The seven source beasts were too close to each other, so it was not very convenient for them to attract or for Wen Ruyu to attack the boss.

"Well, you attract the boss out."


The thunderstorm arrow flew out of his hand and hit the boss instantly.


Jiang Li was stunned when he saw this number.

This is a thunderstorm arrow, okay? She still has the ability of weakness, but she only hit 600 points of damage?

"Don't be surprised, see the layer of black flame on him, that thing can absorb magic damage. Otherwise, why do I say this thing is difficult to fight, this source beast has a very high double resistance."

Zhan Mingyu was not surprised at all.

But this damage is already very strong.

If it was Lin Ran who came to attack, it would be good to have 200 points of damage.

This is when her skill level is upgraded, otherwise it will be even lower.

The black flame rhino that was hit roared and ran towards Wen Ruyu and the others, with three source beasts following behind.

The group retreated, and Zhao Qian came to the side to look for opportunities.

When the boss in front and the three source beasts behind pulled away, Zhao Qian rushed up directly and fixed the three source beasts in place with a taunt.

"You go and help, I'll take care of this."


Vines grew on the ground and entangled the black flame rhino, but it didn't last even a second before the vines turned into ashes.

Wen Ruyu had expected this.

He didn't expect this skill to entangle the opponent.

Even the Lv4 vine skill had no effect on this black flame rhino.

Wen Ruyu took out an iron rod from his backpack: "Stun!"

100% stun effect, a must-hit skill.


I have to say that this defense is really strong, it actually reduces so much damage.

But it doesn't matter, just change to a dagger.

Once the dagger is changed, all skills are activated.

"Backstab, Eviscerate, Shadow Strike."


It's not dead yet!

It's worthy of being a source beast with super strong double defense, it's not dead yet.

In this case, let's make up for the damage.

A knife stabbed into the neck.

"Lightning spear!"

A lightning spear bombarded the dagger, and the lightning penetrated into the body of the black flame rhino along the dagger.

"Don't you have high magic resistance? Let me see if you can raise it again."

The lightning generated by the lightning spear ran around in the rhino's body, and a smell of burnt meat came out.

Putting the box and map into the backpack casually, Wen Ruyu went to support others.

With his joining, it was much easier to deal with the remaining source beasts.

"Huh, we finally got it done. The defense of these source beasts is too strong."

If Wen Ruyu hadn't come to help, they probably wouldn't have been able to deal with these rhinos in half an hour.

The attack power is not very strong, but the defense is a headache.

"Don't rest yet, find the box, it's a gold box after all." Wen Ruyu urged.

It can't be that he finds the box every time, that's not good.

As expected, it was Jiang Li who found the box in the end.

The box is right in front of us, there's no rush.

"Don't you think about one thing?" Zhan Mingyu said seriously.

"What's the matter?"

Zhan Mingyu glanced at everyone: "Didn't you find that every time it's either Jiang Li or Wen Ruyu who finds the box, do you two... have the attribute of luck!"

He now extremely suspected that everyone has hidden attributes.

Otherwise, why can the two of them find the box so quickly every time.

Didn't we agree that the box is hard to find?

So that's it, Wen Ruyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can't say that, Lin Ran and Wang Mengxing have also found the box, and Sister Qian has found it before. You should think about whether there is something wrong with your IQ. You are the only one who can't find the box here."

Zhan Mingyu blinked: "What does this have to do with IQ? Shouldn't it be eyes?"

"In fact, if you look for a box, you can roughly find the location as long as you pay more attention. The location where the source beast appears and the traces on the ground can make a rough judgment. These are all taught in class."

Zhao Qian looked helpless.

In Zhao Qian's opinion, Jiang Li and Wen Ruyu were able to find the box. This was a talent, not luck.

As for Zhan Mingyu, he simply didn't learn it.

"Wait, you said this is a course, why don't I know."

"It's an elective course."

Zhan Mingyu

Looking at Wang Mengxing, he looked suspicious: "You are the only one who is taking an elective course."

"Although I don't want to learn, I still like this kind of treasure chest-finding course."

Wen Ruyu glanced at the others: "They all took this elective course, so what did you choose?"

Zhan Mingyu's eyelids twitched wildly: "This...that...that's it..."

"He chose a special profession, film art appreciation."


Wen Ruyu looked at Zhan Mingyu with a strange face. Why does this name sound so weird?

"Don't think too much, it's just a movie played by an actor, not that."

Zhan Mingyu hurriedly explained.

"Don't explain it, as if no one understands it, isn't it just a movie played by a charmer." Lin Ran directly said.


Everyone's eyes returned to the box in front of them again.

"Then let's stick to the old rules?"

Sold it on the spot.

"I think we should not auction it. Let's take turns."

Zhan Mingyu said hurriedly. Although he made money last time, it was a little too little.

If this is auctioned, the price will definitely be inflated.

"Of course the platinum box will not be auctioned. Just follow the market price, 1.5 million each. Zhan Mingyu has already bought a diamond box last time, so forget it this time."

"Sister Qian, this won't work. Last time it was a diamond box, and this time it's a platinum box. They are different."

How can this be possible? The two boxes are completely different.

"If it doesn't work, just draw lots." Wen Ruyu suggested on the side.

This is a good way.

"The person who draws the lot will automatically withdraw next time, and others will participate."

In Wen Ruyu's opinion, there will be more and more boxes in the future, and there is no need to waste time.

"I agree!" Zhan Mingyu was the first to raise his hand.

As long as you can participate, there is a one-fourth chance.

If you can't participate, you will have nothing.

"Okay, do you two want to participate?" Zhao Qian looked at Wen Ruyu and Jiang Li.

Wen Ruyu and Jiang Li shook their heads.

He simply didn't have any idea about the box, and it would be easy for him to find the box.

As for Jiang Li, she simply didn't want to spend the money.

The things in the box were dispensable to her.

"Then let Wen Ruyu do the lottery. We are participants so don't interfere."

Wen Ruyu came to the side and got four wooden sticks, and a flashing black light appeared in his eyes.

A flashing black light?

He took a step back and the light disappeared.

He took a step forward and the light appeared.

Did he encounter a secret treasure chest?

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