The auction site of the ‘Night Raid’ organization was located in the easternmost alley of Da Liang City.

More precisely, it was within the alley’s magical formation.

The formation connected to another realm.

Using his spiritual power, Lin Mo found the hidden ‘door’ in this alley.

With a light touch of spiritual power on the formation’s focal point, Lin Mo’s vision blurred, and he was transported to a bustling loft.

After a brief survey of his surroundings, Lin Mo was certain that he had left the bounds of Da Liang City, though he couldn’t be sure of his exact location,

At the entrance of the loft, four cultivators stood guard.

“This young master, please present your token!” one of the cultivators stopped Lin Mo.

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly; all four cultivators were at the late stage of Foundation Building.

Although they were all at the late stage of Foundation Building, he was confident that he could take them down in an instant.

But Lin Mo would not make such an irrational choice.

There was no telling how many ‘Night Raid’ guards were inside the loft, nor whether there were any he couldn’t handle.

Moreover, he was still unclear about what kind of organization ‘Night Raid’ was and the extent of its power.

To act rashly would be far too dangerous.

In this realm of cultivation, one must always act with caution; this has always been Lin Mo’s most valued principle.

“What proof of identity do you require?” Lin Mo asked indifferently.

The cultivator glanced at him again: “Any token that can prove your identity will suffice.”

The token to prove one’s identity… Apart from the disciple token of Qingling Sect, Lin Mo only had the membership card of the Treasure Pavilion.

He would not disclose his family background; that was something he would not do.

Thus, he chose the membership card of the Treasure Pavilion.

And the membership card of the Treasure Pavilion also indirectly represented the owner’s assets.

There were five types in total.

Namely, white, green, blue, purple, and orange.

Lin Mo’s membership card was blue.

This also meant that he possessed more than a million ‘inferior’ spirit stones.

The guard looked at Lin Mo with an added hint of surprise in his eyes.

He could sense that Lin Mo was also in the Foundation Building stage, yet his assets exceeded a million.

This must be the young master of some renowned family.

The guard did not dare to neglect him and respectfully invited Lin Mo to the third floor to sit down.

Lin Mo wondered why he wasn’t allowed on the first floor.

The guard chuckled: “You jest, young master. It’s your first visit, isn’t it? With your status, naturally, you should be seated on the third floor. The first floor is for those cultivators who stand and have not surpassed the Golden Core stage.”

“Those seated on the second and third floors are either cultivators above the Golden Core stage or young masters from various families.”

“Young master, you’ve come just in time today. I’ve heard that four fine items have just arrived.”

The four fine items must be his four junior sisters.

“That will be all, you may leave,” Lin Mo casually tossed a few spirit stones to the attendant.

“Thank you, young master!” The attendant caught the spirit stones and happily retreated.

The second and third floors were not very crowded, but each person seated had at least two or three attendant-dressed cultivators following them.

As for Lin Mo, he was alone, which drew curious glances from the other cultivators.

Lin Mo appeared leisurely and self-satisfied, indifferent to the gazes of these people.

In this short time, he had roughly figured out the situation here.

This building, the pavilion, was guarded by four Foundation Building cultivators outside.

There were even more guards inside, sixteen in the Foundation Building stage, four in the Golden Core stage, and one middle-aged man whose cultivation level he could not discern at all.

Therefore, if he wanted to forcefully rescue his four junior sisters, the difficulty would be too great.

Moreover, it was uncertain whether the guests on the second and third floors would intervene to stop Lin Mo; either they themselves were of the Golden Core stage, or they were accompanied by followers of the Golden Core stage.

Here is the translation of the novel excerpt:

Lin Mo couldn’t help but bitterly smile. What was supposed to be a simple exercise had been completed with ease by these few apprentices, who had transformed it into a nightmare.

Half a stick of incense had passed, and several women were pushed onto the high platform on the first floor.

Their physical appearances were all exceptional, but their eyes were empty, with no expression.

Their cultivation was all at the qi-training stage, and none exceeded four layers.

Their starting prices were all around 1,000 spirit stones.

The more talented and beautiful they were, the higher the price.

Most of the buyers were from the first floor, but there were also some from the second floor.

After the transaction was complete, the small servant hosting the event raised his voice, saying, “Next up are four, all of whom are exceptional in terms of appearance and quality.”

“And besides, they have all been tested and are virgins, all hailing from famous sects.”

The servant’s words sparked the interest of everyone in attendance.

Soon, four stunning young women were pushed onto the platform.

Lin Mo furrowed his brow slightly, recognizing these four as his own apprentices, who had all changed into revealing outfits.

However, this state was slightly off, as each person’s eyes were disoriented, and their faces were flushed.

Had they been given some kind of medicine?

“These four are all from yesterday’s arrivals and have not undergone training, so they are still very energetic.”

“We have used some small methods to increase their sensitivity…”

The servant continued, but the guests in attendance still didn’t quite understand.

A pair of eyes filled with desire stared intensely at the four women on the platform.

The first object to be auctioned off was Qu Xiao.

“Summer, it’s so hard to bear, why do I feel my body is so hot, and there’s this strange feeling?” Qu Xiao didn’t understand her situation and lightly twisted her body, turning to ask Summer.

“And why do they look at us with such strange eyes for so long?”

Summer tightly bit her lip and remained silent.

Her heart was filled with guilt, and she didn’t even have the courage to look at Qu Xiao’s pair of innocent, unaware eyes.

Her body and mind were subjected to double torment, and she was on the verge of collapse.

The last shred of her dignity was all that kept her from losing her sense of reason.

She didn’t know why, but at this moment, she suddenly thought of Lin Mo’s figure and felt a glimmer of hope.

As long as Lin Mo could save the others, even if it meant giving up herself, it would be fine.

At least this way, she could alleviate her guilt.

The servant introduced Qu Xiao: “This girl is the most physically fit among these, and she’s as pure as a sheet of white paper. I’ve prepared things for her, and she’s never suspected anything, eaten cleanly, and listened obediently. Her cultivation is at the tenth layer, and she has dual spirit roots.”

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They were not blind; the innocent and unknowing gaze of Qu Ruyan was indeed proof that she still didn’t understand her current predicament.

Such a blank slate is the best to train, and also the most obedient after training, able to be nurtured and developed in any direction one desires.

There wasn’t a soul present who wasn’t tempted by this.

Until the bidding started.

“100,000 spirit stones!”

At this, the guests on the first floor were completely outbid.

The price was outrageously high; they couldn’t afford it!

But they all knew, the price was indeed worth it.

Guests from the second and third floors began to bid.




At the price of 200,000.

Many Golden Core cultivators began to back off.

So many spirit stones, just for a Qi Refining stage girl, was indeed a bit much for them to accept.

As independent cultivators, their money needed to be spent more wisely, better to buy pills and equipment to enhance themselves.

With the independents out, it became purely a competition among the scions of great families.

They were not like these cultivators; without any effort, they could receive spirit stones from their families.

So their bids were exceptionally fierce.

Soon the price reached 350,000.

Bidding, right next to Lin Mo, was a little chubby boy in purple.

Lin Mo waved his hand, and the man who had first greeted him scurried over.

“Young Master, do you need me?”

Lin Mo whispered something in his ear.

Just as the auctioneer was about to declare “Sold for 350,000.”

“A bid from the third floor, Young Master offers 500,000!”


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