Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 1001: She's digging again

Chapter 1001 She is digging holes again

"In the morning." Cheng Jing said, "I'm fine at home anyway, so I'll come over to accompany my mother."

"You are really not afraid of hard work." Gu Xiang said.

Mother Jiang said, "Quietly, unlike you, there are only outsiders in your eyes, so why would you treat me as a mother."

Gu Xiang glanced at the sulking mother Jiang and said, "I'm worried that my sister-in-law is pregnant now, it will be very hard."

Hearing the word pregnancy, Jiang's mother looked at Cheng Jing, "Quietly, are you pregnant?"

Cheng Jing nodded, "I have always wanted to say that you were not in good health for the past two days, so I didn't tell you. Gu Xiang was also pregnant, it was all right. When I was pregnant with Junjun, I also ran outside every day. "

"Sit down for a while." Gu Xiang said, "Let my elder brother come and pick you up to rest later. At the hospital, I'll accompany you."

"Is it okay?" Cheng Jing looked at Gu Xiang, remembering that Jiang's mother was still angry.

Gu Xiang raised the corner of his mouth and said to Mama Jiang, "Mom, are you still angry with me?"

Gu Xiang said this in a very sincere manner.

It seemed to be serious regret.

Mother Jiang glanced at her, "How dare I be angry with you. Jiang Chi is still here to protect you."

"What happened yesterday, I really ran into you a little bit. But Bai Wei is my friend after all, and you don't want it. I am a ruthless person. I don't even care when my friend needs help, right?"

Mother Jiang pursed her lips and said nothing.

Gu Xiang said: "In fact, we don't need to be angry about Bai Wei. She won't be with the second brother in the future. Don't worry about that. I just ate with Bai Wei. She went on a blind date and met someone. The blind date is a very nice person. I think they are going to be together. I'm afraid you have been worried about the second brother's affairs, so come over and tell you."

Mother Jiang was taken aback when she heard Gu Xiang's words, "She really went on a blind date?"

"Yes." Gu Xiang said, "In fact, Bai Wei is not such a shameless person, and she hasn't pictured the Jiang family. You can rest assured. You didn't like her before, because she has been away for two years. Didn't you show up in front of you? Now that she is back, you don't want her to be with your second brother, so she obediently finds someone to marry."

Mother Jiang remembered what Bai Wei had said before, she wanted someone to marry, and brought Xiao Bai over.

It is estimated that Bai Wei came to anger her on purpose.

Mother Jiang looked at Gu Xiang and said vigilantly: "You said that you came to see me, and you came to show off with me on purpose, right?"

"Don't you want Bai Wei to be with your second brother? They are no longer together, shouldn't you be happy? I will go back and persuade the second brother to come back to see you. How can you say that he is also your son and should be honored Your."

Mother Jiang's expression improved when she heard Gu Xiang said she was going to persuade Jiang Feng.

Forget it, Gu Xiang had a very aggressive temper.

What happened yesterday, I don't care about Gu Xiang.

Cheng Jing was relieved as she watched Mama Jiang being coaxed into submission by Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang is very good at getting along with Jiang's mother now.

Even if it was a quarrel, she would take the initiative to apologize.

But, it's really insincere, only she knows it.

Gu Xiang sat down and said to Mama Jiang, "I just heard that you want to invite Emperor Ming to come to eat at home?"

Mother Jiang said, "Yeah."

"I'll make an appointment for you." Gu Xiang said, "I have a friend who knows him well. Mom should be discharged tomorrow, right?"

"You are not angry with me, you should be able to leave the hospital tomorrow."

Then I'll call to make an appointment later to see when he has time. "Gu Xiang smiled.

Jiang Chi sat aside, listening to his wife's words, and found that she was digging again!

(End of this chapter)

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