The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Outside the East Suburbs Isolation Zone, inside the first line of defense.

Wen Ruyu played with the dagger in his hand, looking at the professionals fighting in the distance.

"Aren't you going today?"

Zhao Qian shook her head: "We also want to help, but our strength..."

We don't have enough strength, so we don't dare to step forward.

She didn't dare to resist this level of source beast.

Not to mention Zhan Mingyu and the others, they would die if they were touched.

Look at what level of professionals are present now.

They are all level 5 or above professionals, and there are fewer level 4 than yesterday.

Wen Ruyu looked at the dagger in his hand: "In that case, I'll leave first."

He looked at the source beast in the distance, his eyes shining.

The scale of the source beast tide this time is large, but the speed of human support is very fast, and there is no chance for them to break through the defense line.

After all, the source beasts this time are only in this direction. If they are in four directions at the same time, it will be dangerous.

"Well, then you should pay attention to your own safety."

Since Wen Ruyu was able to return safely yesterday, it is the same today.

They are not as worried as yesterday.


Wen Ruyu disappeared on the spot and ran straight into the distance.

Zhan Mingyu and others looked envious, when will they be able to do this.

"We have to work hard too. We can't go to the secret realm for the time being, so let's go exercise?"

Although the physique will become stronger if the level is increased, if you want to really become stronger, you must be at least level five.

And it is a combat profession.

For auxiliary professions like them, no matter how strong the physique becomes, it can't compare to combat professions.

"Okay, there happens to be a gym in my house, let's go there." Lin Ran suggested.

"I almost forgot that your family has this kind of business. Why don't you talk to your family and open one near our community? The location is not bad."

Zhan Mingyu smiled meanly.

Lin Ran rolled her eyes: "Let me ask, I'm not sure."

Although she is the eldest daughter of the Lin family, it is really hard to say whether this kind of thing will work.


Wen Ruyu was not very fast. She jumped on the few trees while looking at the source beasts below.

The current number of source beasts is much less than yesterday.

"It seems that they didn't stop in the second half of the night yesterday."

When he went back yesterday, there were still many source beasts here. I didn't expect that there would be so many fewer in just one night.

Boom boom boom! !

One by one, flaming meteors fell from the sky, and dozens or hundreds of source beasts died one after another.

After a while.

"Puh puh puh~~"

Wen Ruyu sat on the tree, looking at the smoke and dust behind him speechlessly.

"Brother, can you notify me when you start?"

He fled the scene as soon as he felt the energy fluctuation.

If it weren't for his strong attributes, he would have to die here.

The smoke and dust dissipated, leaving thousands of source beast corpses on the ground. It has to be said that the damage of high-level professionals is strong enough.

Wen Ruyu continued to move forward and came to a position 50 kilometers away, which was the tail of the source beast team.

"It seems that it may end today."

Looking at it this way, this beast tide is a lot of thunder and little rain.

If it was the previous beast tide, it would not end in less than a week.

I think the space crack in the distance did not exist for too long.

Wen Ruyu looked at the source beast below and smiled.

"Come on, let me try the growth weapon."

[Trigger the empty hand, strength +9]

[Trigger the empty hand, get a medium amount of source power]


Before hunting, you still have to use the things that should be used, and don't waste them.


"Report, according to the current situation, this batch of beasts can be solved by nine o'clock tonight." The staff sitting in front of the screen looked happy.

I didn't expect that this beast tide would be solved so quickly.

Zhao Mingyuan frowned, this beast tide was too strange.


A figure appeared beside him.

"Second Young Master."

Zhao Mingyuan looked helpless: "Uncle Qian, just call me by my name."

Qian Wudi and his father are of the same generation, and he is a ninth-level professional. Calling him Young Master is a bit unbearable.

But in Qian Wudi's view, his father saved him, and he is willing to protect this family.

"Okay, Second Young Master."


Tired, destroy it.

After so many years, it can't be changed no matter how it is changed, alas~


When I went to that place, I found that the space crack was not formed naturally, but was controlled by someone. "

Qian Wudi's face was serious.

Zhao Mingyuan's eyes were dark and unclear, someone was controlling it.

Could it be...

"The Church of the Savior?"

Qian Wudi nodded: "It should be them. In this world, no one else should do such a thing except them. But it can be seen that their technology is not proficient, otherwise..."

According to the idea of ​​their organization, if they had proficient technology, they would definitely release high-level source beasts.

Instead of choosing mid-level source beasts.

As for those primary source beasts, they may be the product of the first experiment.


"This organization is really lingering. Why do they always go against humans? Aren't they humans themselves?"

Zhao Mingyuan rubbed his eyebrows. This organization has existed for too long.

Something happens every year.

"In fact, there is no need to worry too much about this organization. They can't make too much waves now. And it's not just us. Several other countries have also been attacked by this wave of source beasts. "

Qian Wudi shook his head.

He had fought against this organization several times.

And the time when Zhao Mingyuan's father saved him was the last time he fought against this organization.

Thinking of that time, Qian Wudi was in a trance.

The guardian...

It's not the most powerful one, but the two messengers, whose strength far exceeds that of ordinary ninth-level seniors. I really don't know what adventures they have experienced.

"Forget it, let the people above take care of this matter, because I am just a small city guard."

Zhao Mingyuan took out his mobile phone and called the high-level of the garrison and told the other party the news he got.

"Okay, I know."

Seeing Zhao Mingyuan hang up the phone, Qian Wudi hurriedly asked: "What did they say."

"What else can I say? Of course, continue to report. After all, we are just the garrison, so this matter should be left to capable people. "

Zhao Mingyuan shrugged.

Qian Wudi nodded. This approach was reasonable.

There are four official combat departments in China.

The garrison troops responsible for guarding one side.

The border guards responsible for guarding the border.

The Thunder Army responsible for closing the secret realm.

And the mysterious Zero Force responsible for external affairs.

These four departments are all the forces in China.

As for what is in the dark, even he, a ninth-level professional, does not know.

But it can be said that this organization really can't cause much trouble in China, otherwise they would not open the cracks and disappear.

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