"What should we do now?"

Things were different from what we imagined. Two of them were attracted directly, which made it difficult to deal with.

Wen Ruyu waved her hand: "It's not a big problem."

[Heavy Armor Shield Warrior (Golden Boss)]

[Race: Humanoid]

[Level: Lv65]

[Attributes: Strength: 600

Physique: 1215

Agility: 105

Intelligence: 255]

As long as you punch a hole, the rest will not be a problem.

Isn't it just a high physique? It's not a big problem.

You should know that his physique is not bad. Although it is not as good as the physique of this humanoid beast, it is enough to be stronger than him.

Moreover, his agility is over 800 points, and it is difficult to touch him now.

Zhao Qian couldn't help but doubt it. This is a level 65 gold boss, and it is not so easy to deal with.

Wen Ruyu went into stealth mode directly, holding an iron rod and quickly rushed behind the uninjured source beast.


It must be said that a blunt weapon is a blunt weapon. No matter how thick you are wearing, the damage can still be dealt.



Wen Ruyu's figure also appeared, but it didn't matter.

Quickly moved behind another source beast, facing the hole in the back, the dagger swished down.



A super high number collapsed.

Wen Ruyu pulled out the dagger and made two more attacks.

-521, -643

Adding the damage caused by Jiang Li before, this level 65 gold boss died like this.

The other one did the same thing and it was done in a few minutes.

Wen Ruyu turned his head and looked at the tree and shrugged: "In the face of absolute strength, it's useless to hide in a turtle shell."

Zhan Mingyu's mouth twitched, and he uttered two words: "Pervert."

The people on the two trees next to him nodded subconsciously.

It's indeed a pervert.


Half an hour later, a group of people stood there looking at the box in front of them.

"What should we do with this?" Jiang Li asked, looking at the box.

To open the box, either find the key or find someone.

"So, I'll buy this box, and you can share the money." Zhan Mingyu coughed lightly, but he couldn't stop the smile in the corner of his eyes.

"You wish, I want to buy this box."

"Add me one."

Zhan Mingyu's mouth twitched, if I don't say it, you won't say it, and if I say it, you will all buy it.

Wen Ruyu stroked his chin.

Although most of the diamond boxes are good things, there are also some bad ones.

Under normal circumstances, the value of the items inside is generally between 5 million and 100 million.

It can be said that 80% of the items inside are around 15 million.

So the official price of the diamond box is 10 million each, and the buyer generally does not lose money.

In fact, it is not impossible to sell it directly to them.

"Listen to me."

Zhao Qian interrupted the three people: "First of all, let's talk about the spoils of these four source beasts. All of them belong to Wen Ruyu. Is there any objection to this?"

Several people nodded. There was indeed no objection to this. Anyway, only Wen Ruyu and Jiang Li took action.

Except for Zhan Mingyu who did not take action, the other three women only played a supporting role.

"As for the box in front of me, I think 80% of the funds from the sale will belong to Wen Ruyu, and the remaining 20% ​​will be divided equally among others except the buyer."

There is no problem with this.

Zhao Qian looked at Wen Ruyu: "Let's auction it on the spot. It is actually quite difficult to find a thief who can open the diamond box 100% of the time."

Who said it was difficult? There is one standing in front of you.

But he couldn't open it yet. After all, it was a diamond box. It would be too strange if he opened it.

"I think it's good."

Wen Ruyu nodded.

It's just a box of diamonds. When he goes to the treasure house in the future, won't he be able to get as many as he wants?

Seeing that Wen Ruyu had no objection, Zhao Qian began to preside over the auction.

"The purchase price in the official trading market is 10 million, and the selling price is 15 million. But we don't follow this price, but start at the normal private transaction price of 18 million. Do you have any objection?"

Zhan Mingyu and others shook their heads. This is common sense.

Wen Ruyu on the side looked at them in shock. Isn't it 10 million? How come it's 15 million?

And what's the situation with this private transaction?

Why is it so much more expensive than the gold box?

But he didn't say anything. Let's talk about it after everything is finalized.

It's just that

I didn't expect that the price difference would be so big.

"18 million!" Zhan Mingyu raised his hand quickly.

"20 million!"

"23 million!"

"You are wrong, the price is too high!" Zhan Mingyu said quickly, is there such a price increase?

Wang Mengxing put his hands on his waist: "You have money to spend, you don't care about me. Besides, the highest transaction price of the auction house is 33 million."

Wen Ruyu swallowed his saliva when he heard this.

If this is sold for 23 million, wouldn't he get another 18 million? ?

A box makes a millionaire?


No wonder it is said that professionals are rich and poor, the price of this thing is always in the tens of millions, one poor and the other rich.

In the end, the box was bought by Zhan Mingyu, a full 35 million.

"Brother Yu! Whatever you say today, you have to treat me to a meal!!" Zhan Mingyu looked heartbroken, a full 2 ​​million more than the auction price.

Is it a loss? No!

After all, there may not be many diamond boxes in a year, so buying one is a profit.

"No problem, I'll treat you to barbecue tonight."

Zhan Mingyu's mouth twitched: "Brother, more than 20 million, treat you to barbecue?"

Wen Ruyu smiled and waved his hand: "Just kidding, a five-star hotel tonight."

He changed the subject: "I remember this diamond box was sold for 10 million, wasn't it?"

"It is indeed sold for 10 million, but that is the price that professionals sell to the trading center. Ordinary professionals can't buy diamond boxes in the trading center. Diamond boxes are only sold in the auction house, about 2-5 a year." Zhan Mingyu shrugged.

It's not that ordinary professionals don't deserve it, but you can't afford it at all.

Even if you can afford it, you won't be allowed in.

This kind of thing is controlled by major families.

Wen Ruyu nodded, then this trading center is really a scam.

It seems that before selling things in the future, I still have to ask them.

After returning home in the evening, Wen Ruyu set up a table in the five-star hotel they often visited.

"Tsk tsk, it's different when you have money. Since you are rich, shouldn't you return the car to me?"

Wen Ruyu would put the car away every time after using it.

In his words, he might need to use it sometime.

Wen Ruyu coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment: "No problem, I will return it to you today. But you have to help me get a car like yours."

"No problem, as long as 15 million, I will get you an identical one."

"Isn't it 12 million?"

"Then I have to pay some errand fees?" Zhan Mingyu said righteously.

What the hell is the errand fee!

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