The enemy was in a panic, and the enemy was in a panic.

Looking at the source beasts that kept appearing, and the hole that he had just made not far away.


Wen Ruyu sighed.

This is the bad thing about fighting in the city, and you have to take into account the buildings in the city.

After all, with his strength, if he fires at full power, it is estimated that few buildings can withstand his attack.

Not only the little girl's father died, but also others.

There are no less than a hundred people in the place where he can see.

They were all accidentally injured by the source beasts that fell from the sky, and Wen Ruyu had no way to save them even if he wanted to.


A dozen source beasts rushed over in an instant.

Wen Ruyu shook his head, took out a dagger and disappeared on the spot.

When it reappeared, more than a dozen source beasts' heads flew up.

"Do you think I'm still the same as before? I can't cut your necks in this heavy armor?"

The only pity is that he didn't have time to use his magic, which was a bit of a waste.


"Brother Yu, where are you? There are source beasts all over the neighborhood!"

"Jiang Li, I'm in the city center now, come find me."



This time it was Zhan Mingyu's call: "Brother Yu, where are you now?"

"City center."

"Wait for us, we'll be there soon!"

After hanging up the phone, Wen Ruyu looked around.

"It's really troublesome, you may not be able to get here."

It's not that Wen Ruyu looked down on them, but there were 50-70 level source beasts everywhere, and it was impossible for them to come here.


Eastern Suburb Isolation Zone

"Abandon the isolation belt, raise the isolation wall! All the garrison troops in the eastern suburbs, hold the isolation wall."

Zhao Mingyuan shouted loudly into the loudspeaker.

A group of garrison troops jumped off the isolation belt, running and attacking the source beasts outside the isolation belt.

However, facing such a level of source beasts, the strength of these guards alone is not enough.

"Captain, source beasts have appeared in the other three directions, and there are also source beasts in the center of the city. This time it is a special beast tide. Just now, the higher-ups notified that a total of five cities have suffered from the special beast tide.

According to satellites, other countries have also suffered from special beast tides."

Hearing this, Zhao Mingyuan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it was not aimed at Fengjing.

"Got it, quickly lead the team to retreat."

Walking out of the command room, Zhao Mingyuan looked at the isolation belt not far away and sighed in his heart.

It's really like going back to the pre-liberation era. According to the number of beast tides, the isolation belt will have to retreat again.

A year's work has been in vain.

The garrisons of the four isolation zones retreated one after another. In order to be able to advance the distance better, the isolation zones were not built too solid.

When they arrived at the isolation wall, everyone ran up to the top of the wall.

"All heavy weapons are deployed, don't save ammunition for me!"

Although the lethality of thermal weapons has weakened a lot, some missiles are still very effective and can still deal with some low-level source beasts.

As for high-level source beasts, they can also limit the opponent's pace.

Artillery fire is just a restriction after all, and professionals will eventually have to play.

City center.

"Brother Yu!"

Jiang Li dodged left and right, using skills to clear the way for himself from time to time.

As for killing the source beast, she hasn't thought about it yet.

Wen Ruyu turned her head and raised her eyebrows.

He actually came over, it seems that his practical experience has improved quite well.

He was still thinking about whether he could go over to answer it, but he didn't receive a call for a long time.

"Brother Yu... I have come here all the way, all of them are source beasts, and the levels are mixed... Most of them are... Level 50."

Jiang Li panted, obviously exhausted from the journey.

"This time it is a special beast tide."

He looked up at the sky, there are quite a few cracks above it, basically covering the entire city.

I really don't know how these cracks are located, and they are placed so accurately above the city.

"Just now, Sister Qian called me and asked me where I was, and I said I came to find you."

"Zhan Mingyu also called me. According to where they live, they should be together."

As soon as the two finished talking, Wen Ruyu's phone rang.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother Yu, can you come to us? We are being chased by two level 80 gold bosses!!"

Zhan Mingyu stepped on the accelerator and drove at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour.

However, this speed is too slow for source beasts.

If Zhan Mingyu hadn't turned left and right, he would have been caught long ago.

"We will be there soon, share the location

. "

After hanging up the phone, he found their group and a real-time positioning information appeared.

The distance was not far, only more than 10 kilometers away.

"Let's go and find them."

Five minutes later, Wen Ruyu found Zhan Mingyu.

If Zhan Mingyu hadn't driven recklessly, the two would have met in three minutes.

Zhan Mingyu: I don't want to either, but the buddy behind me doesn't agree.

The car drifted, bypassed Wen Ruyu and stopped at the back.

He still recognized Zhan Mingyu's driving skills, otherwise he wouldn't... cough cough, anyway, he is a very good team member.

Zhan Mingyu and others got out of the car: "Brother Yu, the entire Fengjing will be occupied by source beasts, and the isolation wall outside has been upgraded..."

Wen Ruyu waved his hand: "Let's not talk about this first, let me deal with these two source beasts first. ”

[Trigger the Empty Hand, Agility +22]

[Trigger the Empty Hand, Intelligence +15]


As expected of an intelligent source beast, the probability of encountering an intelligent source beast is much higher than other source beasts, but this value is a bit small.

Without the presence of outsiders, Wen Ruyu's dagger can be said to be aimed at the vital points.

A random attack can cause 5000+ damage.

For this kind of damage value, Zhan Mingyu and others have long been accustomed to it and are no longer as surprised as before.

"Let's not just watch and clean up these scattered source beasts. Although the beast tide is dangerous, it also represents opportunities. Maybe today we can be promoted to the fifth level primary."

Zhao Qian looked at the source beasts around her eagerly.

With a flash of light, a silver armor appeared on Zhao Qian, and a half-person-high shield appeared in her hand.

"Everyone get ready, attack! "

Danger and opportunity coexist. If they are afraid, they will not leave their homes.

As for safety, Wen Ruyu can guarantee their safety with them.

As long as they don't commit suicide, there will be no big problem.

With them, Wen Ruyu can concentrate on using the empty hands.

[Trigger the empty hands to gain a medium amount of source power.]

[Trigger the empty hands to gain a large amount of source power.]

[Trigger the empty hands to gain strength +28]




Wen Ruyu took out his mobile phone speechlessly. Why is there someone calling him?

It was an unfamiliar number, so he hung up without thinking.

However, a few seconds later, the phone rang again, and it was the same number.

"Hello, I'm busy. I don't buy insurance or houses."

"It's me, Chu Hanqiu."

Wen Ruyu was a little embarrassed. Last time, he seemed to want to save the phone number, but then he forgot.

"Ahem, what's the matter?"

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