The city is full of professionals.

"I'm afraid all the professionals in the city are here."

At this time, they were about three kilometers away from the gate of the secret realm in front of them, and the car could not get through.

Not to mention the car, even the people could not get through.

"Of course there are more. The professionals can't get out of the isolation zone. It's hard to come to a special secret realm, so of course they all come."

Wen Ruyu stood on the roof of the car, looking at the purple light column in the distance.

The purple light column is not big, with a diameter of about three meters.

The building on the left is very unlucky. Part of it is covered by the purple light column. It is estimated that part of it will be destroyed when the secret realm comes.

But people are used to it.

When the secret realm comes, it feels lucky that no building is destroyed.

More and more people came from afar.


A secret door appeared out of thin air.

Wen Ruyu raised his eyebrows. This appearance was different from ordinary doors.

The light column disappeared, and the secret door opened.

People rushed in frantically.

20 minutes later, Wen Ruyu and his group also walked in.

A flash of light appeared, and a watch appeared on Wen Ruyu's right hand. An interface popped up, with names densely packed on it.

He was still wondering how this thing judged the team. It turned out that he had to choose people by himself.

Soon a team invitation popped up.

He clicked to confirm, and then came to a white space.

Swish! Swish!

One after another, figures appeared, and they were Zhan Mingyu and his group.

"Okay, let's get started."

As Zhao Qian finished speaking, a text popped up on the watch on Wen Ruyu's right hand again.

"Speed ​​Race Secret Realm, ranking is based on the speed of clearance.

This secret realm has 12 levels, and the level of creatures on each level increases gradually. The sixth level is one level higher than the highest level of the team, the seventh level is level 3, the eighth level is level 5 and has elite creatures, the ninth level is level 10, the tenth level is level 10 and has a bronze boss, and the eleventh level is level 10 gold boss.

Please be prepared, all professionals, and you can start at any time."

Looking at the message on the watch, Zhan Mingyu was speechless: "Is this really a speed race secret realm? Who can beat a gold boss that exceeds level 10..."

No, they have Wen Ruyu here!

This wave, the advantage is mine.

"Brother Yu, this time it depends on you, this time it's a speed race. The faster you kill, the higher the ranking and the more rewards you will get. Maybe we don't have to hunt source beasts, and we can be promoted to the third-level intermediate or even advanced level."

He didn't dare to think about the first place, but he could definitely get into the top 100.

Wen Ruyu stretched his muscles and said, "Leave it to me. It's time to let you know what real strength is. But don't tell anyone about what happened today. You know I have no parents and no worries."

Don't mind, Dad. I'm just saying.

The few people looked at each other. Could it be that Wen Ruyu still hid his strength? That shouldn't be the case, right?

"Don't worry. Even if you deal 10,000 points of damage today, I won't tell anyone."

"We are a small team. We will definitely not tell anyone. Don't you know what kind of people we are?"

Wen Ruyu nodded. These people are really good.

Otherwise, he would have left long ago.

Wen Ruyu took a deep breath and took out a dagger: "Then let's go."


With a flash of light, everyone came to an empty room.

The walls around were all those very old blue bricks and stones.

Wen Ruyu looked around. This should be the so-called first floor.

It's just a source beast?

Ka La La La ~

The sound of a winch driving a chain sounded.


Just in front of them, a stone gate slowly rose up to reveal the passage behind.

"Damn, is this what it is like inside? It looks quite advanced."

As a professional who was also participating in a special secret realm for the first time, Zhan Mingyu was curious.

It's not that the secret realm has never descended before. Generally speaking, it is possible to see it two or three times a year.

But it's good to see it descending in a city every two or three years.

Zeng Jiang just looked at the light column from a distance. It was really the first time to come in.

I had heard his brother talk about the secret realm before, and the situation in the secret realm was different every time.

But hearing and seeing are two different things.


The stone gate reached the top, and pairs of green eyes appeared.

"It's a wind wolf."

Level 32, which can be said to be very low.

10 seconds later, 20 wind wolves stood in front of them.

"Just... that's it?"

I wanted to show off my skills

Wen Ruyu, who was holding his hand, lost interest instantly. Was he really going to use all his strength for this?


"We don't know about this either. After all, it's the first time."

"Even if it's a racing mode, it's different every time. No one knows what the rules are for the next racing mode."

Zhao Qian looked helpless. She vaguely remembered that her second brother said that the most bizarre racing mode he had encountered was running.

Just running, just comparing speed.

That time was a competition for agility professions. The top 100 were assassins and thieves.

That's right, even thieves surpassed them.

And it was under a "fair" situation, but this kind of fairness was not fair to other professions at all.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just do it. It's not difficult at all."

Wen Ruyu took a casual step and came to the source beast, and casually cut the neck of the wind wolf with a knife.

-1811! Weak point attack.


The few people who were about to take action were stunned. What did they see?

"That...didn't Wen Ruyu use any skills just now? It was just a simple dagger cut, right?" Zhan Mingyu asked uncertainly?

Lin Ran nodded stiffly: "It seems so. How high is his basic attribute?"

"No wonder he said that. If others knew about this..."

This is absolutely a heaven-defying existence.

If some families knew about this, they would not attack Wen Ruyu, but the possibility of borrowing his seed is still very high.

What if he inherited it?

This kind of thing has happened before.

I remember that a SSS-level professional a hundred years ago had his seed borrowed.

It is said that the man did not stop for two whole years. Later... the country protected him and he recovered after five years of recuperation.

Later, this man never got married until he died. It is said that his legs went weak when he saw a woman.

However, he has quite a lot of descendants, including some SS-level and S-level professionals, and there are also SSS-level ones, but it is unknown who they are.

Since then, the official has banned this kind of situation.

But there are countermeasures for every policy, so it's okay to be careless when going out to play.

Zhao Qian looked serious: "Everyone keep your mouth shut. If I find out who dares to tell others, don't blame me for turning hostile."

"Don't worry, Sister Qian, don't you know what we are like?"

[Trigger the Magic Hands, Agility +9]

[Trigger the Magic Hands. Get Fresh Liver +1]

Wen Ruyu raised an eyebrow. Since the Magic Hands advanced to Lv4, it has been rare to see this. I really miss it.

One minute later.

"Aren't you going to do it?"

Wen Ruyu asked while standing in the pile of corpses.

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