. It just looked at the man's strong attitude, but he didn't seem to be patient. If he knew about Berg's whereabouts, he really couldn't hold back. Anyway, If Lan Qi didn't find him, everyone could live a quiet life. This is the best. The only thing to worry about now is the little guy's coming-of-age ceremony.

Mingya looked back and forth at the door several times, and finally saw Lei Jin's figure, and excitedly greeted him. Now that it's cold, Lei Jin's clothes are heavy, and even his whole body looks fatter.

There are a few low tables in the side hall of the temple. Many family members have already brought food. The little orcs are lying there and eating happily. Lei Jin chose a free table in the corner and put the pot in his hand. Put it down, lift the lid, and the strong fragrance made several nearby little orcs look over.

"It's so fragrant, did Lei Jin make it for Mingya?" Mingya's greedy saliva came out.

"Eat it quickly." Lei Jin handed him the spoon.

Mingya couldn't wait to scoop out a piece of chicken, and it melted without chewing, "It's delicious, Mingya likes to eat your cooking."

It's hard to ignore the sound of swallowing saliva around.

"Can Mingya give them a taste?" Mingya asked.

Lei Jin nodded.

"Come here, one piece per person, this is made by Mingya's female for Mingya." After Mingya finished speaking, she glanced at Lei Jin secretly, seeing that he didn't say a word, he was quite small, and he smiled even more proudly.

Lei Jin doesn't know his careful thoughts, but at this time, he can spoil him for a day, so he won't care too much about it.

The day of the coming-of-age ceremony is getting closer and closer. Mingya now has to live in the temple every day and can't go home. Lei Jin finds a way to cook for him and replenish his strength.

Because of Lei Jin's good craftsmanship, he won a lot of support from the little orcs who are about to come of age. In fact, Lei Jin really didn't do anything, but the first time Mingya shared the meals, he didn't eat enough. Later, Lei Jin remembered I decided to make more, one for Mingya, and the other for everyone to eat. Because of this, even the family with the little orcs had a good impression of Lei Jin, and they praised everyone.

Lei Jin has returned from the delicate situation of not being able to have a baby to being so popular that even he himself did not expect to become popular in such a strange way.

After so many days, Mingya's coming-of-age ceremony has come. Roger sent a new set of clothes to the temple early this morning. If Mingya reaches adulthood smoothly, he will be able to maintain his human form for a long time and can wear new clothes. Out.

If it doesn't go well, yesterday is probably the last time with the little guy, right? Today's clothes delivery program can only let them go in.

"Don't worry too much, Mingya will definitely pass this level smoothly, and you have seen how amazing Mingya's hidden power is." Just as Bubble fell asleep, Berg and Lei Jin were sitting in the main room waiting. information.

"Yeah, the little guy always likes to cause trouble, but he can always get away with luck." So there should be nothing to worry about, but I still feel uneasy.

Just now when Xia came back, Luo Jie fainted when he came to the temple, and he seemed to be very ill. Roger is a man who loves to hold on to everything. In the matter of Mingya, it is obviously his psychological pressure that is the heaviest. But he acted like a normal person every day, even when he went to deliver meals to Mingya and invited him to go with him, he didn't move, saying that there was nothing to see, and it would be the same when he got home.

"So, just relax." Berg patted Lei Jin on the shoulder and found that his body was stiff.

"En." Lei Jin laughed, but felt a bit bitter in his mouth.

The smile is really ugly, Berg murmured in his heart, but he said that he was relieved, at this critical moment of life and death, who can really put his mind at ease.

As time passed by, only the hourglass sand in the corner was still flowing. This ritual started at sunrise and ended at sunset.

In a trance, I seemed to hear the heart-wrenching cries on the street, and when I got close, I could hear that someone was really crying.

Lei Jin and Berg agreed, got up and ran out the door, and saw a family coming from the direction of the temple. The female at the front was holding a little orc with gray-black fur in her hands, and her head was bowed softly. You can tell at a glance. There is no sign of life, Lei Jin still remembers this little orc. Because of the fight with people, his left ear was bitten. Every time he sees Lei Jin, this little orc is always embarrassed to use his claws to cover the only gap. Ear, a group of people passed by where Lei Jin was standing, and Dad, who was following behind, saw Lei Jin, sighed deeply, and said, "There are already three, and it's less than half of the morning, and Samsara can't escape. disaster."

They are far away.

"Let's go, let's go back, it's okay if no one comes to inform." Berger led Lei Jin into the door.

