The enemy's attack was so fierce that the enemy's attack was so fierce.

He can now launch a powerful attack even with his bare hands.

Wen Ruyu looked around and found that he had almost dealt with the nearby source beasts. It was time to change places.

"I'm going to start. Everyone, get ready to move forward."

Wen Ruyu disappeared instantly and used several skills symbolically.





Wen Ruyu's mouth twitched. He deliberately chose a non-weak point, so how could the damage be so high!

Looking at the damage floating in the distance, Chu Hanqiu was stunned. Is this the fourth-level advanced damage?

The damage didn't seem to be so high last time?

Is it advanced?

That was just the first level of the fifth level, how could there be such a big difference.

Five minutes later, only the corpse of the source beast was left on this street.

"What are you standing there for? Hurry up!"

The people behind hurried to catch up.

Turning a street, they met several professional teams, and not only this street, but also other streets had professional teams.

Most of them were level 7 and level 8 teams.

These were the top combat forces of each guild.

After all, this is Fengjing, and level 7 and level 8 are already high combat forces.

"It seems that there is nothing for us."

Wen Ruyu looked regretful. This area was almost cleared out, and there were only a few living source beasts left.

It seems that they should have arrived very early.

"What should we do now?" Wen Ruyu looked at Chu Hanqiu.

Chu Hanqiu's mouth twitched: "Aren't you the captain? Shouldn't this be a problem you should consider?"


Wen Ruyu looked embarrassed: "My experience is in combat."

Chu Hanqiu rolled his eyes: "When the alarm sounds, the city will generally evacuate residents underground within ten minutes. The combatants will arrive at the battlefield within ten minutes. There are a total of eight time and space channels in Fengjing City. From the current situation, the source beasts in the city should be almost solved."

After all, there are still a lot of combatants.

"If you want to continue fighting, you can stay here and compete with them when the next batch of source beasts are released. You can also go outside the isolation wall, but the density of source beasts there is not comparable to that in the city."

This is not Chu Hanqiu scaring people, but a fact.

In this area of ​​the city, there are only tens of thousands of source beasts at most, but outside the city, there are at least more than 100,000.

Especially this special beast tide, it is estimated to be 200,000 or even 300,000.

This time she brought the team here just to train them in the city.

However, things have deviated from the original purpose, but the impact is not great.

Wen Ruyu stroked his chin, dense?

"It would be nice if Miaoshoukongkong could use it in a range." He muttered softly.

"What did you say?"

"I said let's go to the wild and have a look. If we can go out, go and help."

If we can't go out, then he will go out by himself.

Since we are going out, then choose the nearest place.

Then it must be the nearest to the east.

Everyone got in the car and drove all the way to the east suburbs.

"Sister Qian, your brother should be in the east suburbs, he won't stop us."

Wen Ruyu's worry is not unreasonable, after all, they are only a team composed of senior fourth-level on the surface.

"He should not have time to take care of us, and Chu Hanqiu is here, she is a formal member of Zero. If she really wants to take us out, no one dares to stop her."

This is the status of Zero.

Wen Ruyu leaned on the co-pilot: "That's still useful."

As soon as everyone drove to the eastern suburbs, they saw people in combat uniforms constantly joining the defense of the isolation wall.

"They are people from other cities who come here through the teleportation array."

Chu Hanqiu was not surprised to see these people.

"Didn't you say that the teleportation array can only teleport 10 people at a time?"

"Who told you that? There is another large teleportation array behind the teleportation hall, which can teleport a thousand people at a time. As long as ten teleports are enough to support a city, and ten times only takes one minute."

Chu Hanqiu looked at Wen Ruyu speechlessly. This is all the most basic knowledge.

As for air transport, it is used to go to areas without teleportation arrays, and it may not be used once a year.

Under the leadership of Chu Hanqiu, everyone came to the bottom of the wall.

Looking at the wall covered with metal on the surface, everyone couldn't help but feel safe.

This wall has blocked many large beast tides. If it weren't for this wall, Fengjing would have become a waste long ago.


Chu Hanqiu took out his ID and showed it to the guard.

The guard quickly made way for everyone to climb the city wall.

The city wall was very wide, about 12 meters.

There were not only professionals on the city wall, but also various weapons and equipment.

Everyone came to the wall and looked down.

There were densely packed source beasts, and at this time the source beast group had attacked to a distance of less than 50 meters from the city wall.

And in front of the source beast tide was a group of melee professions.

Melee was fighting below, and long-range was supporting on the city wall.

"Are you going down?"

Boom boom boom!

Missiles were fired one after another, bombing the source beast group in the back.

However, the damage caused by the missiles was a bit pitiful, and they killed some low-level source beasts.

It's not that there are no missiles to deal with high-level source beasts, but they dare not use them.

Wen Ruyu glanced at them: "You just stay on the wall. It's too dangerous to go down in your situation."

The density of the source beasts below obviously exceeded Wen Ruyu's expectations.

Zhan Mingyu and others nodded. They were not stupid.

This situation was not something they could participate in. It would be better to throw a few skills on the wall and mix some source power.

They were not the kind of hot-blooded teenagers.

Chu Hanqiu frowned: "You mean you want to go down by yourself? You are a thief, not suitable for fighting alone."

Wen Ruyu glanced at Chu Hanqiu, and then at the source beasts everywhere.

If he didn't go, it would be so unfair to these source beasts.

"Don't worry, I cherish my life more than you do."


Wen Ruyu disappeared from everyone's sight, and everyone felt a gust of wind blowing.

No need to think, Wen Ruyu went down.

Chu Hanqiu opened his mouth and looked at Zhan Mingyu and the others: "Is Wen Ruyu always like this?"

Several people looked at each other, and finally turned their eyes to Zhao Qian.

Zhao Qian's eyelids twitched. How should she say this?

"It's just like this sometimes, but most of the time I will follow the team."

All along the way, Zhao Qian has been paying attention to the skills used by Wen Ruyu.

After all, she is with this Chu Hanqiu, and she doesn't know what Wen Ruyu knows.

At present, it seems that the other party only knows about his strength, and he is not clear about his various skills.

As long as they don't say these, there should be no problem.

Chu Hanqiu sighed lightly. This person is indeed powerful, but he is also a real thorn and difficult to deal with.

It would be great if I was stronger than him.

It's a pity that there is no if...

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