Three hours later, everyone finished their meal.

"There are more teams around here." Zhan Mingyu looked around.

There are four teams as far as the eye can see.

You can imagine how many teams there are around.

"There is no way, there are too many teams coming out today. Many teams did not go to the secret realm today, but chose to come here."

The density of source beasts today is indeed much better than that in the secret realm. After all, there is no need to work hard to find source beasts.

Zhao Qian looked at Jiang Li: "Take a look at the teams and source beasts in the distance. If not, let's change positions."

When there are many teams, friction is inevitable.

But they are here to upgrade today, and they don't want to have friction with others.

The number of source beasts hunted this morning alone is enough to catch up with the number of yesterday.

They don't have time to waste.

Jiang Li nodded and controlled the hawk in the sky to fly far away.

"The team at 40 kilometers is smaller, and the source beast team there is not too dense, which is just right for us."

As for 50 kilometers, in Jiang Li's opinion, the situation is similar to last night, and the number is too large.

Unless there is a source beast tide, the official will not send people to clean it up.

These source beasts are both source power and money for ordinary professionals.

"Then how about we go to a place 40 kilometers away?" Zhao Qian looked at the others.

Everyone shook their heads and had no opinion.

The group did not drive, but flew directly over the ground.

The source beasts they met on the road were killed one after another.

Wen Ruyu tried the upgraded Miaoshoukongkong.

[Trigger the magic empty hand, physical fitness +11]

[Trigger the magic empty hand, get [Iron Armor Lv2] x1]

[Trigger the magic empty hand, get a small amount of source power]


The range of 50 meters is too good for Wen Ruyu.

As long as he can see the source beast, he has basically stolen it.

In just 10 kilometers, he has stolen hundreds of times.

"Tsk tsk, this attribute growth is scary."

In just 10 kilometers, the attribute increased by more than 100, and it took only half an hour.

At this speed, he suspected that his total attribute would exceed 10,000 when he reached the fifth level.

"Everyone be careful, there are a lot of source beasts nearby."

Zhao Qian said with a shield in hand.


Faced with so many source beasts, except for the initial panic, everyone slowly adapted to it.

This is also thanks to Wen Ruyu's previous high-intensity training.

Wen Ruyu held a dagger in his hand, and his eyes were wandering around.

Miaoshoukongkong never stopped.

Wen Ruyu joined the battle only after all the nearby source beasts had been used.

Although all of them were used, there were still some that slipped through the net because there were too many of them.

But he didn't care about it. There were hundreds of source beasts, so it wouldn't be a big deal if a few were missed.


At 5 pm, everyone started to return. When they returned to 30 kilometers, they clearly felt that the number of source beasts had decreased.

"Looking at the situation this year, this isolation zone should be able to advance 20 kilometers outward."

Zhan Mingyu said as he looked at the situation around him.

From the time they awakened and came to the wild, there were not too many source beasts near the city.

According to the past, it should have been advanced this year.

Zhao Qian nodded: "Is it what my second brother said? It is expected to advance about 50 kilometers by the end of this year. Those secret realms will be circled separately, and then we can enter them from the city."

50 kilometers is already a very large number.

In previous years, it was only advanced about 20 kilometers.

And these 20 kilometers will shrink again after experiencing several more beast tides.

To put it bluntly, 20 kilometers is a buffer zone. If it does not advance, the city will shrink by 20 kilometers.

For a city, this length is really unbearable.

Wen Ruyu suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Qian and others stopped and looked at Wen Ruyu in confusion.

At this time, the distance from the city was less than 15 kilometers.

"Do you... feel the ground shaking?"

Wen Ruyu looked at the trees around him. The leaves were shaking slightly, and the frequency was very fast. It didn't seem to be blown by the wind.

Several people looked at the leaves and felt the soles of their feet.

It seemed that there was indeed a vibration.

Could it be...

"Source beast tide?"

Several people looked at each other. Didn't they already experience this year?

Twice, is the third coming?

It shouldn't be, hasn't it always been only twice over the years?

"No matter whether it is or not, let's go back to the isolation zone first. If it is, our safety can still be guaranteed."

Zhao Qian glanced behind her, her eyes full of worry.

If it is really a tide of source beasts, it is not a good thing.

The vibration is getting more and more obvious, far beyond the number of source beasts yesterday.


This feeling is getting more and more obvious, and the distance is not far away.

As soon as everyone entered the isolation zone, they saw teams of mobile team members running out of the isolation zone.

But compared to the number of people outside, such a small team is not enough.

"It seems that there is really a tide of source beasts." Zhao Qian glanced at the busy garrison troops around and said.

At this moment, a voice came from the loudspeakers around.

"The low-level source beast tide has appeared 50 kilometers away from the city. At present, it seems that there are about 100,000 of them. The first, second and third battalions of the garrison army, please go through the three gates and defend 30 kilometers away!"

Teams of people poured out from the three gates.

Later, people kept coming back from the wild in the gates.

Among them, there were some people with missing arms and legs.

And the number of such people increased as time went by.

It can only be described as tragic.

"Wow, my teammates are all dead!!"

"Please, save our teammates..."

"What should I do, what should I do, my teammates are scattered!!"


Some teams returned with all their members, some teams were injured, and some teams...can no longer be called teams.

The worst one only survived one person.

Wen Ruyu shook his head: "What should we do? Should we go to help, or...just watch?"

He wanted to help, but he couldn't say that he would do so?

"Of course we have to help. This is the duty and obligation of the professional team. We just have to wait for official notification. They will set up a line of defense first, and we will help near the line of defense."

Professionals will participate in every source beast tide.

Not only because the source power can enable them to upgrade, but more importantly, participating in the beast tide will earn points.

For super combat professionals, every beast tide is an opportunity.

Zhao Qian glanced at Wen Ruyu and Jiang Li and said, "You probably don't know that you can get points by participating in the beast tide. Points can be exchanged for weapons, skills, materials, etc. in the official trading center. Many things that cannot be bought at ordinary times can be exchanged."

It's just that many things can't be exchanged.

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