The old rules.

Wen Ruyu entered the passage first, and then took the others in.

"Brother Yu, what's going on?"

Not long after all of them came, the blue passage behind them closed.

It was only 5 minutes.

"This should be normal. I guess the gate above should also be closed. There must be other passages out, otherwise what should those treasure hunters do?"

After hearing what Wen Ruyu said, it seemed that there was nothing wrong.

Let's go.

Looking at the more than 60-level source beasts not far away, everyone swallowed their saliva, which was somewhat scary.

Unlike the source beasts in the outside world, the source beasts here have red eyes and look bloodthirsty.

"Brother Yu, this doesn't look good."

"Don't worry, they are not dangerous in this place." Wen Ruyu waved his hand.

So what if they are bloodthirsty? They will die with one set of skills.

"A raging fire!"

The flames filled the passage.

The roar of the source beast continued.

Others couldn't be idle either, of course, the main force was still Lin Ran and Jiang Li.

As for the others, just watch the show.

After the skill effect ended, Wen Ruyu released various one-time skills again.

The damage ranged from 800 to 2000.

It must be said that the higher the level, the higher the resistance of these source beasts.

Wen Ruyu's skill hit the gold boss, but it only caused more than 800 points of damage.

He couldn't help but be a little curious, are the damage of those ninth-level professionals to this kind of creature so low?

Wen Ruyu looked at Zhao Qian on the side and threw a skill into the source beast.

"By the way, can a ninth-level professional deal so little damage to a source beast?"

If it's so low like his, then the ninth level seems to be pretty rubbish.

"Weapons have attributes, spell damage amplification, spell penetration, all of which can increase damage."

Wen Ruyu raised his eyebrows. So he can deal so much damage, in addition to the attribute points, there is also the penetration effect of the dagger in his hand?

"Your crystal does have a penetration effect, but you are not a magic profession, so the effect is not that good."

Looking at Wen Ruyu's eyes, Zhao Qian could roughly guess what he was thinking.


Is there any difference?

"No, my weapon has a penetration effect, shouldn't it also work?"

Zhao Qian recalled the content of the class and said: "Someone once did an experiment, using universal weapons to embed magic penetration crystals. The effect of melee weapons is not as good as that of ranged weapons.

And this difference is not marked on the weapon crystal, it is just a conclusion drawn from an experiment.

So you see, weapons are limited to professions. Some are limited to large categories, and some are limited to professionals."

Zhao Qian thought for a while and continued: "Of course, in addition to the weapon, there is another very important point, that is, the professional level has a natural effect on increasing damage. There is no clear value for this, but it is just the experience summed up by people. The increase in damage is multifaceted."

Wen Ruyu suddenly realized.

No wonder the same skills, similar attributes, but different damage.

In fact, Zhao Qian had guessed what he said in his heart.

Just like the source beast in front of him, the same attributes and different levels are different.

There is also a difference between bronze and silver.

It's just that the impact is limited, but it can't be said that there is no impact.

Ten minutes later, all the source beasts in this passage were destroyed, and a large wave of source power poured into Wen Ruyu's body.

Feeling the change in the source power in his body, Wen Ruyu nodded with satisfaction.

Even if there is no treasure chest he wants here, he has not lost anything this time.

As for the others...

I hope there is still a treasure chest, otherwise it will be a pure companion.

"The number of source beasts in the passage behind is much less. It seems that these source beasts should be considered as gatekeepers. But why are there no source beasts above, but only below?"

Jiang Li was puzzled.

Logically speaking, there should be both above and below.

"Maybe this is a two-story treasure house?" Zhan Mingyu guessed?

"What do you mean?"

"Let me tell you, the information about the treasure house generally appears in the black market, some are true and some are false. But based on years of speculation, there are a few that can be confirmed.

The first is that treasure houses generally appear in secret realms, especially in high-level secret realms, where the probability of encountering them is the highest.

The second is that the door of the treasure house will be closed one hour after it is opened. As for the passage we experienced later, there is no

Records, but it seems that it will be closed within a few minutes after walking through.

Third, some people say that the treasure house is not just one layer or one area, it may be two areas or five areas. "

Zhao Qian told the knowledge of the treasure house he knew.

It can be said that these are all explored by those who are not treasure hunting masters, or the information known by Zhao Qian's family.

In any case, her father Zhao Cang is also a high-level figure, and it is normal to know some information.

Wen Ruyu thought for a while and asked: "Does that mean that there may be treasure chests in every area?"

Zhao Qian thought for a while: "Theoretically, it is like this."

Wen Ruyu looked at the passage, and he now hoped that this was a treasure house with multiple areas.

"The treasure chest was found!"

Jiang Li was excited, she saw ten treasure chests placed in a room.

"But there is a title boss in it."

"It shouldn't be, there is a title boss at more than level 60? This is a bit outrageous, isn't it said that there will be titles after level 80? ”

Zhan Mingyu suspected that he was taking a fake class.

“It doesn’t matter. The title boss is just a stronger source beast.”

Wen Ruyu didn’t think it was a big deal. After all, he had killed a title boss before.

And it was level 95.

“Old Zhan, I can’t find Zhao Qian.” Zhao Cang looked anxious.

He just got a skill book two days ago, thinking of waiting for Zhao Qian to come back and give it to her.

But she didn’t come home after waiting for a long time. Today I thought of calling her to ask when she would come back.

But the phone was not connected from afternoon to evening.

This made him anxious.

“Did he go out to play and couldn’t hear the phone?” Zhan Yingqiu drank tea and watched TV comfortably.

“If that’s the case, Zhan Mingyu and Lin Ran’s phone calls can’t be reached.”

Zhan Yingqiu sat up straight with a serious face: “They can’t be reached?”

“Yes, you think they won’t be in trouble, right? "Zhao Cang looked worried.

"Have you asked Lin Yaoguang?"

"How can I tell him? He will search the whole city. I only told you about this matter. I will also ask Wang Xiong."

"Wait for me, I will be there soon."

Soon, the three families gathered together.

"Brother Zhao, what is going on?" Zhan Yingqiu's wife looked worried.

When she heard the news, she was terrified.

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