The old man looked at him with a smile: "Young man, it's not good to pry into other people's privacy casually. You are far worse than that little guy."

Cold sweat flowed down Wen Ruyu's temples.

You know, his attributes are as high as 8500+, and this old man has more than him! !

Isn't this a village with more than 20 households!

Wen Ruyu looked embarrassed: "Haha, don't mind, I'm just curious."

The old man patted Wen Ruyu's shoulder: "Young man, sometimes people should be low-key. If I don't have the strength, will I let those people go?"

Wen Ruyu's mouth twitched, looking at the patched clothes on the other person's body.

You are really low-key, too low-key!

He glanced at Miaoshoukongkong, which was in an unusable state at this time.

At least he didn't have to worry about the other party being hostile to him at this time.

Wen Ruyu casually put his hand on Jiang Li's shoulder, and Jiang Li's body froze and didn't move.

"Ahem, old man, can I ask if there are any large cities nearby?"

"Yes, follow the direction you came from, keep going that way, there is a city called the City of Sin. But I don't recommend you go there, your strength is too weak."

Wen Ruyu's mouth twitched. Is his total attribute of more than 8500 still weak?

"How do the people there compare to you?"

The old man pondered for a moment: "Compared with me, it's still a little bit behind. It's still easy for me to destroy that city."

For a moment, Wen Ruyu didn't know whether to say that the old man was low-key or pretending.

But thinking of the other party's attributes, it should be no problem to destroy a city.

It's just a matter of time.

Wen Ruyu couldn't help but think that if he had super-large-range skills, he should be able to destroy a city.

The old man glanced at the two of them: "But I still suggest that you two don't go to the City of Sin. You should know what kind of place it is by hearing the name of the city.

When I say destroy a city, I only mean destroying most of the people. I can't guarantee that I can kill the people in their City Lord's Mansion."

Wen Ruyu was a little surprised. Even he didn't dare to say who he killed, how powerful must he be.

If so, isn't this world very dangerous?

Wen Ruyu had the idea of ​​retreating.

I thought his attributes could do whatever he wanted, but he didn't expect that it was not enough here.

Therefore, he couldn't help but start to wonder if there was someone hiding on Blue Star.

"Old man, since you know that we are from other planets, you should also know the purpose of our coming here."

Jiang Li glanced at Wen Ruyu. Aren't we here to take risks? What else can we do?

But she didn't speak.

Wen Ruyu must have his reasons for saying this.

The old man stroked his beard and smiled: "Haha, of course I know. The man before was the same as you, but those things are not easy to find.

See that mountain? There are many precious herbs in the mountain, each of which can improve people's strength, but there are also powerful guardian source beasts in it. With your strength, you are still far away."

Wen Ruyu's eyes lit up, and there were indeed good things.

He had an idea and took out weapons, crystals, treasure chest maps and other items from the storage space.

"Please take a look again, are these items here?"

The old man picked up the SSS-level long sword casually and flicked it lightly with his fingers.


Wen Ruyu's eyes widened instantly, it was broken! !

No! This is an SSS-level weapon, it just broke like this? ?

"The quality of the enchanted weapon can only be said to be average. This crystal is okay, and it is also a good thing here. As for this box, it has the shadow of space magic, which is also not bad. But these things are not good things."

The old man shook his head, obviously looking down on these items.

Wen Ruyu's mouth twitched.

Sir, that sword is worth tens of millions, okay? It is a weapon used by eighth-level professionals! ! !

Although a sword was lost, the information obtained from the old man was not less.

In any case, this trip is worth it.

It is the city of sin, and there is no way to get there for the time being.

One is that there is not enough time, and the other is that the danger is unknown.

"The last question, sir, what is behind this mountain?"

Wen Ruyu just glanced at the mountains in the distance, and he found that the mountains were endless and there was no end to them. There seemed to be mountains all around.


Outside the mountain is a prosperous world with many countries, constant disputes and ethnic wars. It is not a good place to go. "

Wen Ruyu nodded. Whether there is a war or not has nothing to do with him. He just wants to get some items.

"Thank you for your help. We are going to continue on our way."

There are still two days of free time, and then they will start to return.

The old man nodded: "Go, remember not to enter the mountains, at least not with your strength."

Wen Ruyu walked out and waved his hand: "I know, old man."

The old man stood at the entrance of the village and watched the two leave.

The black-haired young man came out from behind with a face full of resentment.

"Chief, why do you tell them everything?"

"Even if I don't tell them, they will eventually know these things, so why not do me a favor? Have you forgotten the man eight years ago? If I don't tell him so much, do you think I can still improve my strength in this sinful place? "

After hearing the old man's words, the black-haired young man fell silent.

"Chen Yao, being cautious is a good thing, but being too cautious will only limit yourself."

"I know, Patriarch, are you going out then?"

The old man shook his head: "Let's see the situation. The strength of the City of Sin is growing day by day, and it's not easy to walk."

At this time, Wen Ruyu and the others had already run into the forest.

"Brother Yu, listening to what the old man said, it seems very dangerous here."

Wen Ruyu touched his cold forehead. How could it not be dangerous? That person's attributes were so high.

He was almost scared to death.

While talking to the old man, he was always paying attention to the skill of Miaoshoukongkong.

As long as the skill was used in the first time, he would definitely run away immediately without a second's delay.

Otherwise, he would not put his hand on Jiang Li's shoulder.

"It's not the source beasts that are dangerous here, but these people. I don't know how they practiced and how they are so strong. "

If he was suspicious before, now he is sure that there must be strong people on Blue Star.

Just don't know how strong.

This world is really not as simple as it seems.

"Let's go home."

Jiang Li looked at Wen Ruyu in surprise: "Brother Yu, are you going back now? Don't you want to continue?"

"Continue, the old man just now is stronger than me, who knows who will be stronger."

Must go home!

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