The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

After seeing his arrow blocked by Zhan Mingyu's "corpse", Jiang Li was stunned for a moment.

"Dazed during the battle is not a good thing."


It's still the neck!

An iron rod appeared in Wen Ruyu's hand and hit Zhao Qian's head casually.


The stun effect appeared.

"Raising sand!"

Wang Mengxing fell into a state of confusion.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

One person and one knife, all necks, very fair.

A flash of light, everyone returned to the room.

Wang Mengxing's eyes were slightly dull, how long was it just now?

10 seconds or 5 seconds?

"Now I finally know why the Raptor team looked at Wen Ruyu like that. They were really cruel." Lin Ran touched her neck.

Fortunately, the pain was only 30%. If it was the pain in the finals, she would probably want to go to the hospital at this time.

"Brother Yu! Why did you use me to block the arrows!" Zhan Mingyu rushed out of the team, ran to Wen Ruyu, and stretched out his hand to strangle his neck.

But Wen Ruyu would not give him a chance and blocked it directly.

"Were we not fighting just now? We were the enemy. Using the enemy's body to block the arrows, isn't this normal operation?"

Zhan Mingyu's mouth twitched. You did it normally, but those two arrows were very painful.

As a result, everyone present felt pain once, but he felt pain three times.

No, Zhao Qian felt pain twice.

Wen Ruyu raised the corner of his mouth: "Do you want to do it again? Anyway, this room has one hour."

Everyone shook their heads.

They are not masochists. Why do they make themselves uncomfortable for no reason?

Zhao Qian pondered for a long time: "Ruyu, do you have something to say to us?"

In her impression, Wen Ruyu has never thought of showing his strength.

This is the first time. If he doesn't have any ideas, it's impossible.

Wen Ruyu raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I do have some ideas. After listening to what you said, I think you are too pessimistic. If you really have a path you want to take, you can go for it.

If you are afraid that your strength is not enough, then just work hard. It's useless to belittle yourself."

Several people looked at each other.

That's what they said, but no one is as perverted as you.

Zhan Mingyu put on a sincere smile on his face: "Brother Yu, how about you give us some advice?"

"What if we can explore various unexplored secrets and find platinum boxes and diamond boxes? I think your family will not stop you after seeing the benefits."

All of you should work for me obediently, and no one should think of running away.

Is it easy to find a suitable teammate! !

Wen Ruyu's goal is to use these people until Zhang Hongyu's age.



Zhang Hongyu rubbed his nose: "Who is scolding me again?"

Zhang San trotted to his side: "Captain Zhang, Xisi has brought people up the mountain, should we withdraw?"

Kuaidao also advised: "Yes, Brother Zhang, we have successively found their four secret treasure houses and killed more than 200 of them. It seems that the fire has been aroused. If we don't leave, the other party will kill us."

Zhang Hongyu curled his lips: "Eagle sauce is really stingy, isn't it just four treasure houses? Besides, they can't find it themselves, so they don't let us find it."

Zhang San and Kuaidao twitched their mouths. This treasure house was obtained by following the local treasure hunter, otherwise how could it be so smooth.

Zhang Hongyu stood up and stretched.

"Put those people from the Church of Savior together with their people, and we will retreat."


Zhang Hongyu and his group moved quickly and left the place after 3 minutes.

"Captain Zhang, where are we going this time?"

"Let's go to Sakura this time. It is said that they haven't found a treasure house in a few years, so there should be a lot."

"Then can I go to Fengsu..." Zhang San's wretched voice gradually disappeared in the air.

A team of people arrived in the distance.

"Captain Xisi, there are only corpses left here."

Xisi frowned and let the other party run away again.

Who on earth dared to do whatever he wanted in their Eagle Sauce territory.

"Check the situation here carefully, we will continue to chase!"

As a ninth-level professional, when has he ever suffered such anger.

After a moment.

"Captain Xisi, the other party seems to be the Church of Savior. Among the dead, two are believers of the Church of Savior, Libra and Capricorn."

Xisi was silent.

Silently, he followed the other person and came to the bodies of the two people.

The symbols on the silver masks on their faces have already explained their identities.

Of course, it is not ruled out that someone else is impersonating them, but this situation generally does not occur.

"Have you checked the wound?"

"I have checked it. At present, it seems that the weapon wound is consistent..."

Sith looked at the body on the ground and took a deep breath.

"Set it on fire, we retreat."

"Captain! Aren't we going to chase him?"

Sith turned his head and looked at the young and handsome yellow-haired boy in front of him: "Man, if you want to die, go by yourself, don't drag me."

"But the other party may also be a fake."

"Fake? Even if you are fake, you have to have the ability to fake it. It's better to treat it as real. How much salary do you get a month? What are you working so hard for? This is a free country, and it's time to get off work now. We are already giving face to come to check."

Sith shook his head and turned away.

If it is really someone from the Church of Savior, he will die if he chases him.

If it is a fake, pretending to be such an organization that everyone hates, and if he doesn't have some strength, he dare not pretend, then he will still die if he chases him.

In this case, it is better to just report it directly.

He has a wife and daughter, and his passion has long been cold.

The yellow-haired young man opened his mouth, as if they didn't have any salary...

Captain, I understand.


"Brother Yu! I understand!" Zhan Mingyu looked at Wen Ruyu with shining eyes.

As long as you hold on to this thigh, you can do whatever you want in the future.

"Brother Yu, then our future happy life depends on you."

"I don't want to get married in the future, and I have to rely on you, Ruyu."

"Brother Yu, I don't want to get engaged, and this matter also depends on you."

Wen Ruyu's mouth twitched constantly.

Do you have to be so excessive? What marriage, what engagement, what does it have to do with me.

How can I help you?

"Ahem, this is your family affair, I can't do anything about it."

Zhan Mingyu patted Wen Ruyu's shoulder: "How should I put it? We are a family, big or small, and all families have this common problem. Parents usually make the decision on marriage, but if you are strong enough, you can make the decision yourself."

Zhao Qian nodded: "My eldest brother's marriage was arranged by my family, but my second brother has not married yet. The main reason is that his strength far exceeds that of his peers."

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