The two of them were killed, but the two of them were killed.

Wen Ruyu looked helpless. I killed three of you, and you killed one of me. Is this comparable?

However, the other party obviously set their sights on Lin Ran and Jiang Li. As for Wang Mengxing, the other party chose to skip it.

Oh, trouble.

Wen Ruyu glanced at the archer, and an arrow shot over instantly.

An Ran, who was full of confidence, was stunned on the spot. Disappeared...disappeared? !

The distance was only 10 meters, but he actually ran away!

How could he be so fast!

The next thing was a one-sided situation.

The big screen outside basically showed the battle process of the two teams, especially Wen Ruyu's attacks.

"Damn! Is this guy a thief or an assassin? Why is he so fast!"

"I don't know if he's fast or not, I just know that this guy has a heart made of iron. How can such a lovely priest be so cruel?"

"It's a competition, so what's wrong with being a little cruel?"

"But you can't stab him in the neck, wouldn't it be faster to die if you stab him in the heart?"


The other three arenas have already ended, and the teams sitting in the preparation seats are also watching the screen.

Regarding Wen Ruyu's several attacks, all the team members frowned.

"Captain, can we defend against it? We are not allowed to use props, and we can't keep using the stealth-breaking skill."

The man in the priest's clothes in the Kyoto team was terrified.

Who can bear this!

Suddenly appeared from behind and stabbed his neck with a knife.

Death in the competition is not scary, but it is scary.

"Yes, Captain, is this guy poisonous? Why does he stab people in the neck? Look, that archer was stabbed."

"Captain Lin Yi, this guy is a bit scary. Although he is a C-level thief, he is more terrifying than an SSS-level assassin."

Lin Yi's mouth twitched. How did he know what this guy was like?

Originally, when he saw that the other party was a C-level thief, he didn't take this person seriously.

How did he become a big boss now?

He took a deep breath: "Although the others are a little stronger, they still lack combat experience. The first target to be solved at that time will be Wen Ruyu."

"But he can be invisible, and we only have one invisible skill."

"Then you will be wronged. When you die, others will act directly without any hesitation."

The corner of the priest's mouth twitched. It seems that I can't leave a complete body after I die, right?

Soon, the No. 4 ring competition ended.

Zhan Mingyu touched his neck and smiled bitterly: "After all this time, I'm the only one who died."

"Who told you to be a priest?" Wang Mengxing patted his arm and smiled.

"Aren't you a priest too?"

"Maybe it's because I'm holding a sickle." Wang Mengxing shrugged.

At this time, the referee walked up to the stage and looked at Wen Ruyu deeply.

"Both sides shake hands and prepare for the next game."

Both sides shook hands in turn, and Wen Ruyu felt uncomfortable all over.

The other side's priest looked at him angrily, the assassin's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and the ice and fire magic looked at him with fear.

Alas, he is actually a good person, there is no need to look at him like this.

This is a game, how could he let it go.

Both sides stepped down and returned to their seats.

"Brother Yu, those women are very resentful of you." Zhan Mingyu glanced at the Velociraptor team in the distance.

The eyes of those killed by Wen Ruyu looked at Wen Ruyu from time to time.

Wen Ruyu shook her head: "This has nothing to do with me, I just came to participate in the competition."

In the distance.

"Captain, how could that man do that? It's okay to do it, but it's too scary."

Qin Ying was still in shock at this time.

She was still talking to An Ran when her neck was pierced.

That real feeling made her feel scared.

Although this death is not a real death, the pain is real, of course, this is still reduced by 50%.

It is to make everyone deeply understand why they died.

It is said that the pain in the finals will increase to 90%.

As for the remaining 10%, it is because they are worried that someone will go crazy because of it.

"He is not cruel, but he just regards this competition as a real battle. You should learn this well. Gu Qian, what do you think of his strength?"

Leng Qingshuang looked aside and asked.

Gu Qian hesitated and then said: "It feels to me that he is more like a real assassin. Of course, he may just

I use this profession as an assassin.

But his attributes are a bit strange. He can dodge An Ran's longbow at close range. I can't do it anyway, even a fourth-level assassin can't do it. ”

It is possible to avoid the vital points, but to avoid them completely, how high is the agility attribute.

Leng Qingshuang knew about this.

But if you say that his attributes are very high, she doesn't believe it.

There are indeed differences between each professional at each stage, but the difference cannot be too big.

In this case of missing the target, the attribute difference must be at least 100 points, or 100 points of agility difference.

How can this be done?

Unless his family is really a rich second generation, all kinds of potions and food that increase attributes are arranged.

But it doesn't look like it, and I haven't heard of a family with the surname Wen.

Wen Ruyu: I am a rich first generation.

At 11 o'clock, Wen Ruyu's team went on the field again. This time the opponent was the Yangcheng team, which was also a top five team.

The opponent's configuration was also a regular configuration, except that the assassin was replaced by a gunman.

Holding a red tassel spear, the strength was the fourth level primary.

"Be careful, there are only two paths for the gunman profession, one is the power type, and the other is the skill combo type.

However, there are very few power-type players. 90% of those who can participate in the competition are skilled. The gunman's ability to charge is not comparable to that of ordinary assassins. " Zhao Qian hurriedly instructed. Everyone nodded. Of course, the one who needs to be paid the most attention is still Zhan Mingyu. "Protect me for a while. His target must be me. " Zhan Mingyu said worriedly. He has tasted the feeling of death once and doesn't want to do it again. Entering the venue, the terrain appeared in front of everyone. "It shouldn't take three minutes this time, right?" In front of him was an endless grassland. This was the map of head-on confrontation. 60 seconds countdown, the goshawk took off, found the opponent in half a minute, and the two sides moved together. "The opponent's gunman is very fast and is expected to come to us in 20 seconds. " Jiang Li said hurriedly. "Is the opponent crazy? He dares to rush over alone? "

Zhao Qian was puzzled. How is this different from committing suicide?


Sure enough, a man wearing a black tights and holding a spear appeared in front of them.

This Yangcheng team is really crazy.


"Fuck you! Why is it me again!"

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