After a few days of restlessness and anxiety, Lei Jin's stomach didn't have any adverse reactions, but it was warm and comfortable. He began to suspect that the medicine given by Dr. Qing Qiao had no effect at all. It's just at this moment, I suddenly don't want to investigate the truth of the matter. I still haven't seen him today, Xi Ya and the others. I heard Roger say to help distribute the harvest in the tribe's fields. The crops are ripening one after another, and the orcs in the family often have to go over to help. This time, they are assembled and distributed from house to house. Before winter comes, they must prepare enough food.

Berg came out for breakfast with the bubble in his hand.

Lei Jin raised his head to say hello, and continued to lower his head to pull the food in his bowl, but he really had no appetite or thought.

"How do I think Bubble is not in good spirits for the past two days." Roger had already finished eating, so he carried Bubble over and let Berg eat.

Lei Jin was sitting next to Roger. At this time, he also took a closer look at Bubbles. The little thing looked sullen, it was not very good.

"Maybe it's cold and I don't want to move." This is certainly a reason, but Berg also knows that the mermaid originally lived in the sea, like he is an adult, although there is no problem walking on land, but relatively Said that he still likes to swim freely in the sea. With such a small bubble, the sea should be the most suitable growth environment for him. Although here, the bubble is often soaked in the water, but after all, it is not the sea, and it can't be the same.

"Bubble." Lei Jin touched the door of his brain and called him.

Bubble propped up his eyelids, cheered up a bit, and rubbed his head in Lei Jin's palm.

"It's better to kiss you, come and hug, I'll take the fish soup from the small pot." Roger smiled and stuffed the bubble into Lei Jin's arms.

Lei Jin has hugged this little thing countless times, and his movements are very skilled, holding his neck in one hand and his little **** in his arms.

"Yah, ah, ah..." Bubble's little arm waved to Lei Jin's stomach.

"Bubble, be honest." Berg hurriedly ate a few mouthfuls of food, then stretched out his hand and said, "Give it to me, this child is too disobedient." Although he said this, Berg's face was full of disobedience. It is the pride and indulgence that cannot be concealed.

"It's okay, I'll hold it for a while, the bubble is so small, how can it hold me?" Lei Jin didn't care.

"I'm afraid he'll hurt the one in your stomach." Berg rolled his eyes to him in a very disgraceful way. A few days ago, I heard that Lei Jin was in a lot of trouble, and he wanted to kill him, but he seems to have calmed down in the past two days. , so Berg had less scruples when he spoke.

The smile on Lei Jin's lips froze.

Roger came over with the fish soup in his hand, placed it on the table, patted Lei Jin's arm lightly, and said, "Give me the bubbles, he hasn't had breakfast yet, the fish soup should be cold later."

"Yah, ah, ah..." Lei Jin was about to hand it out, when he saw Bubble's little hand grabbing the clothes on his chest but wouldn't let go, and tears came up.

Lei Jin's heart was very uncomfortable. If his child could be born, would he be as cute as Bubble, relying on him so wholeheartedly, would he be reluctant to leave him, but if everything was destined, there would be no results. , because he hesitated and drank the medicine that night. No matter whether he is cruel or ruthless, he still doesn't want to exchange his future for this child.

Although the child is still in his belly for the time being, he has not felt the movement of the child at all for the past two days.

"Lei Jin, what's wrong with you?" Berg saw his face change suddenly. I don't know if I said something wrong just now, I asked a little nervously.

"It's alright, your son will pay you back." Lei Jin comforted twice, put the crying bubble into Berg's arms, and got up from the stool.

"Where are you going?" Roger stood up, and when Xia went out, she said that Lei Jin had already drank the abortion pill two days ago, and that there should be someone around at all times these days.

"Go out for a walk." Lei Jin waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to follow.

"Wait for me, and I'll go out too." Roger pushed the fish soup beside him to Berg and said, "You feed Bubble, and Lei Jin and I go out."

"Oh." Berg agreed, picked up the spoon in his hand, and watched Roger hurriedly chasing out strangely, thinking that Lei Jin was pregnant, but there was no need to guard him like this, right?

"What? Are you afraid I'll run away? Look at me for Xia and the others?" Lei Jin looked at Roger, who was catching up quickly, and quipped.

Roger frowned and said, "You know it's impossible, why make such a joke? Don't they give in enough?" He can understand Lei Jin, but as a father, it doesn't mean that he sees his children sad Can be indifferent.

