Six figures suddenly appeared on the roof of a house.

The blond man in the lead had a scar on his face and looked very vicious.

Wu Yu glanced at the other party. No wonder all the members of this organization were level eight professionals.

So the level nine was here.

The blond man squinted and looked at them.

A member behind him said a few words in his ear.

The blond man looked relaxed and sneered.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be the Zero Organization of China. Since you are here, don't leave. You actually sent a group of level eight professionals. I want you all to die!"

Everyone looked at each other. Where did they get the confidence to say such a thing?

Which member of the Zero Organization can't challenge a higher level?

"I'll deal with the blond, and the four of you will deal with the other four in close combat. Chen Ling, you two will hold the remaining one."

As for Wen Ruyu, he didn't make any arrangements.

He was indeed strong, but this was the ninth level, not the eighth level.

He didn't dare to let Wen Ruyu take the risk.

In Wu Yu's opinion, it was already abnormal for Wen Ruyu to jump three levels, so how could he jump four levels?

You have to know that starting from the seventh level, each level is a huge change, and the ninth level is even more different in strength.

Wen Ruyu was also happy to relax.

The two sides started fighting, and with the blessing of Chu Hanqiu's status skills, Wu Yu and his men fought extremely fiercely.

However, the other side was not a pushover.

"You have status skills, don't we have them? You think too simply of our overseas organization."

For a while, the battle between the two sides became stalemate.

As expected of the boss of an organization, his strength is strong.

But it is obvious that his men are not strong enough.

Wen Ruyu put his hands behind his back and stood in place looking at the battlefield in the distance.

[Trigger the skill of "Empty Hands", intelligence +28]

[Trigger the skill of "Empty Hands", get Shadow Fist X1]

[Trigger the skill of "Empty Hands", get [Ice Thousand Miles Lv4] X1]


The more they fought, the more frightened the blond man became.

An eighth-level professional could actually fight with his men for so long, and what about the eighth-level high-level professional opposite him?

At this time, Wu Yu was covered with lightning, and his fists were covered with a layer of lightning. Every time he punched, there was an explosion with the opponent's body.

The blond man's mouth twitched. What kind of profession is this?

Is there a lightning system in close combat?

He knew about lightning warriors, but they use weapons, how can this person use fists?

And what about the wings behind you! !

Wen Ruyu stroked his chin, a close combat lightning mage?

This seems a bit fierce.

He used the spy skill on Wu Yu.

Except for intelligence, other attributes are not high.

But Wu Yu's speed at this time is far beyond his agility.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a thunder-type, with his own speed.

Five minutes later, it was obvious that the opponent showed signs of fatigue, and even the professional who was entangled by Chen Ling's two mages was also a little overwhelmed.


The blond man shouted, slashed with a knife and turned to run.

His members retreated instantly and turned around and ran.


The ninth-level professional wanted to run, and they didn't have a good way.

If they were to fight face to face, they would definitely be able to beat them.

But if the opponent wanted to escape, there was really no good way.

Even if the ninth-level professional came, he might not be able to catch the professional who wanted to escape.

"Do you want to keep them?"

Wu Yu was stunned, stay? Is this possible?

"Can you stay?"


Wen Ruyu disappeared on the spot.

Although the status skill has dissipated, with his 5000 points of agility, plus the popular skill of sprinting, it is too easy to catch up with them.

"Raising sand! Putting in eyes! Stunning club! Kicking the crotch! Lime powder!"

The last one is not a skill, but he sprinkled a large bag of lime powder, forcing the remaining two to close their eyes.

Three minutes later.

Wen Ruyu was holding an iron chain with six people hanging on it.


Whoosh~ Whoosh~

Besides the sound of the wind, there were only the footsteps coming from afar.

Looking at the six unconscious figures on the iron chain, Wu Yu also fell silent.

These six are ninth-level, and the leader seems to be a ninth-level intermediate.

Just brought them back like this.


There was a noise not far behind, and lights came over.

"Deal with these people first.

. "


These ordinary members of the bottom of the foreign forces suffered an unprecedented attack, and the opponents seemed to be a group of lunatics.

These melee professionals vented all their frustrations on these people.

"I surrender! I surrender!"

Several men in the back knelt on the ground and raised their hands.

"What is he talking about?"

"I am not good at foreign languages ​​and don't understand."

"Then kill him."

The four words "surrender but not kill" did not appear in Zero's dictionary.

Ten minutes later, the clothes of the four people were stained with blood, and there were only corpses on the ground.

The blood flowed down the ramp.

The mood of the four people instantly improved.

But when they came back and saw the iron chain in Wen Ruyu's hand, their expressions became complicated again.

You told me this is the fifth level?

You call a person who solves six ninth levels in three minutes the fifth level?

Even if you let a ninth level person come, he can't do it, okay.

Don't talk about them, even Wu Yu would accept it No.

He now doubted more and more whether Chu Hanqiu had tricked him.

What the hell was the information provided? That information and Wen Ruyu in front of him were two different people!

Wu Yu went forward to check the situation of the six people.

One was blind, one had a blown lower body, and one had a wound on the top of his head and looked dead.

In short, the six people were more or less injured.


Wu Yu found white unknown powder on them.

He touched a little with his finger, but couldn't tell what it was, so he could only ask Wen Ruyu.

"What are these white powders?"

In Wu Yu's opinion, perhaps this thing is the key to Wen Ruyu's victory.

Compared with Wen Ruyu's own strong strength, victory by external objects is more acceptable.

Unfortunately, he thought too much.

"This, lime powder. The ninth-level professional is stronger than I thought, and I can only use this method to restrict the opponent. Even if it's only one or two seconds, it's enough. "

Level 9? Powerful?

Do you think it's appropriate for you to say this?

Wu Yu didn't want to talk anymore. He felt like he needed a psychologist to counsel him.

The other members clenched their fists and lowered their heads.

I couldn't listen any more. I couldn't listen any more!

Are we all from the same planet? Why is the gap so big?

"Ahem, let's kill these six and go back."

"Captain, what about the others here..."

"Remember our purpose. Those who haven't stepped out of the door are not considered enemies."

All those who left the room died on the ground.

At four in the morning, everyone returned to the base.

"Chu Hanqiu, send Wen Ruyu to rest."

Seeing the two leave, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Captain, what's the point of our cultivation? We can't even beat a Level 5 professional, and he's been awakened for less than a year!"

Wait!! Less than a year? Level 5?

Mom, I want to go home!

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