The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

"Don't look at me like that, it's really difficult."

"What difficulty can you have? Isn't it much simpler than the special secret realm?"

Zhan Mingyu looked strange.

You know, it's much more difficult there than here.

After all, the highest level here will not exceed 39, and it's a bronze boss.

"It's difficult just because it's too simple. What if I kill with every strike? What if there is too much damage?"

You know, this is a live broadcast, and his every move may appear on the screen.

Wen Ruyu saw that the screen was divided into four parts, and the top four were projected on it, and almost everyone had a picture.

This really distressed him.



Everyone looked at him speechlessly, this was indeed a problem.

A C-level thief with a higher level than them is already eye-catching enough, but if the damage is higher than theirs...


No, isn't it the S-level professionals who are embarrassed?

"Sister Qian, what should we do?"

Zhao Qian looked calm: "Don't worry at all, don't you have the talent of one attack? This situation is normal.

It's not that there haven't been cases where the damage of auxiliary professions is higher than that of combat professions before. Although you are a thief, the effect is the same.

As long as you don't use magic skills, it's fine."

Zhan Mingyu's eyes lit up, with a smirk on his face: "In fact, it's nothing if you use those skills. At most, someone gives you tens of billions of pocket money a year, and you provide them with trillions of descendants a month."

Zhao Qian looked at Zhan Mingyu speechlessly, is there anyone as deceiving as you?

Wen Ruyu's mouth twitched, he understood this sentence.

Do you want him to sell his body for tens of billions?


Is he that kind of person?

At least you have to add a little more.

Wen Ruyu thought to himself that with his current attributes and strength, he would definitely not be bad.

What he was afraid of was that these people would come to sneak up on him.

There was no grudge between the two sides, and those people would definitely not want to kill him, but they could not resist drugging him.

There are always some weird pharmacists and alchemists who can always research strange things.

And these drugs are effective for ninth-level professionals.

It is said that one shot and nine holes are no problem, which is simply terrible.

Two hours later, it was their turn to play.

They were in the first channel.

"Just now I noticed that the fastest clearance speed was 47 minutes and 44 seconds. But the strength of the teams in front can only be said to be average, and it is expected that the fastest speed behind should be around 35 minutes."

Wen Ruyu stroked his chin, so we only need about 30 minutes, right?

So, he felt that he didn't need to do it himself, with their abilities, they were about the same.

"Why don't you guys just do it? Lin Ran and Jiang Li are strong enough."

"That's about right, but you still have to give us a guarantee."

"Don't worry about that."

After the 10 teams were ready, the 10-second countdown began.

And the information about each team was put on the screen.

When they saw the news about [Gaga Random Killing Team], there was an uproar.

"Damn! Fourth-level intermediate? C-level thief?"

"When I saw the fourth-level intermediate, I thought Fengjing was going to rise. Then I saw that it was a C-level thief. This can't be a rich second generation."

"If this is a rich second generation, it's also the second generation of a nouveau riche. Have you ever seen a rich family with the potential of a C, and a profession of thief?"

"If I don't ask someone to help me upgrade, I'll stand on my head and eat shit!!"


Most people think that this is a rich family playing.

After all, the attack power of thieves is obvious to everyone.

Even if there are strong thieves, there may not be one in decades.

Even if there are, they will not reach the fourth intermediate level at this time.


The game begins.

Ten teams rushed in instantly and started to kill.

Facing such a low-level source beast, it took almost no effort.

However, things were much more outrageous than they imagined.

When they just walked to the level 26 source beast area, Wen Ruyu and his team had already walked to the level 30 area.

"Hehe, it seems that Wen Ruyu doesn't need to take action." Zhan Mingyu held the scepter and released the healing spell casually, without even using group healing.

Jiang Li's most common attack can cause about 700 points of damage to the source beast, not to mention others.

And Wen Ruyu entered the stealth state at the first time, ready to provide support at any time.

It turned out that it was not necessary at all.

20 minutes later, they had already arrived at the level 35 area.

And their situation was also noticed by the audience outside.

"It has to be an S-level professional. I said that the fourth-level one is just here to gild. A thief is a thief. At this time, we still have to look at the strong professional."

"After all, they are all at the advanced level of level 3, which is much stronger than other teams. As for the thief, let's not talk about it."

"Do you think they can win the championship in this national league?"

"Maybe, but if they replace the thief with an assassin, maybe it will really work."


Wen Ruyu didn't know that he was already a drag.

Even if he knew, he didn't care.

25 minutes later, they encountered the last source beast.

Level 39 bronze boss.

"The time seems to be a little beyond expectations. Are we so powerful now?" Zhan Mingyu glanced at his watch. It was only 25 minutes.

As for this boss, it is estimated that it can be solved in two minutes.

Zhao Qian took out a bigger iron shield from her backpack: "Don't you think about our previous battle status? Isn't it normal to be faster?"

Recently, we have been facing five or six level 40 source beasts at the same time. It is impossible not to make progress.

Zhan Mingyu's mouth twitched. Although he couldn't see Wen Ruyu, he must be nearby.

Anyone who is in the same team with Wen Ruyu can become like this.

Although the improvement of strength is part of the reason, the greater part of the reason is the fighting instinct.

It can be said that they can come so quickly, in addition to the super high damage, more is the time to use skills and the cooperation between each other.

"The last one, speed up and try to solve it in one minute." Zhao Qian rushed over with a shield.

Others picked up their weapons and prepared to release skills.

Wen Ruyu nodded with satisfaction in the stealth state. It seems that he doesn't need to take action.

He took a look at the attributes he just obtained and was more satisfied.

Isn't this the life he wants?

Wen Ruyu stroked his chin and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

If I build this team into the strongest team, they kill the enemies in the front, and I leisurely gain attributes in the back, it seems that it is not impossible.

Two minutes later, as the bronze boss fell to the ground, their time was also fixed at 27 minutes and 55 seconds.

I can't guarantee the first place, but there is no problem in the top three.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether it is the first or the eighth today.

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