"Concession? If they don't have this child, why don't they give in?"

"I'm not arguing with you about this. Where are you going, I'll accompany you." Sometimes it's hard to guess the temperament of a pregnant woman, and what he says is not necessarily what he thinks in his heart, not to mention that Lei Jin is now in his heart. There are more contradictions.

"There's nowhere to go." When he came out, he suddenly felt a panic in the room, and he didn't necessarily want to go somewhere.

"Then let's go to the field and have a look." He still remembered that Lei Jin was very interested in the crops in the field. This time, he harvested it. See what he wants. It's a big deal.

"Then go have a look." Lei Jin said indifferently.

The temple is located in the center of the tribe. It can be seen from any direction on the street. It stands tall, with a bunch of unsolvable mysteries, strange stone statues, strange numbers, and mysterious star maps.

"Roger, do you regret coming to this world?" Lei Jin asked.

"Regret." Roger replied simply.

Lei Jin raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Why, do you think I'd be happy to be here?" Roger asked rhetorically.

"That's not true. I don't think you came here on your own initiative. But I don't think you will regret it now." In his opinion, Roger may still have some knots in his heart that are difficult to untangle, but in general, he said Having accepted this kind of life, at least it should not be thinking about leaving anymore.

"I regret coming here, but I don't regret staying here."

A red-spotted yellow-winged butterfly flew past them.

"I'm confused by you." Do literate people like to go around in circles when they talk?

"Lei Jin, what did you do before?" This is the first time Roger has asked this question. He didn't ask it before because he felt that this question was unnecessary, because in this world, everything in the past can only be discarded.

"Let's eat with a group of little brothers."

Although what Lei Jin said was not very clear, Roger also understood it, and he was not too surprised. Although he didn't know it before, he also knew that he was by no means an ordinary office worker, and he was too personal. There is a kind of unrestrained pure temperament.

"I used to do archaeology." Roger said casually.

Lei Jin was taken aback by Roger's identity.

"My father is a very good paleontologist, and I aspired to be a good scientist like my father from a very young age. But I chose archaeology." Roger looked at the distant sky, and seemed to be caught in a very distant memory.

"Then how did you come here?" Lei Jin is very interested in this point. Maybe he can find common ground and find his way home smoothly.

"One year, we discovered a mysterious site, which did not belong to any civilization we had ever discovered. There were no words, only some simple characters. In the only remaining murals, we saw that the people there could be between humans and beasts. I can switch between them freely, I picked up a black stone there, in a ring shape, it rained one day, I hid in a ruin, and when the rain stopped, I came out here."

"It's also a black stone?" Now Lei Jin confirmed that since he came here because of the stone, he should also need to go. It seems that whether he can use it or not, he will take it from Xi Ya and Mingya. The two stones came back, but the only two seemed to be incomplete and could not form a ring.

"How about you?" Roger asked.

"Damn it, I came here after taking a shower, and I didn't have time to put on my clothes." Thinking of this, I was very depressed, so I added some more clothes.

"Lei Jin, do you have this feeling that everything here is not real at all, maybe when we wake up one day, we find that we just had a long-term dream, and all these people around us are passers-by in the dream , did not exist at all.”

Lei Jin was scared into a cold sweat by Roger's bizarre thoughts, never existed? dream? He shook Roger's shoulder and said loudly, "Roger, what are you dreaming about? Wake up quickly."

dream? What has he seen in the past six months? What is his big belly.

Roger pushed his hand away and said, "I'm just saying it's a feeling."

"I saw that you had nothing to do, so I started thinking wildly." Lei Jin gave him a look back.

He didn't like the idea of ​​those three people saying they never existed after being involved so much in his life. Until this moment, he had to admit that although the three people had different positions in his heart, it was undeniable that they all held a lot of weight. Does that just make it necessary to have children for them? Lei Jin asked himself in his heart, but there was no good answer.

They walked as they talked, and before they knew it, they all went to the tribal fields.

The other things were divided, only the wheat was still grinding the wheat, it was on a rammed ground, the orcs pulled the stone mill, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of wheat.

There are people from every family in the tribe. There are hundreds of people, but because the terrain is open, it doesn't seem crowded. Each family has not many things, but they are quite complete, and the things they plant are average. Separated, but apparently some families wanted this and some preferred that, so they got together again and discussed an exchange.

Lei Jin found that beans and peppers were the most unpopular, and almost every household wanted to exchange them out. Only Xia and the others knew that Lei Jin's dishes were delicious, so they didn't do it.

