After they entered the secret realm, they found the location of the treasure house under the guidance of Zhang San.

It was in a cave.

After opening the door, the situation inside was completely different from other treasure houses.

Other treasure houses were like secret rooms, but this one was a cave hall.

And at the moment they opened the door, a small light door similar to the door of the secret realm appeared.

"Zhang San, are you sure this is a treasure house?"

"...I think so. Isn't the door just now a kind of treasure house door?"

Zhang San was not very sure in his heart. After all, the situation in front of him was too different.

Then, source beasts continued to emerge from the light door.

They originally wanted to kill a wave of source beasts to prevent them from coming out, but there was no way to kill them all.

In the end, they had no choice but to come out of the secret realm.

Watching these source beasts run away.

"By the way, this direction should be Fengjing..."

Kuaidao looked at the direction where the source beasts were heading.

"It's Fengjing, but most of the source beasts went to other places, and only a quarter went to Fengjing, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

Zhang Hongyu looked at these source beasts, lit a cigarette, and murmured.

"I hope they can notice it, otherwise we will be sinners."

This was a situation they did not expect.

If he knew there were source beasts inside, Zhang Hongyu would never open the door.

Looking at the number of source beasts slowly decreasing under his feet.

"Let's start hunting, and stop some of them. Although the source power can't be increased much, a mosquito is still meat no matter how small it is."


"The number is increasing, and the source beasts behind are getting denser and denser. The goshawk has already flown 20 kilometers away, and some source beasts have gone to other places, otherwise there will be more."

Jiang Li said.

Wen Ruyu frowned, what on earth is this?

He glanced at the time, it was almost 11 o'clock, and looking at this situation, it might not be an hour.

Given the density of the source beasts below, Wen Ruyu didn't dare to force a fight.

Escape is possible, but forget about starting a war.

He looked at the source beasts below, where are these source beasts going?

In a room near the isolation zone, dense red dots appeared on a computer.

The lazy staff on the chair sat up straight in an instant and pressed the red button on the table.

A piercing alarm sounded through the sky.

"A number of unknown source beasts appeared 30 kilometers to the east, estimated to be thousands. The trajectory of their movements is unclear, there is no obvious gathering behavior, no obvious attacking behavior, and the advancement speed is slow..."

The staff became more and more confused as they spoke. This situation seemed to be a bit wrong. This did not seem to be a tide of source beasts.

And the professionals in the isolation zone on the east side were also listening to this in confusion.

Is this dangerous or not?

"All guards will stick to their posts, and the front-line combat personnel will leave the city to block the source beasts 10 kilometers away. The fish that slipped through the net will be dealt with by the guards."

A man in black combat uniform and with a resolute face came to the isolation zone.


At this time, the two people in charge of guarding the gate came to the man.

"Team, this is the team outside tonight. Eight teams have left this gate."

People from the other two gates also rushed over.

"We have four teams here."

"Seven teams."

Looking at the information above, the captain's face changed and he took a deep breath.

"The mobile team will search and bring back the people."

If those people are smart, they should still be alive.

If they are greedy...

There are not a few people who die in the source beast tide every year.

Even though the official has emphasized it many times, there are still many people who want to take this opportunity to make a fortune.

The captain looked at the three lists again, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.


"Can you two, Zhan Mingyu and Lin Ran, jump over?" Wen Ruyu pointed to a tree five meters ahead and asked.

"It should be possible." Zhan Mingyu was a little uncertain.

Although he is just a priest, his attributes are there, and this distance may be possible.

"Remember to save me later, I'll try to jump."

After speaking, Zhan Mingyu adjusted the direction and jumped hard.

It seems that the distance is not well controlled, and the two feet stepped a little off.

The whole person fell on the tree branch.

"It hurts!"

Zhan Mingyu only felt that his stomach

The whole stomach was churning as if it had been hit hard.

Wen Ruyu's mouth twitched, how could she be so weak?

Seeing Zhan Mingyu like that, Lin Ran didn't even dare to jump.

Wen Ruyu sighed softly.

"Zhao Qian, Wang Mengxing, are you two okay?"

They shook their heads.

"Jiang Li, you carry Lin Ran, I'll take care of Zhan Mingyu."


Carrying just one person is nothing to Jiang Li.

Wen Ruyu jumped to Zhan Mingyu and carried him directly on his shoulders.

Seeing this, Jiang Li on the other side also carried Lin Ran on his shoulders, but he didn't think about carrying her.

Lin Ran was quite happy at first, and this time he finally carried her on his back.

But when he saw his posture, Lin Ran gave up.

It doesn't matter if he carries her.

"Let's go!"

The source beasts below were running around, and Wen Ruyu and his group were jumping around in a forest.

Just when they were 20 kilometers away from the isolation zone, they met a team in combat uniforms.

"It's the mobile members of the garrison!" Zhao Qian's face lit up.

They saw the mobile personnel, and the mobile personnel also saw them.

He turned and came directly to the few people.

"Are you the team that came to the wild tonight?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

"Follow us, don't worry about the source beasts below."

The members of the mobile team are all seventh-level professionals, and they are not worried about safety issues when facing source beasts of this level.

What's more, this is not a source beast tide.

Twenty minutes later, everyone returned to the isolation zone and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, I almost thought I was going to die outside." Zhan Mingyu relaxed.

Facing those source beasts in the wild, Zhan Mingyu was in a tense state.

"This is just the beginning. If it's a source beast tide, it's not too late for you to have this idea again." Zhao Qian shook her head.

This is indeed dangerous, but it is far less dangerous than a source beast tide.

"Come with me."

A guard brought several people to the captain.

"Second brother!"

Zhao Qian looked at the man in front of her in surprise. She didn't expect it to be her second brother.

"Zhao Qian, how dare you go out at night? Don't you know you are only at the second level?"

Zhao Mingyuan looked at Zhao Qian seriously.

"...Second brother, I am at the beginning of the third level, otherwise I can't go out." Zhao Qian said weakly.

Zhao Mingyuan's face froze. When did he become the third level? How come he didn't know.


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