Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 114: Do you feel better?

Is Chapter 114 better?

This little thing was only two months old, and it was a little bit as big as a slap, for fear that he might hurt it if he tried hard.

Jiang Chi said, "Try it, don't be afraid, it's very good and gentle."

Gu Xiang raised his head, glanced at Jiang Chi's eyes, and reached out to pick up the cat.

The cat’s hair was very soft, and Gu Xiang suddenly remembered that he used to raise a native cat in the family. It was when his parents did not divorce, but later, because his father really didn’t like it, his mother sent the cat away.

She was young at the time and cried for this for a long time.

After a long time, looking at the same small animal, I only feel strange, and dare not touch it.

He picked it up again now, the warm feeling seemed to be back to him.

When Jiang Chi saw her holding her, his eyes softened, and he asked, "Do you like it?"

"It's so cute." She actually wanted to keep a cat.

But because she lives in the Meng's family, Meng Yan doesn't like it. She is allergic to such furry little animals. The Meng family never raises little animals. She is naturally impossible to raise.

Jiang Chi said: "If you like it, let's take her back. She can be with you in the future."

Cats are the most healing little animals in this world.

Moreover, animals can accompany people, and they will not make you defensive like humans.

He knew that Gu Xiang would not be able to put it down for a while, and felt that she would be very happy to bring her a cat back.

Gu Xiang said: "It will shed hair."

"Do you dislike it?" Jiang Chi raised his eyebrows.

Although she has a bad personality, he doesn't know why, but he feels that she doesn't seem to be someone who will dislike her.

Gu Xiang said, "I'm afraid you don't like it."

"I'm fine." Jiang Chi said: "I always wanted to raise it, but I was too busy at work, so I didn't raise it. Now it's fine, you are here, we can raise it."

The word "we" made Gu Xiang's heart startled.

Jiang Chi looked at her, "What do you think?"

Gu Xiang didn't speak.

Jiang Chi said, "You can get along with it for a while and decide whether to take it away later."

He did not persecute her either.

After the uncle finished picking the vegetables, they went to the orchard again, and Gu Xiang followed.

She found that the country was really quiet and comfortable.

Picking a few oranges, I felt full of accomplishment, as if I didn't feel that annoying in my heart.

She squatted and peeled an orange, her eyes fell on Jiang Chi, and she saw him standing beside an orange tree full of fruits answering the phone.

There is still some sunshine in the autumn morning.

The sun shines on her, this is the first time she has noticed that he looks so pleasing to the eye.


Jiang Chi hung up, walked over, and said to Gu Xiang:

"Do you feel better?"


He looked at her and said, "Isn't it in a bad mood? I like to come here every time I'm annoyed, and I'm particularly decompressing."

"..." Gu Xiang said, "You didn't make a special trip to bring me out today, did you?"

"Otherwise?" Jiang Chi said, "There is a lot of work in the hospital."

"..." Gu Xiang stood up, looked at him, and asked a little puzzledly, "Why?"

"what why?"

"Don't you value work the most?" Gu Xiang said, "Why do you spend time on me."

He can totally ignore her.

Originally, their marriage was an ordinary cooperative relationship.

Jiang Chi glanced at Gu Xiang, thought about it, glanced at the little cat who had been following them, and said, "It's like seeing a stray cat on the side of the road and wanting to take it home."


Gu Xiang was taken aback, Jiang Chi had already held her arm and said: "Let's go, go eat, I'm hungry."

It's time for lunch.

You can smell the scent of chicken from afar!

(On Monday, when it came time for Sisi to roll over and ask for votes, I asked weakly, will it be done if you don’t roll? Will anyone vote if you don’t roll?)

(End of this chapter)

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