The two of them were in a state of panic, but they were in a state of panic.

"Ahem, this... I may not be able to go back to Fengjing, but I can go back to China. At most, I can just use the teleportation array, it's no big deal."


Jiang Li has become accustomed to this, and as for the others, they can only accept the reality.

Wen Ruyu ignored the expressions of the crowd and looked down.

Originally, he thought they needed to go to the wild, but he didn't expect it to be easier.

While they were talking, the source beast had already run to their location downstairs, and it seemed that the level was not very high.

Judging from the number of source beasts in the distance, this should be considered a large beast tide, and the predicted number should be around 100,000.


"Let's go down."

When he got to the ground, Wen Ruyu checked the levels of several source beasts, which were generally between levels 50-70.

It seems that the source beast tide is mainly composed of mid-level source beasts.

"Brother Yu, are we helping them solve the source beast tide?" Zhan Mingyu scratched his head.

Why does it feel a bit wrong?

Wen Ruyu stroked his chin, and it seemed right to think so.

But this is in the city, not the city of his own country, so it's normal to do whatever he wants.

"We are all Blue Star people, it's normal to help, but there will inevitably be some bumps in the city. For example..."

Wen Ruyu waved his hand, and a giant tornado appeared.

And what was swept into the air was not only the source beasts, but also various chairs and street lamps, and even a few Sakura professionals.

"I understand."

Several people nodded repeatedly.

Lin Ran immediately used his sea of ​​fire skills.

When her sea of ​​fire met Wen Ruyu's tornado, it turned into a fire tornado, and its destructive power was raised to a new level. Several nearby buildings were also damaged to varying degrees.

I understand it better this time.

In a word, if it is not your place, you can do whatever you want.

"You guys upgrade, I'll take care of the others."


The five of them formed a formation and walked towards the source beast in front.

Wen Ruyu stood behind him with a leisurely look.

[Trigger the empty hand, get a medium amount of source power. ]

[Trigger the empty hand, get [Call of the Wild Lv2] x1]

[Trigger the empty hand, the physique reaches the upper limit, intelligence +2]


Looking at the intelligence that popped up from time to time, Wen Ruyu nodded with satisfaction.

It must be the beast tide, this intelligence is comfortable.

Compared with the hard work of Zhao Qian and others in front, he was much more leisurely.

He even had the leisure to observe the surroundings.

Ten minutes later.

A team of professionals appeared in front of them.

"Who are you and why are you wearing masks? (Sakura language)" There were six people in total, and the leader who spoke had a sharp face and looked like a bad guy.


Wen Ruyu gestured randomly and shouted.

The man was stunned: "He is a mute. (Sakura language)"

"Take off your masks, I suspect you are spies..."

Swoosh! Bang!

Wen Ruyu kicked the man and the man flew directly into the sky.

"What are you talking about? You have become a mute, and you are still talking endlessly. Are you forcing me to do it?"


The man fell to the ground, and the severe pain made him unable to speak.

At this time, Wen Ruyu's eyes lit up.

[Trigger the magic hand, physical fitness reaches the upper limit, intelligence +22]

[Trigger the magic hand, gain medium source power. 】

[Trigger the Empty Hand, get [One Slash Lv3]X1]


Yes, yes, yes, please continue to be hostile.

Wen Ruyu thought of a way to brush up intelligence.

After the last Empty Hand was used up, the six people turned into corpses and fell to the ground.

Some things are useless after they are used up.

Beast tide? What beast tide?

Even if there is no beast tide, he does not plan to go back.

Isn't it nice to brush up intelligence here!

Wen Ruyu turned his head to look at Zhao Qian and the others. They can now easily deal with the source beasts.

After all, they are in the city, the road is so wide, and they only need to face four or five source beasts at a time, which is not a big problem.

He came in front of several people and killed several source beasts casually.

"I'm going to take a look around, you guys should be careful."

"Ah? Brother Yu, you just left us like this? What if there is a source beast of more than 80 levels?"

Not to mention level 80, even if it is a source beast of more than 70 levels, he

We can't guarantee that we can deal with it easily.

"You have to learn to grow up. If you can't beat them, can you run away? People can only grow in adversity."

Zhan Mingyu's mouth twitched.

Is this adversity?

If you really encounter it, it will be a dead end.

"If you have anything, contact me through the intercom."

Wen Ruyu pointed to the headphones on his ears, and then left here.

The few people looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed.

"What should we do now?"

With Wen Ruyu, they can act boldly without worrying about danger.

If they can't beat them, just shouting is enough.

But now that he is gone, they can't do it the way they did before.

"Or we should keep a certain distance."

"Well, Lin Ran released a goshawk to check the situation behind us so that we don't get surrounded."

They can still hide from the source beasts in front, but they can't do anything about the source beasts behind.

Once they are surrounded, things will be troublesome.

Compared to Zhao Qian and the others who were timid, Wen Ruyu seemed unbridled.

Here, he didn't even need to sneak, he just ran on the street.

And the speed was very slow.

Wen Ruyu's eyes kept checking the situation in each street.

The number of professionals was pitifully small.

"No, there should be many professionals."

He came to a team of professionals.

Seeing the mask on his face, the Sakura people were stunned.

"Who are you?"

"The Sakura language is chirping again."


Wen Ruyu's eyes lit up, and the other party immediately became hostile to him after he finished speaking.

This is too simple.

[Triggering the empty hand...]

"Baga, do it!"

"Fuck you..."

He is a civilized person, and he said sorry before taking action.

Wen Ruyu easily solved five professionals and continued to look for the next target.

Fuck your mother...

Fuck your mother...


An hour passed.

Wen Ruyu met 8 teams with more than 60 people, and gained more than 370 intelligence points in total.

Just ask if you are comfortable and happy!

However, he found that there are very few people of this profession.

"Isn't this an important area? But there are civilians here?"

He looked around and found that there were more or less people in each building, but no one came to rescue.

It's really a strange country.

It's a pity that he couldn't understand the Sakura language, otherwise he could ask the reason.

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