"Fat man, how about the old rules?"

Wang Jiang saw Leishi agreed to come down, immediately turned around and said to Yang pangzi.

The two of them have been working together for many years, and they have experienced a lot of such things, so they all have a tacit understanding. Naturally, these three people can't be swallowed by one, so they must be divided by two.

Of course, the proportion of distribution is what the two of them know.

They won't tell anyone about this kind of thing, but they both know it.

"That's the old rule."

Yang pangzi's eyes flashed a trace of greed, but he didn't say much, so he nodded and agreed.

However, he agreed, but he didn't put it down so easily. He still wanted to vent his anger.

Now, Lei Shi and his son have spent so much money, and Yang pangzi is not in the mood to embarrass them any more. However, the students who are standing still can't let him go.

This group of people just now, but with their own eyes to see themselves beaten, one by one also a face of ridicule.

This kind of expression and feeling, let Yang pangzi simply can't accept.

He is No.1 person in Yunnan Province. He has to give him a little face on the border, regardless of the white and black.

In front of a group of students, he was severely taught a lesson, which made him unable to accept and put down.

Yang pangzi has a vicious idea in his heart. Since these people dare to laugh at themselves, they will leave a lesson that they will never forget!

"It's settled, but you two can go."

Yang pangzi went to the middle of the box and said with a vicious face: "these people can't go. Don't they laugh at me? If they don't leave a lesson, they want to go?"

His expression is very ferocious, looking at the student's expression, more like a hungry wolf looking at a lamb.

"Oh, fat man, what are you going to do?"

Wang Jiang hears speech to pour is quite interested, slowly ask a way.

He doesn't care about these students at all, but they are just a group of poor students. Yang pangzi can do whatever he wants, but he wants to know how Yang pangzi plans to teach these students.

"Hum, boys all roll over to me, one person left a finger, the rest of the girls will give me stripped clothes, accompany uncle to play all night, this thing is over."

Yang pangzi snorted coldly and said to all the students present.

This words, immediately attracted students a panic, a body began to shake up.

They are just a group of high school students. They have experienced this kind of thing there. What's more, the people in front of them just now are all murderers. In their eyes, they are the existence of terror.

Now, the fat man has to cut off their fingers again. These students who have not contacted the society can no longer bear the pressure.

In an instant, there were several crying voices in the crowd, and some of the boys were even scared to pee their pants.

Those female students, however, were pale with fright. They didn't even come into contact with this kind of thing, but they also knew the significance of staying overnight. They didn't want to be forced.

In the box, only reading and his father looked at the group with indifference.

Reading, in particular, seemed to have no idea of his classmates. He didn't look at them at all.

"Ha ha, fat man, you are still so bad fun. I don't care about Leishi and his son. You can play as much as you like."

There was a trace of cruelty in Wang Jiang's eyes, and then a trace of lust appeared in his eyes, and he said, "but those girl students, I want to keep some for me."

With these words, Wang Jiang even wants Lin Xue. You know, Lin Xue and some of her best friends are the most beautiful girls in the class, and even top ten in the school.

When Wang Jiang saw them, he had evil thoughts in his heart, which was normal.

But this scene, also let Ye Feng see clearly, a sneer in his heart, this guy is too arrogant.

He didn't make a direct move just now. He just wanted to see what these two people wanted to do.

What's more, that Leishi and reading have nothing to do with him. Their father and son are blackmailed and have nothing to do with him.

He was too lazy to do it, but now, his students are threatened by others, not to mention Lin Xue.

This time, Ye Feng had to fight. Since these two people want to die, let them know who can't be provoked.Just when Ye Feng was ready to start, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open. A bald man in a black suit rushed in.

As soon as the man came in, he walked towards Wang Jiang. His expression was very flustered, but also with a trace of fear.

As soon as the man rushed in, the men in black didn't start. On the contrary, they had a strange expression, as if they knew the man in suit.

Even Wang Jiang looked at it, and a trace of doubt appeared on his face.

"Wang... Brother Wang, it's you, so I can rest assured."

The man in the suit rushed in. Seeing Wang Jiang, he said hello with a smile.

"Zhang Qiang, what are you doing here?"

Wang Jiang frowned and asked suspiciously.

Zhang Qiang is one of his subordinates and has helped him a lot, so he still trusts him. However, this time, he didn't call Zhang Qiang. How could he come here suddenly.

"Brother Wang, I didn't come here because of my girlfriend. She's here too, and you've detained her."

Zhang Qiang looks a little embarrassed. He glances at the crowd, points to Gao Yan standing in the crowd and says to Wang Jiang.

Yes, he is Gao Yan's boyfriend and one of Wang Jiang's subordinates.

He just received a text message from Gao Yan asking for help. Originally, he didn't want to take care of it, but his girlfriend hasn't played enough. Of course, he has to be bold to come and have a look.

"Oh, I see. It's easy."

Wang Jiang Wen Yan nodded, to the side of Yang fat man said: "that woman is my horse, let her go."

Wang Jiang doesn't care too much about his subordinates. After all, they are all the people who follow him through life and death. If he can't gather people's support, he will not be the eldest brother.

"Well, let her go."

Fat smell speech also nodded, he is clear about the situation, after all, here is still Wang Jiang's territory, this face or to give.

Even if one female student is spared, there are still several.

What's more, his appearance is not bad, even better than Gao Yan. Let him go.

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