What is contentment? This is contentment.

[Name: Wen Ruyu]

[Age: 18 years old]

[Occupation: Thief (Thief Saint)]

[Potential: C-level (SSS-level)]

[Level: Fourth-level intermediate]

[Attributes: Strength: 1187

Physique: 1098

Agility: 1256

Intelligence :587】

[Talent skills: [Holy Lock Picking], [Holy Magical Hands lv4 (41213/100000) Unique]]

[Skills: [Wind Blade Lv2]X142 [Lightning Gun Lv3]X33...

[Holy Sap Lv3 (921/1000 )], [Saint Yangsha Lv2 (412/500)], [Saint Cock Kick Lv1 (0/100)]

[Stealth], [Backstab Lv3] (767/1000), [Eviscerate Lv3 (12 /1000)], [Shadow Attack Lv2 (242/500)], [Sprint Lv1] (31/100)

[Fire and Fire Lvmax], [Ice and Snow Lvmax], [Lucky Favor Lv3 (Permanent)]

Total attributes have exceeded 4000 point, and then ask who else among the known professionals can reach this attribute!

In addition, Miaoshoukongkong has already reached half of it, and as long as he is given 30,000 source beasts, this attribute can be improved.

The less the attribute increases , or because he has been busy with competitions recently.

After this competition is over, he will start leveling up.

No, he should go to some high-level secret realms to look for treasures.

With exploration, finding the treasure house is not an easy task.

As for the time spent, it is a problem, but there is no way to solve it.

As for other skills, they have all increased.

The only one that has not increased is the crotch kick.

Look When he saw this skill, he couldn't help but think of the egg-blasting maniac.

What a sinister trick.


On December 25, they finally advanced to a position only 5 kilometers away from the secret realm.

Several people stood on the big tree. "Brother Yu, are you sure? This seems to be no different from a beast tide."

Zhan Mingyu looked at the source beast not far away. How to fight it?

The source beasts wrapped up the secret door, and even a few of them walked out of the secret door from time to time. Source beasts.

This is probably because there are not many of them killed.

It can be said that most of the source beasts here are around level 55, and there are also source beasts above level 60.

There are also many elites, bronze bosses, and gold bosses.

"Ahem, rest assured, leave it to me."

"A raging fire!"

The flames are burning!

-1982, -1762, -2562, -1423...

The high numbers are constantly jumping.

Although it only lasted for five seconds, the low-level Most of the source beasts are dead.

Even if they are alive, they are just a little bit short of attacking.

"Look at this speed, isn't it much faster? Jiang Lilinran will sweep it."


One of them held a longbow, and the other raised a staff, constantly using skills.

Wen Ruyu turned his attention to another direction.

"Ice and snow!"

Feeling the increase of the source of power in his body, it was so refreshing.

Of course, he did not forget Miaoshoukongkong.

"You guys stay here, I'll go over there to see Look."

After a few jumps, he arrived at a big tree near the source beast.

[Trigger the Empty Hand, Intelligence +6]

[Trigger the Empty Hand, get [Charge Lv3] x1]

[Trigger the Empty Hand, get [Iron Spear] x1]


Zhan Mingyu looked at Wen Ruyu sitting on the tree, Stroking his chin.

"Sister Qian, have you noticed that Wen Ruyu is in a daze from time to time? Why did he have to run over when he didn't do anything or go down?"

"Just do your own thing, why so much nonsense . "

"I'm just asking."

Then Zhan Mingyu looked at Zhao Qian with suspicion: "Sister Qian, you are not in love with him, Uncle Zhao will not let you go."

Zhao Qian With a calm face, he drew out a long sword: "Tell me, how many holes do you want."

"Hehe, I was just joking, there's no need to take it so seriously."

Zhan Mingyu touched his nose. Zhao Qian was really Get started.

One hour later.

There are still dozens of source beasts scattered around the secret realm gate.

As for the source beasts that came out of the secret realm again, they couldn't cause any trouble.

"Brother Yu,

It's already three o'clock in the afternoon, are you still going in?"

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow. Anyway, we have already advanced here. Even if there are more tomorrow, there won't be many."

In one night, at most there will be two or three hundred more.


Early the next morning, after leaving the isolation zone gate, Zhan Mingyu stepped on the accelerator and quickly approached the domain gate.

"I haven't seen a secret realm that has not been cleaned up."

"No one has seen it, but I heard that in the secret realm that has not been cleaned up, in addition to many source beasts, there are also many treasure chests. "

Treasure chest!

Wen Ruyu's eyes lit up: "Will there be a lot of platinum treasure chests in it?"

Although the gold treasure chest is good, it is definitely not as good as the platinum treasure chest.

As for the diamond treasure chest, I dare not even think about it.

"It should be, I'm not sure about this, but there will definitely be more gold treasure chests, but don't have too high expectations.

Whether it is a primary secret realm or an intermediate secret realm, there are the most black iron treasure chests. Even in the high-level secret realm, the black iron treasure chests are still the main ones, and the other treasure chests are just relatively more. "

Zhao Qian hurriedly dispelled Wen Ruyu's unrealistic fantasy.

If it was really like what he thought, this intermediate secret realm would have been occupied long ago.

When they arrived in front of the secret realm, the number of source beasts was indeed more than yesterday.

But the number was not much more.

"It seems that the effect yesterday was very good. Although some source beasts nearby came over, it didn't affect us much."

Just clean up the area in front of us and rush directly into the secret realm.

After half an hour, the place where they were was almost cleaned up.

The remaining dozen or twenty source beasts did not have much impact on them.

"How are you recovering?" Wen Ruyu asked.

He used one-time skills, which did not consume the source power in his body at all.

"It's almost recovered, and it won't recover much more. But we have recovery potions with us, so if it doesn't work, we can use them directly. "

Wen Ruyu nodded. In that case, let's go.

"Protect Zhan Mingyu and Lin Ran in the middle, and we'll move forward."

Everyone started running.

This time he walked in front, and Zhao Qian followed behind.

Skills were thrown out from Wen Ruyu's hands one by one, and the source beasts were trapped in place.

Either they were frozen, paralyzed, or blown into the sky.

No source beast could stop them.

They were no longer surprised by this.

Since Wen Ruyu released a skill that did not belong to a thief, he completely let himself go.

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