After a moment of thought, Lin Mo decided to follow the maid upstairs to the third floor.

Freebies, Lin Mo naturally didn’t believe in such things.

This owner of the River Moon Pavilion, with her cultivation and looks, would she really offer herself to someone just for their talent?

One must understand, this is a world of cultivation, not some ancient romance novel.

In this world, power is supreme, and talent doesn’t count for much.

Although the whole affair reeked of suspicion, Lin Mo didn’t dare to just let it be.

He was afraid, too. Take Nangong Xu, who was a seventh-grade Golden Core genius, but he couldn’t even move under this woman’s pressure.

With his strength, could he even run away?

“Master Lin, the host is inside. You may enter now,” the maid said as she led Lin Mo to the innermost room on the third floor before she took her leave.

Lin Mo swallowed hard and mustered the courage to knock on the door.

“Come in!” The voice inside was calm and indifferent.

Lin Mo pushed the door open and entered. A strange fragrance filled the room.

He had never smelled this scent before, but he didn’t dislike it.

Walking further in, his gaze fell on the incense burner on the mahogany table, from which smoke was rising.

“That’s incense made from spiritual plants deep in the Continental Mountains. How do you find it?”

“Mm, it smells quite nice.”

But as he turned around, Lin Mo was stunned.

Yan Ruyu had changed into a thin, gauzy dress at some point. She lay on the bed, allowing the neckline to fall, revealing her fair and smooth shoulders, delicate collarbones, the depth of her **, and those long, white legs.

Lin Mo was certain, if those legs shifted just a tad more, he would have a clear view of the ‘scenery’ inside.

At this moment, he truly didn’t know what to do.

To turn away would be disrespectful to himself, but to continue staring would be disrespectful to her.

“You’ve seen it all now. I might as well say I have an eye condition later,” Yan Ruyu said, quite pleased with Lin Mo’s troubled expression.

Unable to fathom her attitude, Lin Mo simply sat down at the wooden table, not wanting to beat around the bush, and directly asked her intentions: “Miss, oh no, senior, what exactly do you want?”

“What do you mean? I don’t quite understand,” she said.

“Also, my name is Yan Ruyu. The term ‘senior’ feels too distant for what’s about to happen.”

What’s about to happen…

In this moment, Lin Mo couldn’t help but conjure up some risqué images in his mind.

“Wait, sen…”


With a stern look from Yan Ruyu’s beautiful eyes, Lin Mo quickly corrected himself: “Miss Yan, you don’t seriously intend to spend the night with me, do you?”

“What’s wrong? You’re not willing? Even though I’m over a hundred years old, that shouldn’t be a problem for you.”

Over a hundred years old?

Lin Mo wasn’t particularly surprised.

After all, cultivators have long lifespans.

Especially those with high realms of power, who might meditate for decades, or even a century.

He didn’t care about Yan Ruyu’s age.

He just couldn’t understand why Yan Ruyu would do this.

“It’s not that I’m unwilling, I just truly can’t comprehend,” Lin Mo spoke honestly.

“Do you think I might be a demonic cultivator who practices energy absorption?” Yan Ruyu joked with a smile.

“I can believe you’re a demonic cultivator, but not one who practices energy absorption,” Lin Mo stated confidently.

He wasn’t foolish. If Yan Ruyu were truly such a demonic cultivator, why wouldn’t she choose Nangong Xu, a cultivator of higher prowess, to grant her favors early on?

That would be unnecessary!

“Master Lin is quite astute!” Yan Ruyu then sat up, walked over to Lin Mo, and brewed him a cup of spiritual tea: “But you’ve indeed misunderstood something.”

“What do you mean?” Lin Mo took the spiritual tea and drank it. He had already asked the Liuli Sword; the tea was not poisoned.

He didn’t believe Yan Ruyu would poison him. If she wanted him dead, it would be as simple as a wave of her hand, no need for such troublesome methods.

Yan Ruyu suddenly leaned down and whispered in Lin Mo’s ear with a breath as soft as orchids: “I truly want to sleep with you.”

Lin Mo: “……” Could such good fortune really be happening?

Could it be that he was being used as a shield?

After all, with Yan Ruyu’s beauty, there must be many powerful figures in the cultivation world who coveted her.

If he really slept with her, there was no guarantee that by tomorrow, he wouldn’t be eliminated by Yan Ruyu’s suitors, ending up dead without a complete corpse, his soul scattered.

Lin Mo made up his mind and spoke frankly: “Miss Yan, actually, I came to the Talent Conference only to earn the title of a talented scholar, to lure out the recent ghostly presence in Daliang City, deal with it, and then I must return to the sect with my group of junior sisters!”

“Those four junior sisters, one has a brain disorder and needs my constant supervision to prevent her from falling ill, one has a stomach disorder and needs me to feed her regularly, and the other two, one has a mental disorder and harbors inappropriate thoughts towards her own sister, I still have to guide them, to prevent them from going astray, they can’t be without me!”

With that, Lin Mo completely took on the appearance of an old father.

Here is the translation of the novel excerpt:

“If you want to leave, I won’t force you to stay,” said Lin Gongzi, pointing to the door. “As long as you want to, you can leave anytime.”

After receiving the other person’s consent, Lin Mo hastily got up and prepared to leave.

He always kept a close eye on Yuanyu’s face when speaking.

He didn’t like the feeling of not being in control of his own life.

“Yuanyu, I suppose we’ll have to part ways,” Lin Mo turned around and started walking, but hadn’t walked two steps before he began to notice something was off.

A strange, dry heat started to spread throughout his body, making him feel dizzy and disoriented.

Yuanyu saw Lin Mo’s reaction and smiled lightly. “Lin Gongzi, why haven’t you left yet?”

“The door is right there; as long as you ‘want’ to, you can leave, oh!”

Yuanyu’s skin, which seemed to be flushed with excitement, suddenly hit Lin Mo like a stimulant, making his whole body feel like it was about to ignite.

Lin Mo, at this point, didn’t know he was under the influence at all.

He asked Lüli Sword, “Isn’t the spirit tea not poisonous?”

Lüli Sword replied, “The spirit tea is indeed not poisonous, nor is the incense, but the combination of the two is a problem.”

“That’s why you didn’t tell me earlier!” Lin Mo felt at a loss.

“You didn’t ask,” Lüli Sword said innocently.

Lin Mo’s whole body became more and more disoriented, and he finally understood Yuanyu’s words “As long as you want to leave”.

But if he didn’t leave now, he was certain to collapse at this woman’s feet.

His reason was telling him to leave, but his desires were holding him back.

“Lin Gongzi, is this not wanting to leave?” Yuanyu laughed.

Lin Mo didn’t respond; he was now concentrating on using his reason to overcome his desires.

“Lin Gongzi is indeed capable of resisting!” Seeing Lin Mo hadn’t moved for a long time, Yuanyu was also astonished by the other person’s willpower.

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She knew well that this drug’s potency was terrifying, and even a eunuch would lose their reason.

So Yuanyu prepared to add some extra force.

As Lin Mo was struggling with his desires, he felt someone embracing him from behind.

The soft, cold touch was like a stimulant for his desires.

He cursed silently at the other person, who didn’t follow the rules, and his last shred of reason disappeared.


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