The next period of time, except for the days when they need to go back to school.

Wen Ruyu went to the three primary secret realms with them every day.

It's a pity that they have been there for so long, and they have never encountered the treasure chest secret place.

The last day of September.

Wen Ruyu has stepped into the second-level advanced for a few days, but there is still a certain distance from the third-level primary.

As the level increases, more source power is required.

However, it was okay in the early stage. The upgrade from the third-level advanced to the fourth-level and the upgrade from the sixth-level advanced to the seventh-level are two huge watersheds.

And the amount of source power required for these two watersheds is not small at all.

"It's not that easy to find a treasure chest secret place. It depends on luck. I don't know how many professionals have never seen a secret place even if they have reached the eighth level."

Seeing Wen Ruyu still looking for a treasure chest secret place, Zhan Mingyu couldn't help but say.

It's not that he wants to hit Wen Ruyu, but the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

It's better not to let him have too much hope from the beginning.

Wen Ruyu sighed lightly: "But I want to improve my lock picking skills. The probability of encountering a treasure chest is too low."

"You have made so much money, just buy a black iron box to open it."

Wen Ruru's mouth twitched. The black iron box is cheap, 500 each.

But the number required for subsequent upgrades is not small at all. How much money will it cost to upgrade the level.

"Let's talk about this later, don't rush."

"There is an elite source beast ahead, everyone be careful." Zhao Qian's voice came from the front.

"Got it."

The group approached the elite source beast, and at this moment a cheetah jumped out of the woods nearby.

[Shadow Cheetah (Elite)]

[Race: Beast Tribe]

[Level: Lv30]

[Attributes: Strength: 100

Physique: 350

Agility: 270

Intelligence: 180]

"Be careful!!"

Zhao Qian hurriedly ran back.

However, the short distance of 10 meters was like a natural moat.

It can only be said that the cheetah's speed was too fast. Almost in an instant, it pounced on Zhan Mingyu and Lin Ran in the middle of the team.

Watching the cheetah's figure enlarge in their pupils, Zhan Mingyu and Lin Ran were already frozen in place.

"Shield strike! Thorns entangled!!"

Wen Ruyu instantly appeared in front of the two people, and a shield as tall as a person stood in front of him to block the cheetah's path.

Then vines full of barbs grew on the ground and entangled the cheetah fiercely.

The shadow cheetah was stunned. It was a source beast known for its speed, but it actually lost to a human of a lower level than it! !

This is impossible!

Wen Ruyu doesn't care whether it is possible or not.

He took out a two-meter-long wooden stick from his backpack and hit the cheetah with it.


The stun effect appeared.


Wen Ruyu immediately changed to a poisoned dagger and stabbed it into the cheetah's neck.

-999 Weakness fatal blow!

The cheetah fell to the ground and lost its breath.

The whole process took less than 2 seconds.

Wen Ruyu exhaled a breath and wiped the sweat from his head.

Fortunately, the last time the secret realm descended, he stole so many attributes, otherwise he really didn't dare to make a move.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Wen Ruyu's face froze.

Oops! I'm exposed! !

What to do!

He slowly turned his head and saw four people staring at him in a daze.

"Ahaha, I'll help you kill this source beast when you're in a hurry. As expected, human potential can explode at the most dangerous time. I don't think it's incredible whether I'm very powerful or not."

If I can fool one person, I'll fool them.

If I can't fool them, I'll just say that I'm afraid of death and I'll try my best.

Wen Ruyu comforted himself in his heart.

Second-level advanced, still a low-level professional.

Although professionals can't kill each other, what if you are targeted by someone?

However, the development of things is somewhat different from what he thought.

"Damn it! Damn it! You actually won the duel! You've been lying to us all the time, right? You are definitely a dual-professional, and the other profession is an assassin, right!"

Zhan Mingyu was excited and said loudly!

The spit was flying all over the sky, almost flying to Wen Ruyu's face.

But at this time he didn't care about these, but the dual profession that the other party mentioned. You are so imaginative, aren't you? I haven't said anything yet!

But just now he used a dagger as his weapon, and with the quick and fatal blow, he really looked like an assassin.

"Woo, I was scared to death just now, I thought I was dead. Thank you Ruyu, I didn't expect you to have dual professions." Lin Ran started crying.

How could she not cry when she was so close to death.

"Ruyu, you actually hid something. You have been with us for so long, but you didn't tell us that you have dual professions."

Looking at Wang Mengxing, Wen Ruyu felt a headache.

This matter is a bit difficult to deal with.

Admit it, what if there is no assassin skill later?

Don't admit it, how to explain this damage.

Even if you admit that you are an assassin, how to explain this damage that far exceeds that of an assassin.

Headache, really headache.

Zhao Qian on the side looked puzzled. She remembered that Wen Ruyu had used the ability of stealing before, which should be the dual ability when awakening.

But why is there a dual profession now?

Can dual abilities and dual professions coexist?

Or does he have three innate skills?

But I have never heard of anyone with dual professions who has three skills at the beginning?

And he just used a stun club, a skill of a thief, this...

Zhao Qian felt that if she continued to think about it, her CPU would be about to smoke.

Wen Ruyu, who was standing by, was a little confused by the praise.

These people in front of him almost believed that he was an assassin and a thief. This is not okay.

Wen Ruyu's eyes turned and he sighed softly.

"Alas~ I didn't want to say it originally, but I still said it. In fact, this matter is quite sad, and I have never wanted to face it.

In fact, I am not a dual-class, I am a half-class. The assassin class is only half, because I have and only have one assassin talent skill, called a strike.

A strike is a passive, that is, using a dagger weapon can increase the corresponding attack power."

Wen Ruyu was dejected and looked sad.

As if he was sad because of the situation of the assassin class.

"Brother Yu! What's the big deal? It's just an assassin skill. I'll buy it for you later!"

"Yes, you can learn 6 skills by yourself. I'll buy you a powerful assassin skill later!"

"And I..."

Wen Ruyu gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes: "Thank you so much!"

Fortunately, thieves can learn assassin skills, otherwise he really couldn't make up such a story.

Looking at the four people who believed in him, Wen Ruyu felt a little guilty.

I don't want to lie to you, but Zhan Mingyu has paved the way for me. If I don't walk, it will be a waste.

Fortunately, no one noticed the entanglement ability.

When I become the thief god in the future, I will take you to fly!

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