Before the two of them crossed the threshold, they heard someone shouting from behind, "Is there anyone in Mingya's house?"

Lei Jin Huihui was a middle-aged orc who had met several times in the tribe.

"Come on, go to the temple, it's too late, you won't be able to see anyone." The man knew Lei Jin and knew that it was the female son of the family.

At that moment, Berg felt that Lei Jin's hands were cold and frightening.

Lei Jin didn't let Berg come with him. After all, Bubble couldn't be at home alone. When he arrived at the temple, he saw two dead little orcs being carried out.

"That child Mingya hasn't been able to move for a long time. I guess he's dead. You go in and carry him out." The old priest opened the door of the temple and said to Lei Jin.

This is the first time Lei Jin has walked into the temple, but now I don't have the time to look at what's inside. I just feel that the corridor of the temple is very cold and wet, and the sound of painful cries and scratching the wall is heard from the rooms on both sides of the corridor from time to time. , I can't wait for people to cover their ears, Lei Jin thought to himself that these children are struggling to the edge of life and death, can the shouting be not painful and shrill?

The old priest opened the innermost room. As the heavy stone door creaked open, the scenery inside was revealed. The room was very large, and a sliver of sunlight came in through the palm-sized window. The room was still dark and hard to see. It was covered with thick straw, and there was a long stone table in the middle. A new set of clothes was neatly stacked on it. There was nothing else. It was a prison cell rather than a place for a coming-of-age ceremony.

The white figure crouched in the shadow of the corner, unable to see clearly. Lei Jin entered the door and shouted, "Mingya." He still couldn't believe that the little guy who was coquettish in his arms just went like this.

The white figure was motionless.

Lei Jin took a few steps closer, and he could see more clearly. He felt that something was wrong. This body is too big. Mingya was only a little bit.

"Mingya, is that you?" Lei Jin called out again tentatively, and continued to approach, the wheat grass seemed to be making noise just now.

"Lei Jin, come out quickly." The old priest also noticed that the situation was wrong and shouted quickly.

But it was obviously too late, the white giant beast in the corner slowly opened its eyes, it was blood red, just like when Mingya met the hunter-tooth that night, but this body was bigger than Mingya. ten times.

He stood up with his huge wings flapping, and approached Lei Jin step by step. This was Ming Ya, but it didn't seem to be the case anymore, at least not the little guy Lei Jin knew and loved.

"Lei Jin, come out soon, the orcs just came of age, and no one knows them..." Before the old priest could finish his words, he disappeared outside the tightly closed door, the huge stone door was heavily covered by Mingya's wings is blocked.

Those fiery eyes made Lei Jin feel ashamed and angry, because he had seen Xi Ya and the others more than once, and he naturally understood what it meant, but it was because he knew that he had to run, because in front of him was a real A beast-shaped leopard, and a leopard who just wants to have **** with him.

The only way out of this room is the door. Although Mingya has blocked it, there is no other way out. He can only touch it and try it out.

As Mingya approached step by step, Lei Jin estimated that he stepped back step by step in the direction of the door, his heel hit the stone wall, and there was nowhere to retreat.

Lei Jin tried to relax himself, calmly waved at Mingya to distract him, and said, "Mingya, Mingya, do you still know me?"

The giant Mingya just stared at him blankly and didn't speak, but the desire to have eye contact became stronger and stronger, Lei Jin thought, "It's miserable, it's miserable, I'm going to explain it here today, the cause of death is definitely Killed by a leopard.

No, he will never do anything about being admired naked after death. Lei Jin quickly bent over, grabbed a large amount of wheat straw from the ground and shouted, and threw it at Mingya, taking advantage of Mingya's squinting. In the blink of an eye, Lei Jin turned around and tried his best to pull the stone door, but the door was stuck in the wall, and no matter how hard he tried, it wouldn't move.

At this moment, Lei Jin felt a wind blowing from the back of his head. Before his mind could react, he moved to the right and avoided it neatly, but his heavy stomach hindered his movements. Lei Jin only felt a chill on the left half of his body. Starting from the neckline, the entire left half of the shirt has been torn off by Mingya's sharp claws.

Since he can't get out, he can only delay the time as much as possible and wait for someone to rescue him. Now Lei Jin can only rely on his barely agile skills and Mingya to go around in circles, but he knows in his heart that this is definitely not a good method. Orcs are incomparable. Once they are exhausted and no reinforcements are available, they can only lie down and be eaten.