"I eat this chili when it's cold to warm my body. I can't eat much on weekdays. As for this bean, no one likes it. It's not easy to cook, and it won't taste good when it's cooked." Roger explained on the side. listen to him.

"Is there a lot of potatoes at home?" Lei Jin asked suddenly.

"Yeah, don't look at the size of the vegetable garden at home, but the output is still good."

"Let's exchange potatoes for their beans." He thought that potatoes and sweet potatoes were quite popular, presumably because they could be eaten directly.

"Alright, let's talk to Xia and the others." Roger knew that Lei Jin must have his own ideas for doing this.

They just got close.

"Lei Jin, are you here? Are you warm enough to wear?" Mingya ran over with a smile, clasping Lei Jin's hand with both palms and rubbing lightly. No one told him that Lei Jin had taken medicine for an abortion.

Lei Jin's heart was extremely distorted, even Mingya was taller than him now, and he didn't care about the small actions that prevented Mingya from being ambiguous and intimate in front of others.

Mo Ya smiled and watched them come over, but the shadows in his eyes, Lei Jin couldn't pretend to be invisible.

Someone was asking Xia if she wanted to exchange things, and Xia took the time to turn around and say hello to them.

Roger said a few words to Xi Ya in the past, Xi Ya nodded, and saw that the person who came was very happy to exchange most of his bag of beans for a small pile of potatoes.

When the rest of the people saw that Xi Ya had exchanged potatoes for beans, they all came over to ask questions. In the end, the pile of potatoes in their home was exchanged for three bags of beans.

At this time, the tribe's patriarch, Anbu, came over. Seeing that they had exchanged so many beans, he frowned and asked, "The beans are not good enough to eat, so why have I exchanged so much with others? I'll get some more there."

"No need, Uncle Anbu, there is enough food at home." Xia refused with a smile.

Anbu looked at the hectic situation, sighed, and said, "Every time this time comes, it's messed up, this family likes this, doesn't like that, and they can't distribute it according to their preferences, so when will it be distributed. "

"Then why don't each family have a piece of land and plant whatever they want." Lei Jin thought for a while and suggested.

"That won't work. There are still some old people in the tribe who are injured and can't plant the land. We can't abandon them."

"You can let the people who farm the land give it to the tribe every year, and then distribute it to those people." This is not a problem.

Hearing this, Anbu nodded, hesitated for a while, and then said: "In fact, the tribe grows together, but in fact, not much can be produced every year. If you grow your own, and your strength is small, will you produce less? In case there is insufficient food at that time. What should I do?" Lei Jin glanced at Roger and saw that he had no intention of speaking, so he said to himself: "Actually, there is no need to burn the grasslands to open fields every year. Don't many people keep some unfinished live prey? Manure and wheat grass can all be sprinkled on the ground as fertilizer. When the soil is fertile, it will produce more things.”

"Is this still possible? These things are easy to get. Every household has them." Someone on the side said excitedly when they heard Lei Jin's proposal.

"And different things can be grown in separate seasons."

Seeing many people with doubts, Lei Jin gave an example: "For example, we can plant wheat in this season, and we can harvest it soon after the rainy season next year, and then plant sweet potatoes and potatoes, so we can harvest twice that year. ?"

"It will be very cold in a few days, won't the wheat freeze to death?" Everyone crowded over to listen to Lei Jin's new ideas.

"Probably not." Lei Jin felt that the autumn here is very long, and in theory, the winter should not be too cold. Wheat should be able to survive the winter, but this matter can't be killed in one bite, otherwise there will be room for every turn, success is fine, failure is very embarrassing, so he said: "This year, you can try to plant less. ."

Everyone nodded, feeling that this approach was more secure.

Xia looked at Lei Jin, who was chatting in the crowd with a high-spirited expression. She thought that such a free and easy temperament was Lei Jin. He didn't want to give birth, so why bother him, it's just their unborn baby...

"What kind of medicine did you give him." Roger and the others stood outside the crowd, only Mingya stayed with Lei Jin at all times.

"I picked the white flower tea I picked by the pool myself." Mo Ya replied, although he was also surprised, Dr. Qing Qiao clearly said that after drinking it, she could have a miscarriage in two days. It's been a few days. There is no movement, of course I don't look forward to it.

Roger was speechless, thinking that Dr. Qing Qiao's spoof temper was really hard to change.

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