The more he tried, the more he realized his mistake.

Wen Ruyu was indeed in no danger, as he had already used up all the nearby source beasts.

He had already run to the side.

[Trigger the Empty Hands skill to gain a small amount of source power]

[Trigger the Empty Hands skill to gain a small amount of source power]


This is what he wanted!

In just this period of time, Wen Ruyu felt that the source power in his body was increasing rapidly, which was much faster than that obtained by killing source beasts.

Perhaps within a week, he would be able to reach the advanced level of the second stage!

An hour later, Wen Ruyu returned to the team and his figure appeared.

"Damn! When did you come back?"

Zhan Mingyu was paying attention to the situation of Zhao Qian and the others in front of him. Wen Ruyu's sudden appearance scared him.

This stealth ability is really annoying. He wondered if he should learn an anti-stealth skill.

Although stealth is not invisibility, the effect is almost the same.

"Just arrived." Wen Ruyu replied casually.

Glancing at Zhao Qian and the others fighting in the distance, he had used the abilities of those source beasts.

He opened his personal information with peace of mind.

[Name: Wen Ruyu]

[Age: 18 years old]

[Occupation: Thief]

[Potential: C-level]

[Level: Second-level intermediate]

[Attributes: Strength: 184

Vital strength: 161

Agility: 222

Intelligence: 131]

[Talented skills: [Lock picking Lv1 (66/100)]

[Unique - Magical Hands lv4 (7854/10000)]]

[Skills: [Thorns entangled] x1 [Lightning gun Lv2] x1...

[Sap Lv2 (45/500)], [Steal]]

Wen Ruyu basically doesn't care about his own attributes now, and can't judge according to common sense at all.

What he cares about most is that Magical Hands will soon reach Lv5, and after level 5 is the highest level.

"I didn't expect this skill to upgrade much faster than I thought."

Wen Ruyu looked at Zhan Mingyu beside him: "What are your four attributes?"

"Ah, me. Strength 35, Constitution 55, Agility 45, Intelligence 145, in fact, my attributes are very average." Zhan Mingyu touched his nose.

Wen Ruyu didn't think this attribute was anything special, at most it was seriously biased.

But shouldn't this be a very normal thing? Whether it is a priest or a mage, it is normal to have a high intelligence.

What he didn't expect was that the other three attributes didn't even exceed 50.

In this comparison, his attributes far exceeded theirs.

It's just that the skills can't be compared, only the knocking club has a good effect, and this is based on his attribute improvement.

If it's an ordinary thief, tut tut.


One afternoon three days later, Wen Ruyu's magic hand was upgraded again.

[Unique-Magic Hand Lv5 (0/100000): Within 15 meters, 30% can steal a random item from the target. 35% can steal 1-10 random attribute points from the target. 23% can steal a certain cultivation level from the opponent. 12% can steal the opponent's skills (one-time). (Can only be used on hostile targets, and can be used twice on the same target)]

Wen Ruyu's eyelids twitched, 100,000 experience points!!

How long will this take?

To attack 50,000 source beasts!

Even if the daily limit is 500, it will take 100 days.

Wen Ruyu exhaled a breath of turbid air, it doesn't matter, no matter how much it changes, it's nothing more than a change in data.

"Let's go, let's go back."

The group returned to the isolation zone.

"Let's take a day off together tomorrow. We have been fighting for a long time. Let's combine work and rest." Zhao Qian stretched.

The most tired one here is Zhao Qian, who has to resist damage and deal damage.

"I don't have any objection."

Wen Ruyu also wanted to rest. Since awakening, he has not stopped.

"Then it's settled. I heard that there's a new amusement park in the western suburbs, but I haven't been there yet."

Western suburbs? Amusement park?

If Wen Ruyu remembers correctly, it seems to have been open for a year.

Haven't been there yet?

Well, he hasn't been there either. He's wanted to go for a long time, but he never had the extra money.

The next morning.

Zhao Qian and the others drove directly to Wen Ruyu's building, picked him up and headed straight to the western suburbs.

"By the way, Ruyu, when are you going to get a driver's license? Let's take turns driving." Zhan Mingyu said as

He said while driving.

"I haven't bought a car and I don't want to take the test." Want him to drive, no way.

Zhan Mingyu's mouth twitched: "How can you say this, you haven't earned money in so many days?"

"This money is definitely not enough. Besides, buying a car is a waste of money. Isn't it better to take your car?"

Zhan Mingyu sighed lightly. It seems that he will have to drive himself in the future.

An hour and a half later, the group arrived at the amusement park.

Although today is Thursday, there are still many people here.

"I remember the last time I went to the amusement park was when I was in elementary school." Wang Mengxing looked at the amusement facilities inside with envy.

"Everyone should be about the same."

"Okay, since you are here, buy a ticket and go in."

The five people are like bumpkins. They want to play any amusement facilities they see.

There is no way. The five people have hardly been to the amusement park.

At noon, they just found a fast food restaurant and had a casual meal.

"By the way, can there only be five people in a team?" Wen Ruyu was quite curious.

The more people in the team, the faster the battle speed should be, why must there be five people?

"That's not the case, the maximum number is 10, but the upgrade speed will be slower. The same killing of 5 source beasts will reduce the source power obtained. So the five-person team is a relatively standard team mode, and it is also the most basic team mode.

The next is the six-person team and the seven-person team, but the number is much smaller than that of the five-person team."

After all, the purpose of the team's existence is to obtain more source power.

Wen Ruyu nodded, it was the first time he heard of this statement.

But think about it, because he has never participated in killing source beasts, he has not obtained any source power.

The source power of each killed source beast was divided by the four of them, and all his source power was obtained by Miaoshoukongkong.


An unusual roar sounded.

Zhao Qian and the other four hurriedly looked out the window, nothing.

"This sound... could it be that a secret realm has appeared?" Zhao Qian frowned.

"The sound is very similar, but I don't know where it appears."

"Go out and have a look."

Wen Ruyu followed the four people in confusion and walked out of the store

Only a blue pillar of light appeared at the gate of the amusement park.

"This color should be the primary secret realm."

"It should be. It seems that we can't play. Don't get too close for a while. A small tide of source beasts will appear when the secret realm appears. Be careful."

With a flash of light, everyone changed into combat equipment.

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