Although Zhou Xuan temporarily avoided the fate of being overwhelmed, the clothes on his body were not so lucky. After a few rounds, Lei Jin had no clothes on his body except for a pair of shoes. As he exposed more and more, The giant Mingya behind him became more and more manic, and his breathing became heavier.

After a long time, Lei Jin has no strength. He has been very tired recently. In addition, because he was worried about Mingya, he didn't eat a few bites of breakfast at all. He could already feel the heat from Mingya's mouth spraying on him. on the skin.

At the next moment, although Lei Jin already felt the attack behind him, he desperately wanted to dodge, but after a long time, his legs were as soft as noodles, and he couldn't get any faster. Mingya used his two front paws to face down. Press on the thick wheat grass.

Mingya's claws pressed against Lei Jin's hands, but the strange thing was that it didn't really hurt him, and he didn't even use his entire body weight to press him up just now.

Lei Jin's body was turned over with his legs wide open, Lei Jin was shocked, Mingya's rough and wet big tongue with small barbs had already licked up, and his sharp teeth bit Lei Jin's ears. , The increasingly rounded chin, the slender neck, the cherry red shaved across the chest.

"Get up...Mingya..." Lei Jin's increasingly sensitive body trembled a little, twisting his waist and trying to dodge.

Mingya heard the familiar voice, her eyes seemed to clear for a short time, but she was confused by the naked and seductive body twisting under her, and only murmured: "You are mine, you are mine... "

As soon as Lei Jin heard him speak, although there was a bit of an adult's deepness, it was still soft, it was Mingya's voice, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart, so he raised his voice and shouted: "Mingya, I'm Lei Jin, hurry up. Wake up, you can see clearly, I'm Lei Jin..."

Who knew that it would be better not to shout this. As soon as the words came out, Mingya's eyes darkened a bit, and she shouted in confusion: "Lei Jin? Lei Jin is also mine, and also mine..."

"Well..." Lei Jin let out a sharp breath.

Mingya's hot and rough tongue has wrapped his lower body, sucking and licking, making Lei Jin tremble.

"Mingya, let go...En..." Lei Jin instinctively tightened, then forced himself to let go, struggling to break free from the two hands that Mingya was holding down.

The constant rough scratching and irritation made Lei Jin's waist straighten and quickly leaked into Mingya's mouth.

"Uncomfortable, uncomfortable..." Mingya's scorching heat kept rubbing against Lei Jin's inner thigh, looking for a place to enter.

So big, standing upright between Ming Ya's legs, angered, as thick as a bubble's arm, Lei Jin was shocked and angry when he saw it, if he was really entered, it would only be a pain to die.

"Mingya, dear, you let go of my hand, I'll help you, I'll help you not feel uncomfortable, it will be fine soon." Lei Jin coaxed in a soft voice, in order to avoid the fate of being forced, Only let Mingya come out to relieve once.

Mingya didn't seem to understand, she just stared at Lei Jin blankly. After a while, she first let go of her left paw. Seeing that Lei Jin didn't resist, she let go of the right one.

As soon as Lei Jin had to let go, he jumped up from the ground and moved his numb arm twice.

The giant Mingya glanced at him warily, turned over and lay on his side, spread his legs apart, exposing the hard part in the middle.

Lei Jin raised his leg and really wanted to stomp him, but he knew it was a delusion, and if he wanted to survive, he had to cooperate obediently.

"Mingya, don't move." Lei Jin crouched down, his hands trembling slightly, and finally he held the thing.

Mingya let out a comfortable cry, and lay there obediently, letting Lei Jin do whatever he wanted.

Lei Jin didn't expect that one day he would be reduced to the point of helping the big leopard to vent. One minute, two minutes, I don't know how long it took, Lei Jin's squatting legs were numb, and Mingya still didn't let go. sign.

"I don't believe that I can't cure you." He used to be first-class in terms of his methods on the bed, although there is almost no room for him now.

Lei Jin's stubbornness came up, and he simply stood up and straddled Mingya's stomach, focusing on dealing with it, holding the root with one hand, light or heavy, rubbing or twisting, and his fingernails slid across the top from time to time.

Mingya's body wobbled violently.

"Lei Jin..." Mingya whispered, it was very comfortable, but she still wanted it, and she couldn't be satisfied. Lei Jin's body rose and fell with her, and the bright red acupoints between the two hips dangled in front of her eyes. go.

Mingya's front paws couldn't help touching the two white tender buttocks, so smooth and soft.

Lei Jin slapped him without turning around and scolded, "Don't move around, didn't you see that I was busy?"

But after the fight, he realized that this is not the little guy he usually beats with his hands up, but a beast who just wants to knock him down.

"I want to go in, I want to enter this person's body and let him belong to me." Ming Ya's sanity was not very clear, but a voice in his heart told him so.

The next moment, Lei Jin was overturned, and his upper body was lying weakly on the stone table. Because of Mingya's suppression, his lower body was wide apart, and his hips were raised high, revealing the hidden hole in the middle.

Mingya used her claws to separate his buttocks and licked it recklessly. From the beginning, she entered deeply and stabbed the sensitive points in her body.

"Mingya, don't...Mingya..." Lei Jin's back was numb, he wanted to close his legs, but he was pushed away by the big furry head behind him. gone.

The tongue was pulled out, and there was hot dripping on the acupoint. Lei Jin touched it back, and the thick touch caused the cold sweat on his body to come down.

But the body that couldn't move could only let Mingya pierce shallowly again and again.

"I'm going in, I'm going in..." It was hot and tight inside.

Lei Jin's body was so stiff that he didn't listen at all.

"Lei Jin, Lei Jin..." Mingya suddenly called softly.

"Mingya, you're sober... ah..." Lei Jin gasped in pain, and Mingya's clone took advantage of the moment when he was relaxed and advanced more than halfway straight.

Think of that thing into your body completely. Lei Jin was nothing but fear.

Mingya licked Lei Jin's back up and down with a small barbed tongue, trying to make him relax, but the soft fur behind him always reminded Lei Jin that this was a beast, despite the fact that he was a beast. If I want to comfort myself, it's no big deal. When I have the ability, I will crush people. With all his sanity, he couldn't accept it anyway.

"Mingya, come out... pick it up..."

Mingya went in, came out again, and went deeper again. Repeatedly, she actually buried herself in it little by little. Lei Jin's inner wall was numb from the grinding, and the acupoint was stretched to the point of pain.

"Wait a minute, Mingya..." Lei Jin felt that Mingya was about to move.

However, Mingya had tried love affairs for the first time, and Lei Jin's place was rarely warm and tight. She had exhausted all her patience just now, and now there is still a half sense of reason. The thick claws held down Lei Jin and Lei Jin. Mingya's waist twitched violently at the avatar buried in Lei Jin's body, tightly combined, and there was no gap between the two.

" bastard..." There was a tearing pain from his lower body, Lei Jin raised his neck, his temples were covered in cold sweat, struggling, but let Mingya go deeper.

Lei Jin's muscles were tense all over his body, and he subconsciously clamped Mingya at the mouth of the small acupuncture point, holding him tightly in his body.

"Ah..." After the initial pain passed, the sensitive points in the body were rubbed fiercely, and it turned out to be an indescribable pleasure.

"You are Mingya's female, you are Mingya's female..." Mingya shouted in a daze, the rough clone collided even more in the tight and hot corridor, and poked it all the way to the inside.

"It's so deep...don't...don't...Mingya..." Lei Jin's body trembled, instinctively catering to Mingya's thrusts, his hips tilted back and twisted wildly.

The unusually heavy breathing and the fur rubbing against his hips all showed the fact that there was a leopard behind him, but once this scene started, no one could stop him.

Following Mingya's sudden violent twitch, Lei Jin screamed and shot out, and the white turbid liquid spilled onto the wheat grass in front of him.

Mingya let out a low roar, grabbed Lei Jin's buttocks and opened them apart even more.

"Ah...Mingya..." Lei Jin flushed and tightened convulsively.

Mingya stabbed several times fiercely, and finally **** inside Lei Jin's body. The beast-shaped **** took a very long time. Lei Jin only felt that his stomach was hot and swollen, and he could only let out a low moan.

Mingya pulled out, Lei Jin lost the only support behind him, and fell on the wheat straw with a weak body, immersed in the afterglow after the climax, and it was difficult to recover for a while.

"Don't come again..." Lei Jin said weakly when he saw Mingya being bullied again.

Mingya licked up her calf, took off Lei Jin's only shoe, and gently separated his legs. After the last time, this time, the still wet little hole easily accepted him.

Lei Jin let out a shallow moan, and his soft and hot body was slid on the wheat grass by Mingya.

When Xi Ya and Mo Ya arrived after receiving the news, through the small gap in the door, what they saw was that on the table that the sun could only find, Lei Jin was lying on his back with his legs wide open and his arms wide open. He hugged the neck of the white giant beast on his body, and let him gallop in his body obediently.

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